1322 Cannot Bear to Part
Xia Wen had been very efficient. Not long after Qiao Mei told him about her idea of building a factory, he rented a piece of land in the suburbs. Qiao Mei originally wanted to buy the piece of land, but they were unable to find out who owned it and the details in the land title were sketchy. Thus, she decided to rent it for the time being and would buy it after they could sort things out.

Since they were serious about expanding the business, they could not afford to do things in a slipshod manner. Xia Wen was no longer a professor at the university, so it was not appropriate for Qiao Mei to ask the previous group of people to help her with the building design. Moreover, she was not doing repairs on a courtyard house this time round, but designing a completely new building. Qiao Mei also did not want to owe anyone any favors, so she must find another way.
She did not expect to discover by chance the fact that Deng Fan was versed in architectural design, so she wanted to ask him to design the factory and to also hire him as the site supervisor. Of course, she was not asking him to do it for free. She intended to pay him a fee that was higher than market rate.

This could also be considered one of Qiao Mei’s wedding gifts to Xia He and Deng Fan.


“Elder Brother-in-law, what do you think?” Qiao Mei looked at Deng Fan expectantly.

Without even thinking, Deng Fan turned to look at Xia He. It was only after she nodded slightly that he agreed to Qiao Mei’s request.

While Xu Lan and Deng Fan were chatting, Qiao Mei pulled Xia He over to her side and whispered, “It’s really not bad. Brother-in-law listens to you well!”

“What nonsense are you talking about! I haven’t done anything,” Xia He said with a red face.

“But when I asked him to take on the design job just now, he asked for your opinion first. Isn’t it because you taught him well?” Qiao Mei asked curiously.

“I’ve never asked him for anything. He did all that out of his own accord. I do have to thank you though. I know you’re doing this for my sake, but you keep things professional and not be too muddle-headed. If his designs don’t meet your standard, you should not compromise, alright?” Xia He said earnestly.

“I just know that I’m still the one you love the most! Don’t worry, I know what I want. You have to believe in Deng Fan’s skills. I’ve seen his previous works and all his designs are not bad,” Qiao Mei said admiringly.

Deng Fan and Xu Lan did not dawdle on frivolous topics and went straight to the point. Deng Fan honestly declared his monthly income, his future plans, as well as details of his properties and other assets.

Xu Lan had never imagined that Deng Fan was actually quite well-to-done. He had a house in the forest area on the outskirts of the capital. The feng shui there was excellent, it had a big courtyard and the entire house was built using mortise and tenon techniques. Once he had earned enough money, he intended to move there with Xia He and live a carefree life.

He also owned a small house in the capital. There were only three rooms, but it was quite a decently sized house. Deng Rui had bought the place for Deng Fan to use as his future matrimonial home.

Deng Fan promised Xu Lan that the betrothal gifts from him would not be any less than what Xia Zhe had given Qiao Mei back then. He wanted to give Xia He the best of everything and also give her a grand wedding. He did not feel that he was compromising his standards by taking Xia He as his wife. In fact, he felt that he was marrying someone who was out of his league.

“It’s good as long as you know what you want. Let’s find a time when your parents are free and we can all meet up and then set the wedding date. Our family supports Xia He in whatever she wants to do. As long as the two of you are sure of what you are, then there’s no problem,” Xu Lan said.

After dinner, everyone went back to their respective homes. Xia He had been staying at Deng Fan’s three-room house recently. The two of them slept in separate rooms of course. Deng Fan intended to renovate the house and wanted the design to suit Xia He’s liking, so she had been helping him out.

“Now that Elder Sister is with Deng Fan, I actually can’t bear to part with her,” Qiao Mei said sadly.

“Silly girl, why can’t you bear to part with her? I think Elder Sister is doing very well now, even better than when she first met Kong Lu. I hope Deng Fan will treat her well,” Xia Zhe said.

“I just can’t bear to part with her. It’s probably the same way that a parent will feel. Not so long ago, Elder Sister was by my side every day, and now she has already found her own happiness. I have to hurry up and finish embroidering her wedding dress! Otherwise, it won’t be ready in time for her wedding!” Qiao Mei said anxiously.

“If you can’t meet the deadline, you can just hire a seamstress. Or you can ask Deng Fan to push back the wedding. Don’t make yourself all tired out again,” Xia Zhe said with heartache.


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