1271 Have a New Plan
“No wonder I’ve never seen these things before! So that’s how it’s done!” Qiao Mei said in realization.

Some days, Qiao Mei would see a few pig trotters for sale at the supply and marketing cooperative, but there were usually not many left, probably only one or two. It appeared that there were still a lot of things for her to learn!

“We can get someone to go and obtain it for you. The main thing is to see how you want to price your buns. Otherwise, we’ll always be doing business at a loss,” Xia Zhe said.


“Sigh… If only we are back in the village. In the city, we have to get up early to grab the things we want. If I’m in the village, I can ask Uncle Wang Wu for help and he will definitely put everything aside for me,” Qiao Mei muttered aggrievedly.

Xia Zhe was lost for words for a moment. He wanted to bring Qiao Mei to the capital so that she could have a better life and live in a big house. However, this intention of his had caused Qiao Mei so much inconvenience that she was thinking about returning to the countryside. How could he allow that!

He must nip this idea in the bud! He would not let Qiao Mei return to where she came from.

This entire business idea was still a little risky and they should not rush it. They must think carefully about their plans for the future and should not do things in a moment of hotheadedness.

Qiao Mei actually still had many options to choose from. She could leave the popcorn business entirely to Zhao Fei. He had been taking care of business for the entire winter and knew very well where he could sell the most popcorn and where he would have the most sales.

It was almost spring soon and the seeds in the village were probably about ready for harvest. When the time came, she could take a portion of the stock meant for Director He and sell them in the capital herself.

“Oh right! You say that your comrades are all from different villages!” Qiao Mei widened her eyes and looked at Xia Zhe.

“Yes. They’re all living in the villages now and just farming at home,” Xia Zhe said.

Since these people all had their own land, Qiao Mei could sign an agreement with them to grow seeds! When the time came, she could then hire a few big trucks to go to the various villages to collect the seeds and bring them all to the capital to sell. That sounded like a win-win option!

However, if they collected seeds on such a large scale, production and packaging could not be done in their small courtyard anymore. The trucks would not be able to come into the alley anyway. It looked like Qiao Mei would need to go to the suburbs to buy a new house that was as big as the one He Ning had.

“Let’s get Eldest Brother to help us buy another house!” Qiao Mei said happily.

“Have you forgotten what Eldest Brother said to you?” Xia Zhe said as he looked at Qiao Mei helplessly.

Not long ago, Xia Wen had instructed Qiao Mei not to even think about buying any more properties for the time being. It had only been a few days and Qiao Mei was about to break her promise. Furthermore, she still wanted to go and raise this issue with Xia Wen herself. Did she intend to anger Xia Wen to death?

“It’s different! It’s for business purposes! I want to buy a house in the suburbs! I want to buy big trucks too! I also need business partners!” Qiao Mei yelled out in good spirits.

Before Xia Zhe could react, Qiao Mei immediately got out of bed and went to the table to write down the plan she had in mind. She had too many things to do. If she took one more day to think about it, that meant she would delay her money-making venture by one more day. Every second counted!

It was not until after midnight that Qiao Mei was ready to go to bed. She planned to use this set of documents to impress Xia Wen tomorrow and convince him to help her look for a house. Such a meticulous plan would definitely satisfy Xia Wen!

Xia Zhe lay in bed and looked at Qiao Mei rushing around energetically. He felt that Qiao Mei was quite adorable at the moment. Back then, Qiao Mei’s determination and perseverance was what made him fall for her. However, he would prefer it if Qiao Mei could rely on him more and not be so capable.
Qiao Mei only slept for four to five hours before getting up to prepare to meet with Xia Wen. She also dragged Xia Zhe up at the same time. Qiao Mei was scared that Xia Wen would get agitated and scold her, so she wanted to bring Xia Zhe along to brave the scolding together. With Xia Zhe around, Xia Wen definitely would not reprimand her. It was more likely that he would say that Xia Zhe was the problem.

“Let’s go! Eldest Brother will have already left his accommodation by this time! Hurry up and come with me!” Qiao Mei pouted and said angrily.

“Coming, coming. What a little money-grubber!” Xia Zhe followed Qiao Mei resignedly and the two of them drove to Xia Wen’s workplace.

Just like that, Qiao Mei and Xia Zhe stood at attention outside Xia Wen’s office. There was still more than half an hour before Xia Wen was supposed to start work!

“Let’s go straight to Eldest Brother’s dormitory room to look for him. If we wait here, there’s still a long time to go,” Xia Zhe said as he looked at Qiao Mei with heartache.


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