Remember it in one second

In the next few days, Han Shaoling was busy preparing for the expedition, and at the same time, he had to fight with You Wuming.

Although he was too busy to touch the ground, he still found time every day to accompany Sang to Huiyun Palace for a while, and say some nice words.

Needless to say at night, it is natural to eat the marrow and know the taste, and ** with that dream worry-free every night.

Sang Yuanyuan is hard to imagine. If the current 'Sang Yuanyuan' is not himself but the original body of Han Shaoling, how should he feel like a knife at this moment?

Previously, when Han Shaoling and Meng Wuyou were together, there was always a sense of guilt and unease in their hearts - Sang Yuanyuan was seriously injured and dying, but he and a stand-in were in a daze.

Now that Sang is far alive, he is like a bird out of a cage, and gradually he is too lazy to hide the color of his nightmare feet.

Talking to Sang Yuanyuan became more and more explicit.

On this day, he caressed the back of her hand lightly, and his voice was soft and warm: Sang Er, when I return from the expedition, your body should be taken care of? How can you make up for me for waiting so long, eh? When you can serve me, I will never touch anyone else's finger. Sonny, my heart belongs to you.

I only love you alone! he vowed.

This is the love of a king.

Sang Yuanyuan smiled shyly and tenderly: When you go out, take care of your body. Of course it is important to eliminate demons, but safety is the most important thing. Keep the green hills, so you won't be afraid of running out of firewood. Also, don't give your back to You Wu. Fate, that person can't believe it.

Han Shaoling said with relief: Having a wife like this, what can a husband ask for? I've been really annoyed for the past two days - You Yingyue only knows how to cry and let me not go out, and Meng Wuyou doesn't understand anything and has to ask everything. , I have a headache every day arguing. Sonny, only you are the best.

Sang Yuanyuan lowered his head and smiled, seeing his tricks thoroughly in his heart.

It seems to be demeaning other women, but in fact, she just wants to subtly make her take their existence for granted.

In the next step, he will use their advantages to suppress her. Once she is tricked, becomes jealous, and begins to find shortcomings in himself, he will completely dominate and play with all these women like watching a monkey show. in the palm of the hand.

If you are gentle and virtuous, he thinks you don’t understand style, if you are bright and generous, he thinks you are not feminine, if you are lively, he thinks you are unstable, if you are considerate, he thinks you are strict. As long as he has malicious intentions to find faults, how can he not find faults?

She has seen too many such men.

It's a good idea to deal with girls who are less casual.

Unfortunately, Han Shaoling met the actress.

I will live and support well. Don't worry about me, fight the war well, and return home as soon as possible. After you leave, I will stay at the Guo Temple for a few days, chanting and praying for you.

Sang Er... Han Shaoling was sincerely moved.

Sang Yuanyuan smiled like a flower.

The next day, the drums of war below the gate of Wangcheng were sounded.

The sound of the drums was like a dull thunder, running over the entire royal city, crushing all the sluggishness in the usual days, and the whole city was awe-inspiring.


Sang Yuanyuan stood on the gatehouse and waved goodbye.

The army was stationed in the outskirts. When Han Shaoling and You Wuming left the royal city, there were only a few hundred people accompanying them. They rode snow-like beasts in the clouds and black armor, wearing red cloaks, hunting in the wind. ring.

The leading two are still outstanding.

Watching the group leave with his own eyes, Sang Yuanyuan let out a long sigh of relief and leaned softly into Lingu's arms.

Lingu was bulging, like a puffer fish.

She found out just now that Han Shaoling was walking with Meng Wuyou and took her by his side as a personal guard.

Princess, are you not angry at all? Ling Gu was angry, You don't really believe his nonsense, and you believe that he just took that woman to detoxify? Ha! What kind of poison needs to be solved all day long, a joke!

Gu Ling, what's the point of being angry? Sang Yuanyuan stretched his brows and said leisurely, He took me first, they walked on the front, and we went back to Sangzhou! If he wants to make trouble, we will deduct him. Hats with bad intentions - harboring three evil spirits, trying to replace Queen Sang, their hearts can be punished!

Ling Gu opened her mouth wide in shock, and for a long while, she covered her mouth and laughed until she lost her eyes.

Princess, are you really letting go this time?!

Sang Yuanyuan didn't have the time to mix those bloody plots.

Competing with other women for that kind of man? I'm sorry, but she's the princess of Sangzhou and doesn't need to keep fish in her head to make a living.

This time, there was no sneak attack from Sangzhou's back. I thought that Han Shaoling and You Wuming would be able to smooth out the calamity smoothly. When they return, they should be more affectionate with Meng Wuming.

It's best to lock it on the spot, so as not to harm others.

There's nothing to bring. Sang Yuanyuan looked around back to the Cloud Palace and found that he didn't have the slightest nostalgia for this residence or the things he used every day.

Her voice was very calm, and Ling Gu led the forty-eight strong men from Sangzhou to pester behind her, silently listening to her arrangements.

It's just right, you don't have to bring anything with you when you travel light, to avoid suspicion. She tapped the map in front of her, Tomorrow, when you leave the King City, you can reach the southern Meishui City at the same time. This is a trading city. Make up here.

Leaving Meishui City in the future, it will not rest all night, and the next day will pass through the first strictly guarded town of Kuiren. Although you can use the warrant you came to exit, the news will definitely be reported to Han Shaoling. Therefore, you have to Wait in the outskirts, when it's time, Han Shaoling arrives

Daxijing will first fight with the demons and take a first victory.

