1248 I Only Want A City Girl
“Mom! You don’t even know what kind of life I have out there! I’ve lost weight during this period of time! I don’t even get to eat any meat. Do you know how pitiful I am!” Ma San hugged Chu Ju and wailed.

“Look at the table full of dishes I made for you. These are all your favorites! If there’s something else you want to eat, Mom will buy it for you! You won’t be treated badly now that you’re home!” Chu Ju said with heartache.

Ma Meng stood at the side and watched the two of them act out a scene of great love between mother and son. They looked like they had just gone through a life-and-death separation. Those who did not know better would think that this family was very closely knitted.


She was the one who made all the dishes on the table! Chu Ju did not do anything at all, but she did buy the ingredients so it was not wrong to say that she had contributed.

At the dining table, Chu Ju and Ma San chatted happily. They did not care whether Ma Meng had eaten anything or not. In fact, Ma Meng could not even pick up any food. As soon as Ma Meng stretched her hand out to pick up some food, Chu Ju would take the dish and offer it to Ma San.

“Come, my son. These dishes are all for you. Eat more! Eat as much as you want,” Chu Ju said with a smile.

After this happened a few times, Ma Meng realized that Chu Ju had no intention of allowing her to eat. She moodily picked at the rice in her bowl and drank some cold water to soothe her throat when she choked from the dryness.

“Son, now that you’re back, you can take a look at the girls from good families I’ve picked for you. I have photos here! After dinner, you can see which one you like,” Chu Ju said expectantly.
“I’m only just back home and you’re already urging me to get married. What if it turns out to be another jinx? I don’t want to get married anymore. I don’t want to suffer a second time,” Ma San said disdainfully.

He had realized that women were all troublemakers! Whether it was He Mei, Shen Na or Qian’e, they were all scourges! If not for women, he would not be living such a miserable life.

“Don’t worry! I’m only going to show you girls from the countryside this time. They’re all simple-minded and not so scheming!” Chu Ju quickly explained.

She had yet to have her eldest grandson! The other older folks of her age in the neighborhood already had three to four grandchildren. She could only secretly envy other people’s families. Since Ma San could come back this year and their family was finally reunited, she must get Ma San married this year so that they could give her a fat grandson next year!

It was time to make others feel envious of her! She would then be able to show off to those who mocked her family for being one that jinxed children. She must prove that the Ma family was able to have descendants!

The moment Ma San heard that his options were all village girls, he was immediately unhappy. Although his previous women were demanding, they were still educated girls from the city. He did not want to marry an illiterate village woman who only knew how to wash clothes and cook. What was the point of a person who did not know much!

In the past, when Qian’e was free, she would even perform tunes for him! Shen Na also knew how to play the violin and would also occasionally perform for him when she was in the mood. How would girls from the countryside know how to do this! He would rather die than marry a girl from the countryside.

“I don’t want that! I only want a city girl!” Ma San said stubbornly.

“Son, be obedient. What’s so bad about a girl from the countryside? She’s not educated and doesn’t know anything. All she knows is how to wait on her husband and won’t be like those women who cause trouble for our family. She will also be able to give birth to many children. What else are you dissatisfied with!” Chu Ju asked.

No city girl would dare to marry Ma San. The news of that incident back then had spread throughout the entire capital. If any nice girl was still willing to marry into the Ma family, she must be crazy.

“It’s useless no matter what you say! I only want a city girl. I won’t look at anyone else!” Ma San returned to his room without even finishing his meal, completely ignoring Chu Ju’s feelings.

Chu Ju could only sulk angrily. When she could not find a way to vent her frustration, she looked at Ma Meng and shouted, “Eat, eat, eat! All you know is to eat! Other than eating, what else can you do! If not for the fact that you’re a good-for-nothing, would your brother turn out like this! I should have married you off to any man of a high status, even an old man. Then at least you’ll still be of some use.”

Ma Meng raised her head to look at Chu Ju. She was already used to such situations and was even a little numb to them. When she was young, she had always wondered why Chu Ju did not love her and only liked Ma San, that ignorant and incompetent son, even though she was clearly more outstanding and capable. After a while, when she could not find an answer, she gave up trying to find it.


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