1300 I Am Getting Married
In Qiao Mei’s heart, she would like to celebrate the lunar new year in the courtyard house. However, she was the Xia family’s daughter-in-law after all. Xu Lan had already made an exception for her during the new year celebrations. If the family made another exception for her during the lunar new year, people would gossip and it would not be good for the Xia family’s reputation. She could not selfishly cause trouble for the Xia family.

Furthermore, even if she received the go-ahead to hold the lunar new year celebrations at the courtyard house, Qiao Qiang also would not agree to it.

“Let’s go back to Mother’s place for the lunar new year. Grandfather has my four younger siblings and my mother to accompany him here. Besides, it’s so nearby. We can come back the next day, right?” Qiao Mei said.


“Alright, let’s do it your way,” Xia Zhe said.

Going by tradition, Qiao Mei and Xia Zhe should return to Xu Lan’s place seven days before the lunar new year. However, since Qiao Mei still had to take care of business matters, she asked Feng Hua to bring Xia Fan and Xia Xing back first.

She had completely become a hands-off mother now. She only visited the children occasionally to play with them as well as to coax them to sleep at night. Feng Hua was the one taking care of them most of the time.

She was not affected by postpartum depression at all, not even the slightest bit. This was also something that made Qiao Mei very happy. She had previously discussed this matter with Xia Zhe when they were corresponding via letters.

She had thought that Xia Zhe would not remember what she told him, so she was surprised when he did everything she had said before. Xia Zhe was basically the one who took care of all the tasks related to the children, like changing the diapers and coaxing the children. The two Xia brothers had taken full responsibility for all these chores.

The first thing Qiao Mei did when she returned to Xu Lan’s place was to look for Xia He to have a chat. She had not seen Xia He for a long time and did not know what Xia He had been busy with recently.

“Elder Sister, you haven’t stayed over at my place for a long time. Have you abandoned me?” Qiao Mei said unhappily as she pouted.
“You’ve already given birth, so of course I have to move out. Otherwise, Auntie Zhou will definitely make an issue out of it when she finds out! It was so difficult to get rid of her. Don’t tell me you want to provoke her again?” Xia He said.

“I can let whoever I want live in my house! Why is it her business! Elder Sister, don’t worry about her! If there’s really no other way, why don’t you go to the other backyard and be neighbors with Qian’e?” Qiao Mei asked.

“Don’t you know that the two of us can’t stand each other?” Xia He said helplessly.

“But you say that you don’t despise her anymore? Don’t tell me you’re going back on your word! Have you changed your mind?” Qiao Mei looked at Xia He curiously.

Xia He did not loathe Qian’e that much anymore, but she still found Qian’e to be an eyesore. The two of them just did not get along well and would quarrel whenever they met.

“I’ll stay at Mother’s place for now. Besides… I might get married soon. When that time comes, I’ll be living with my husband’s family,” Xia He said with a sweet smile.

Getting married! When did this happen! Xia He and Deng Fan were actually at the stage of discussing marriage! What exactly happened in the past few days for them to make such rapid progress!

Qiao Mei widened her eyes and looked at Xia He in disbelief. The couple had only been dating for less than a month. It seemed too hasty to discuss marriage so soon.

However, Qiao Mei was in no position to criticize Xia He. After all, she got married after knowing Xia Zhe for one day…

“Have you really thought it through?” Qiao Mei asked.

This time, it was Xia He’s turn to be a little surprised. Even Xia Fang felt that it was improper and asked her to test out Deng Fan again. However, Qiao Mei did not seem to be so opposed or surprised. Instead, she seemed supportive of them getting married soon.

“Yes, I’ve thought about it. We’ve known each other for more than 20 years and he has been my mother’s disciple for the longest time. His parents have brought him up well and Mother likes him very much. Actually, she has long wanted me to be with Deng Fan, but I’m the one who can’t get past myself,” Xia He said.

“Do you intend to get married very soon? I haven’t finished the embroidery on your wedding dress yet!” Qiao Mei asked worriedly.

Back when Xia He told Qiao Mei that she would never get married in this lifetime, Qiao Mei had already started making the wedding dress for Xia He. She sewed every stitch by hand and each button was made of jade. The entire dress could be said to be priceless and she had not even shown it to Xia He before.

Xia He had always thought that this was just a joke between the two of them, but it turned out that Qiao Mei was very serious about it.

“Really? Then I’ll get married on the day you finish the embroidery!” Xia He said happily.


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