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Yun Xuzhou stood above the city wall, his back straight, his cloak flapping in the cold wind.

Sang was standing far away beside her, her breathing unconsciously became a little short.

She is used to standing behind You Wuming, a big backer with a full sense of security, and now that he is not there, she only feels that the side and rear are empty, and the cold wind keeps blowing.

The body of Lingyao Realm is no longer afraid of cold and heat, but she still feels the slightest chill.

Someone once said that if there is no fear in your heart, that is not true bravery. True bravery is when you feel fear clearly, your whole body trembles, your hands and feet are soft, but you still force yourself to straighten your spine and swing your fists.

She turned her eyes and glanced at Yun Xuzhou.

I saw that the corners of the queen's lips were slightly taut, her cheeks were covered with tiny chicken skin, her fingertips were trembling slightly, but her gaze never wavered for a moment.

I'm here to accompany you. Sang Yuan felt his voice was a little stiff.

When such an army invaded, those flowers of hers would not be able to stop them at all, they would only fall into mud under the crushing of iron hooves. If You Wuming had no backup and didn't come to save people, she could only fight here with Yun Xuzhou to the end—or escape now, there is still time.

Sang Yuanyuan: ... Can I apply to retract the sentence I just said?

The blood-red army quickly approached.

A mid-spirited voice crossed the ice field, echoing up and down the city wall——

Regent Yun Xuzhou, we are here to punish you, a traitor, under the emperor's order!

Beiyingwei is here, if you don't obediently let him go!

The iron hooves rumbled, and the tips of the crossbows in the hands of the city wall soldiers trembled slightly.

Seeing that this blood-red army is about to enter the range!

The formation began to change, and the vanguard army of fifty cavalry riding in parallel picked up the giant spirit iron shield and took the lead in rushing towards the city gate.

The archers in the back row quickly settled down, and the powerful feathered arrows whistled sharply, smashing towards the city wall like locusts!

The opponent's crossbow and shooter are more than one grade better than Yunzhou's.

The crossbowmen in Yunzhou City are only capable of shooting the vanguard of the Beiying Guards at the moment.

However, the flying crossbows in the opponent's back row flew up the city wall like locusts, and immediately shot hundreds of soldiers to death between the battlements.

The charge speed of the shield-wielding vanguard was not much slower than that of flying arrows. The first wave of arrows rained down on the city wall, and before it could be reset, there was a loud bang from under the damaged city gate—it was the one carrying it. The giant spirit iron shield with the power of the charge hit the crude city gate that was temporarily sealed.

The gate of the city fell in response, and the shield riders rushed under the gate, colliding with the shield array set up under the gate in Yunzhou.

A group of people turned their backs on their backs.

Sang Yuanyuan and Yun Xuzhou were on the city wall and couldn't see the scene below the city gate, but he could imagine countless twisted and damaged shields when he heard the sound.

There were shouts of killing.

After a collision, the Beiyingwei masters on the beast riders jumped up one after another, fell into the Yunzhou shield formation and started killing.

Very strong. Yun Xuzhou secretly clenched his fists.

How long can it last? Sang Yuan asked.

Captain Yun Xu Zhou took a deep breath: At most half an hour, the city gate will be lost! It shouldn't be so fast!

She was able to guard against Lao Yundi's people attacking her, but she really didn't expect these people to blow up the city gate without even caring about their family and country.

As long as Tiandu Beiyingwei rushed into the city gate, Yunzhou's defensive advantage would be gone!

There are only 20,000 to 30,000 defenders stationed in the royal city, and they are not the most elite soldiers—except for Tiandu, no one will leave the most elite troops in the royal city for retirement. for.

The elite at the head of the cloud is currently still in the Great Wall in the east and south to pacify the demons, and there is no time to return to Yunzhou for rescue.

When will the reinforcements arrive? Sang Yuan asked.

Yun Xuzhou said: 70,000 people have been transferred from the north and south cities, and they are rushing to arrive. It will take three hours. The 30,000 people in the east city can arrive within half an hour.

She squinted her eyes: But these are not my elite Yun family, they are just using human heads to delay time. It will take two days for Master Yun Zi to return. Sang Guo, you don't need to accompany me here, go to the ancestral temple quickly , took the secret that made them so afraid, and left through the east gate with You Wuming——I will do my best to escort you out of the city.

There are soldiers falling around me all the time.

Abandon the city walls and prepare for street fighting! Yun Xuzhou ordered coldly.