He must have no time to be distracted at this time. We will leave the customs at this time. When Han Shaoling wins the first battle and receives the news, we have passed Kuiren, and after another night, we will arrive at the border and live in Linguan.

Ling Gu couldn't help frowning slightly: But at this time, the king of Hanzhou must have ordered the army, and Julinguan can't be released.

Sang Yuanyuan smiled mysteriously: So, we will not leave until tomorrow. Later, I will contact my father and brother and let them lead the army to respond outside Julin Pass. If Julin Pass does not let people go, I will send Hit it down!

Ling Gu looked at her with shock.

In the past few days, Sang Yuanyuan seemed to casually guide Han Shaoling to talk about various things in Hanzhou and the war. It turned out that he was not holding his stinky feet, but preparing for his departure!

After Sang Yuanyuan finished speaking, she turned around and found that Ling Gu and the forty strong men behind her were all in tears.

I swear to protect the princess to the death!

Sang Yuanyuan's eyes and nose were hot, and he calmly said: Okay, let's prepare ourselves.

After sending everyone away, she took out the jade slip with some trepidation.

The marriage between the two countries is not a child's play. If King Sangzhou cannot send troops, she can only find another way.

Anyway, she's gone.

What Sang far did not expect was that Ling Gu had already reported what happened these days to Sangzhou. On Sangzhou's side, just wait for her words.

Just as Sang Yuanyuan was halfway through speaking, he heard the king of Sangzhou begin to roar—

House in Linguan, what do you live in Linguan, father will order troops, while Han Shaoling's turtle grandson is not here, father will call Handu directly and take his daughter home!

Sang Yuanyuan: ... I have a headache.

Fortunately, there is also a smart and sensible Son of the Sun.

He said: Father is too impulsive, it's not feasible. It's still better for the younger sister, but will it be too cheap to just take Ju Linguan, the little bastard Han Shaoling? Why don't you call Kuiren directly?

It also saves the little sister from spending a few hours with cats in the forest.

Sang Yuanyuan: ...

She finally persuaded the father and son to only hoard soldiers at the border, and not fight if they could.

Not overwhelmed.

This has just been resolved, and Han Shaoling's Yu Jian is bright.

Sang Er, when you are well next time, I will definitely take you out of the city for a walk. I have already arrived in the Western Desert. The moon is very big and round in the desert. People are open-minded. Sonny, I'm starting to miss you.

Sang responded lightly from afar, and his mind had already flown out of the carved wooden window that reached the top, towards the vast southern Sangzhou.

A woman's scream made her come back to her senses.

My heart suddenly froze, thinking whether there was an eavesdropper hidden in the temple.

Then I heard Han Shaoling's voice with a bit of impatience: What's wrong?

The woman smiled back at him: It's alright, I almost hit you! It's fun to ride on the beast among the clouds! I'll go ahead and run a circle!

It's a worry-free dream.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Sang Yuanyuan's lips.

Is your face hidden? she said calmly, I don't want to hear any rumors about the princess of Sangzhou losing her temper in public.

Han Shaoling's voice couldn't help embarrassing: Disguised, no one will gossip about you, Sang Er.


After a long while, Han Shaoling said, This woman is really... Sang Er, I have something to do here, get back in touch.

Han Shaoling's jade slip hadn't been lit up until Sang Yuanyuan got dressed and set off.

Sang Yuan Yuan couldn't help but think, if the original body was still there, would he hold the jade slip and wait until dawn? She didn't dare to disturb him, for fear that he was doing something serious over there, but there was another woman beside him, who dared to go crazy, dare to make trouble, and dare to be unscrupulous.

The person who was waiting, how sad.

Fortunately she won't.


Sang Yuanyuan's team successfully left the Wangcheng.

When the lord went on an expedition, Mrs. Zheng went to the Nanjiao Guo Temple to pray for him. As early as when Han Shaoling was still in the king's city, Sang Yuanyuan let him arrange it.

After traveling for more than twenty miles, I looked back and saw the dark Han Du crouching on the ground, like a cage, like a beast.

San Yuan took a deep breath.

The journey has been unexpectedly smooth.

After the supply of Meishui City, the group successfully passed the first important town of Kuiren.

As soon as Kuiren passed, Sang Yuanyuan threw all Han Shaoling's jade slips into the ditch beside the official road.

Get the fuck out, pig trotters!

That night, the moon in Hanzhou was also very round.

Sang far through the car window, staring at the bright moon.

At dawn, her father and brother would march under the city to help her out.

Princess, rest early. I'm afraid it will take some effort to break through tomorrow.

Sang Yuanyuan smiled and said, You guys need a good rest. I'm just an oil bottle, and I have nothing to do with me.

Lingu shook her head and smiled, closed the car window and door for her, and retreated to discuss with everyone how to protect the princess from the customs.

Sang Yuanyuan thought he would lose sleep, but he soon fell asleep.

She dreamed of a snake.

A snake as thick as a finger crawled up and down her face.

She opened her eyes with difficulty, only to find herself falling from one nightmare to another.

There was a ghostly figure sitting beside the couch, his eyes darkened, and he was tracing her outline with his fingers. ,, everyone remember to bookmark the URL or jail

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