The difference between the crossbows and arrows of the two sides is too great. The archers suffered heavy casualties. The death ratio of the two sides was nearly 20 to 1. It would be too exhausting to defend here.

Sang Yuanyuan, you go.

Sang Yuanyuan nodded: Regent, take care!

It's useless for her to stay here.

Under the city gate, the heavy cavalry continued to charge, people stepped on people, and beasts stepped on beasts. Since the first person broke through the defense line and rushed into Yundu, cavalrymen broke into the city one after another, although they were quickly hacked by knives. Death, but the line in the Yunzhou army's heart has already been breached.

Soon, the shield array under the city gate completely collapsed, and one team after another cavalry rushed into the city, hacking and killing wantonly.

Sang Yuanyuan, who had just stepped off the city wall, quickly turned around and turned back.

...It's a bit difficult to go down there.

A team of northern battalion guards chased her up the

the city wall.

Ni Wang Yun Xu Zhou is here! A soldier shouted excitedly.

Sang Yuan flung him down the city wall.

She was a little worried.

'Lack of a normal attack skill...'

It has been missing all the time, and there is no sign of an epiphany at all.

Worry about people.

She threw flowers to block the entrance of the passage, then turned to Yun Xuzhou and said, Go down the wall from another place!

Surrounded by Yunzhou's personal guards, the two hurriedly withdrew to the south.

The scarlet Beiying Guards had poured into the city like a tide, killing the Yunzhou Army without any power to fight back.

Yun Xuzhou was endlessly aggrieved: How dare they stand upright and fight my elite cloud master on the ice field!

Unfortunately, the enemy had no intention of trying to do justice to her.

In an instant, the blood was stained with frost and snow.

The civilians had already been evacuated, and the Beiyingwei cavalry did not intend to fight the streets of Yunzhou. Wherever they passed, the ice houses were flattened by them with shield formations. The dense ground spread out, and the ice fog rose several feet high.

Yun Xuzhou's nails dug deeply into his palm.

At this moment, there is no fear in my heart, only anger.

Seeing this wave of iron rapidly approaching the palace, Yun Xuzhou could only watch helplessly, his eyes were red with anger, and he gritted his teeth and said, My army is eliminating demons, my army is eliminating demons...

Sang Yuan also felt endless sadness in his heart: Prince Regent, do you hate me?

Why do I hate you?

If You Wuming and I hadn't tricked you into entering the ancestral temple and discovered those secrets, you wouldn't be here today...

Yun Xuzhou raised his palm and interrupted her.

They are the ones who made mistakes. Why do we have to find the reason on ourselves? We lost today, and we can only sigh the injustice of heaven! How can I have a reason to blame you?

Heaven is unfair.

It is up to people to set things right.

But today, who else can solve the crisis in Yundu?

You have no life?

Sang Yuan shook his head lightly. You Wuming can't do one against ten thousand.

The only way to survive is to survive for three hours.

It lasted until the three support troops from the south, north, and east of Yunzhou arrived, and until Huangfu's army approached Tiandu, the Beiyingwei had to return to help...

But according to the current situation, not to mention three hours, in just half an hour, Beiyingwei can tear down the entire cloud into flat ground!

Hurry up, I'm going to be made dumplings. Yun Xuzhou said bitterly.

The wave of iron cavalry has spread to the south of the city, and if it is later, it will be difficult to even get off the wall.

Yun Xuzhou pursed his lips tightly, and led Sang far into the passageway stairs.

There was a sudden pause in her movements.

Sang Yuan has sharp eyes and quick hands, and summons a giant flower with a big face in front of him.

A terrifying shock wave hit Dalianhua's face, and the spirit trembled in front of his eyes like waves.

The guards walking in front were blown to pieces, and several cavities of blood poured down on the swaying face of the big face flower.

There was a fine 'ding ding' sound.

Small white metal needles like ox hair slid down the face like rain.

Spiritual Brilliance Realm, metallicity, above the fifth heaven. Yun Xuzhou gasped.

Wang Zhengqing, the guardian of Beiying, has come here to take the head of Ni Wang.

A voice came out from under the passage, and drifted through the passage covered with broken blood, stained with a strong smell of blood.

Without hesitation, Sang Yuan took the big-faced flower with his backhand, and dropped countless piranhas along the aisle.


Withdraw to the east.

The Lingyao Realm can't fly, and when he wiped out the pile of piranhas and charged up the wall, they had already escaped through another passage.

From time to time, arrows flew up the city wall, Sang Yuanyuan and Yun Xuzhou bowed their heads to dodge, and quickly retreated to the east.

Wangcheng can still stand up for a while. Yun Xuzhou said, I hope You Wuming has solved that bastard and found the secret hidden below!

Sangyuan nodded silently.

There was a sudden stop in the footsteps.

Did you hear anything?

Yun Xuzhou frowned: Nothing. Let's go, don't go...

Sang raised his palms far away, and looked out from the battlements.

She took a deep breath and shouted, Run!

Wang Zhengqing, the metal strong man above the fifth heaven of the Lingyao Realm, has already turned his hands into metal, like a spider man, clattering and climbing up the city wall, and he is about to catch the wall!

You Wuming, if you don't come quickly, your wife will be gone! Sang Yuan couldn't help muttering.

The guards around Yun Xuzhou rushed to the rear to stop him.

This time, there is no return.

Too strong. Yun Xuzhou gritted his teeth hard.

The two held hands and continued to flee to the other side of the city wall.

Wang Zhengqing obviously stared at Yun Xuzhou to death.

He didn't love to fight, he just casually grabbed the guards blocking the way into a pool of blood, and he didn't stop walking, chasing along the city wall with a 'bang bang bang'.

Seeing the distance between the two sides getting closer, Sang Yuanyuan felt the hairs on his back stand on end.

She didn't want to be blown into blood at all.

The cannibal flowers were thrown behind her one by one, the big face flowers waved their green leaves, and the spirit vines tied to Wang Zhengqing.


The difference in strength is too great to stop the man with the small mustache. A burst of white light from golden spirits exploded, and Wang Zhengqing jumped up and down like a nimble monkey, avoiding the obstacles of the big face flower and the piranha, and his forward speed was not greatly affected.

The distance is getting closer!

Sang Yuan didn't dare to look back at all, and while running hand in hand with Yun Xuzhou, he threw flowers behind him.

Lacking powerful single-target killing skills, the most feared thing is to be singled out with the best masters.

Wang Zhengqing's laughter passed through the sea of ​​flowers: What a little girl playing with flowers, when I capture you alive, I will definitely imprison you on the couch, and let you see what a man playing with needles looks like! Slender fingers, the tip of a needle The taste of piercing in, tsk! And those two red cherry blossoms...

Sang Yuan cursed hard in his heart, and replied loudly: Ah, it turns out that the majestic Lord of the Beiying Guard is an embroidery needle! Disrespect, disrespect!

court death!

The fine needles of Jin Lingyun, as dense as a cow's hair, smashed down.

Sang Yuan hurriedly blocked it with flowers.

Sang Guo, go away! I'll stop him for a while!

Yun Xuzhou pushed her hard.

Sang looked left and right from a distance, and was ruthless: Get ready to jump over the wall! I'll throw the flowers below and continue, and I probably won't die!

There is no other way!

The two of them were about to jump out of the wall, when suddenly, a loud 'bang' sound came from the royal city in the north of Yundu.

Even Wang Zhengqing was taken aback for a moment, stopped involuntarily, and turned his head to look.

Breaking through the royal city so quickly? It was beyond his expectation.

Yunzhou, too weak. He bared his teeth in disdain.

There was another loud bang.

The icy mist filled the air. Looking at the shards of ice and mist, one knew that a city wall must be broken.

Yun Xuzhou took a deep breath: How is it possible! The walls of the royal city are all made of ice cores! How can they be broken!

Under the icy mist, a small mountain was vaguely seen, smashing out from the royal city.

It's that bastard! Yun Xuzhou was stunned.

I saw a giant tortoise with black flames all over its body, arrogantly raised its head, raised its left front foot and waved.

The tortoise's foot like a small mountain swept across, and a squad of nearly a hundred Beiying cavalry was swept straight, and the sky was covered in blood.

Pieces of Xuan Jia splashed left and right like tiny iron filings.

Beiyingwei reacted extremely quickly, and the arrow array immediately lined up among the ruins. Countless arrow feathers, like locusts, rushed straight at the 30-foot-tall black flame giant tortoise.

It did not retreat but advanced, and opened its huge mouth to face the rain of arrows. Although the roar was silent, the ferocious momentum was under the hood, making the archers below feel deep and primitive instinctive fear, like As if being grabbed by the throat by a predator, his mind went blank in an instant.

The flame tortoise stomped on its huge foot, and swung its foot again to sweep across.

A small array of arrows disappeared into the ruins in an instant.

Looking at the flame turtle again, there are hundreds of arrows scattered on his body, but it is innocuous. It tilted its head arrogantly, and a huge inorganic eye looked down coldly and indifferently.

It's... a monster!

What is this!

Quick! Hurry up and report to the Guardian!

Tiandu Beiyingwei was so frightened that his heart was broken and he was completely confused.

The black flame giant tortoise narrowed its eyes slightly, and strode towards the city wall.

Its tail was almost as long as its body, densely covered with giant barbs, and the thorns were blazing with black flames. With each swing, it could wipe out a piece of Beiyingwei.

In just a few face-to-face encounters, the god-killing Beiying Guards had already lost nearly 2,000 people!

He will really surprise people! Seeing that the flame turtle was approaching the city wall, Sang Yuanyuan grinned happily, grabbed Yun Xuzhou, and jumped heavily under the city wall.

Wang Zhengqing was belatedly aware, and threw a large golden spirit blade, stabbing it at the place where Sang Yuanyuan and Yun Xuzhou had just stood.

Those two people had jumped off the city wall.

Wang Zhengqing pounced on the battlements and looked over.

Instead, it met a huge, lazy eye.

The black pupils are surrounded by yellow-green glazed markings, alienated, indifferent and primitive.

It was slowly closing its mouth, and a piece of skirt 'swish' disappeared from the edge of the huge turtle's beak.

Wang Zhengqing: ... was eaten?!

In a dazed effort, the huge tortoise eyes narrowed slowly, and a cold light flashed in the eyes.

Wang Zhengqing felt a terrifying sense of crisis descending from the sky, he didn't dare to think about it, hugged his head, and rolled away like a lazy donkey.

Then, a turtle tail full of barbs slashed straight down, split the city wall in front of him with a 'boom', and the impact force exploded to the left and right, and the master of the fifth level of Lingyao Realm was killed by Gang The wind pulled several tens of feet away.

Stopping the body, the heart and liver are already trembling.

The giant black flame tortoise glanced at him lazily, then turned around and crawled towards the vast battlefield.

Wang Zhengqing understood its meaning strangely—I'll deal with you later.


Sang Yuanyuan used the 'kelp' to hold Yun Xuzhou, and slid it straight to the heart of the giant tortoise.

Yun Xuzhou was already completely confused.

When a creature is swallowed by a predator, it will often trigger the protection mechanism, lose the ability to think and fear, and die unconsciously like the soul leaving the body.

Yun Xuzhou is in such a state of fugue at the moment.

Sang Yuan put his hand in front of her and shook it for a long time before she regained consciousness belatedly.

She murmured: Sanguo, is this the place where people arrive after death?

He continued to mutter: Eh? It turns out that You Wuming is also dead, no wonder he didn't come to save you.

After a long silence, he sighed again: It's better to die like this than to fall into the hands of that Wang Zhengqing. What he said to you just now is really shameless.

Sang Yuanyuan looked forward following Yun Xuzhou's dull gaze, and saw You Wuming.

He closed his eyes tightly, still holding the knife pierced into the turtle's heart with one hand, and the black flame connected him with the giant ice turtle, and he looked as if he was out of his mind.

He is manipulating this huge bastard with all his strength!

She suddenly wanted to kiss his cheek.

I really want to tell him that he is really great.

What a treasure man!


The giant ice turtle with black flames all over its body came to the world like the legendary basalt tortoise. It rampaged among the ruins and was invincible.

Although Beiyingwei has extremely rich combat experience, he has not been rich enough to fight across species.

Wang Zhengqing tried his best to maintain the formation, fighting and retreating.

When rushing into the city, he thought of catching a turtle in a urn, but he didn't expect that he would be pecked by a turtle? !

Attack its neck and elbows with all its strength!

Tens of thousands of troops, after all, are not vegetarians. At the beginning, it was indeed a chaotic situation, they were killed and lost thousands of people in a short period of time, but they quickly regained their senses, quickly formed an formation during the retreat, and gradually fought steadily.

A rain of locust-like arrows pounced on the black flame giant tortoise. The arrows were dense and smashed like locusts and hail, and quickly stopped its advance.

The colorful power is not really invincible. After being refined by You Wuming, the attack is more fierce, but the defense ability is much weaker than before-You Wuming is such a style of not defending but attacking, so this The flame tortoise is very fierce, but its defense is only average.

Many feathered arrows were quickly pierced on those vulnerable parts.

There was also a thumb-thick iron chain on the arrow, and the army dragged the chain, which greatly restricted the flame turtle's ability to move, and could no longer kill it recklessly.

A long war of attrition began.

Grind it to death! Wang Zhengqing spat out a mouthful of bloody phlegm.

Just now, the blow of the turtle's tail actually shocked him a little internally.

Flame Turtle counterattacked several times and took nearly a thousand lives.

The battle with the giant tortoise turned into a long exhaustion. It blocks in front of the royal city, and if you want to bypass it and attack the royal city, you will be attacked by the barbed glacier-like turtle tail. Moreover, the rebellion in the royal city has been suppressed, and the Yunzhou army is fully prepared, waiting for their sporadic death.

The 30,000 reinforcements from the east city of Yunzhou also arrived, and successfully joined forces with the Wangcheng army.

Yun Xuzhou came back to his senses.

You Wuming controlled this bastard, and we are in its belly?

Yes. Sang Yuan showed a smile of you have finally enlightened.

Yun Xuzhou nodded bluntly, took out the jade slips, and began to issue orders one after another.

Soon, the Yunzhou army rushed out from the broken wall of the king's city, relying on the flame turtle, and officially launched a war with Beiyingwei!

Flame Turtle was no longer alone and helpless, it quickly broke free and led a group of Yunzhou troops to continuously attack the fine iron formation of Beiyingwei.

The tide of battle gradually tilted.

I don't know how long the fight lasted in the dark and dark. Suddenly, there was a constant rumble and tremor, and even Sang Yuan, who was in the belly of the flame turtle, felt it.

The reinforcements from the northern and southern cities have arrived! Yun Xuzhou had a cold smile on his face, City closure! Fight to the death with Beiyingwei!

At this moment, Wang Zhengqing, the head of the Beiying Guard, has received the news that Huangfuxiong sent 200,000 troops, marching south from Jizhou, to take Tiandu directly!


At this moment, the north and south gates opened wide, and the two torrents rushed and converged in the capital city that had been flattened by most of it. The sound of killing shook the sky, and the whole ice and snow world trembled.

Beiyingwei was completely caught in the urn.

They used the spur shield to flatten the avenue, which happened to be convenient for two groups of Yunzhou heavy cavalry to charge.

You Wuming opened his eyes.

Black flames flickered in the eyes.

Little Sanguo, I'll kill Wang Zhengqing, and I'll come back as soon as I go. His voice was completely hoarse, more like that coarse sand, rolling back and forth on her soft heart, making her tremble unconsciously, The tip of the ear gradually became hot.

She looked up and saw that the smile on the corner of his lips was dark and cold, and she knew at a glance that someone was going to be in trouble.

Um? Who messed with him?

This terrifying expression made Yun Xuzhou tremble a few times.

When You Wuming spread his wings and disappeared, Yun Xuzhou finally took a few breaths presumptuously, and said, I'm afraid he heard what I just said.

Only then did Xu Zhou murmur that Wang Zhengqing said something shameless to Sang Yuanyuan.

Sang Yuan let out an 'oh' and spread his hands: The embroidery needle is dead.

After You Wuming released the control, the ice turtle lay limply on the ground as if the fire had been extinguished.

At this moment, it was very chaotic outside, and the three Yunzhou armies were already fighting the Beiying Wei.

Wang Zhengqing has already ridden away and escaped from the blasted Yundu Ximen.

It doesn't matter... Huangfuxiong dared to attack Tiandu, it will definitely be another shocking battle, as long as he wins more military exploits, he can make up for his mistakes and make up for Yunzhou's defeat...

Wang Zhengqing

He kept comforting himself, only to find that endless darkness had enveloped him, following him like a shadow, and there was no way to escape.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: 3 are not alone in the lonely mountain; 2 are crabs running rampant;

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 75 bottles of Yunqianqian; 35 bottles of ahardsun; 30 bottles of Big Sun; 26 bottles of 21995465; 15 bottles; Lan*, Lonely Mountain Not Alone, Lord of the Greenery, Give a Grapefruit, kxjddj, LAN Feixue, 10 bottles of the Great Demon King; 6 bottles of Cactus; He, 5 bottles of Qiqi Yaya; 4 bottles of Nuyuan; 1 bottle of Wenran Liuli, long long journey, o plus o Fei, sleepy bug, pig that can't be hit through the network cable, Xia Yuan, Kaboom, Yu Yuxi ;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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