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Sang looked at the scene in front of him from a distance, and felt emotional for a moment, not knowing whether to be shocked or angry.

The passage opened by You Wuming is connected to a half-built hall.

Five large braziers were lit in the hall, illuminated by spiritual flames, the brightness is almost equivalent to the evening after the sunset.

There are about three or four hundred craftsmen in the hall, lying on the tall and short wooden ladders, carefully chiseling the walls of the hall, and carving intricate and delicate patterns on the stone walls. The formed half of the hall is beautiful and gorgeous, just looking at that half, it is impossible to imagine that it is several feet deep underground.

But when he turned his gaze to the unformed half, he knew that it was originally just a rough and large grotto.

Looking out along the open gate, the exquisite and gorgeous palaces are laid out to the end of the field of vision, and the craftsmen are like ants, crawling on the walls, pillars and domes.

This beautiful underground royal city was really built with the blood, sweat and tears of countless people. Because each of the craftsmen who fell on the wooden ladder had their legs broken and twisted on the wooden ladder in an extremely weird posture.

A big hole suddenly opened in the wall, and two strangers, a cloud beast and a strange puppet appeared. The craftsmen had no way to escape, they just opened their mouths wide and watched Sang Yuanyuan and his party in horror. .

Judging from their movements and expressions, these people may have lost the ability to make sounds.

Sang Yuan unconsciously clenched You Wuming's hand.

He gave a slight 'tsk' and said regretfully: It seems that the plan has been changed.

Although he had already thought that the craftsmen who built the dungeon must be locked underground for a long time without seeing the light of day, but he did not expect Qin's to do such a terrific job, even breaking his leg and medicine to prevent any possibility of leaking the wind.

What was the original plan? Sang Yuan's voice trembled slightly.

He hooked his lips: Kick people away, fill this place with ghosts, and give Qin Yuquan a big surprise.

Sang looked at the terrified craftsmen in front of him but couldn't move too far, and slowly pursed his lips. These people do not have the ability to escape at all. If the underworld demons come in, they will definitely die.

This is just one of the palaces.

Outside the open palace door, the sound of 'ding ding dong dong' can be heard endlessly, echoing back and forth in a vast space. Obviously, the underground royal city has already reached a considerable scale.

Underneath, to say the least, there are tens of thousands of people.

How easy is it to save so many disabled people?

She suddenly froze for a moment, looking at You Wuming.

Would this lunatic who was able to introduce the underworld demon into Tiandu actually consider the life and death of the craftsmen?

He saw her expression and knew what she was thinking.

He said impatiently: If I let the underworld demon kill them, you will definitely lose your temper with me, little Sanguo.

After thinking for a moment, he jumped out of the cave, cut off a huge boulder about the same size as the entrance of the passage with a knife, and blocked the passage.

Let's go.

Under the terrified gaze, You Wuming leisurely took the lead to walk outside the hall.

Sangyuan sighed, and followed him to the outside of the hall—these craftsmen could hardly move or make a sound, so there was no need to worry about them making small reports.

Is there a supervisor in this underground? Sang Yuan asked with a suppressed voice.

Before he finished speaking, he heard the crisp sound of a leather whip being slapped on a person from ahead.

The craftsmen are all dumb, and they can't make a sound even after being beaten.

Lazy, lazy! Tell you to be lazy! I've been unlucky for eight lifetimes, and I'm on this shit job. I can't see the sun all year long with you useless things! How dare I be lazy?!

Sang stopped far away.

You Wuming's long eyes slanted, and he swayed into the palace on the right.

Then I saw a man dressed as a supervisor beating the craftsmen on the ground. The craftsman had gray hair, shrunk into a ball, and kept shaking.

Another supervisor pretended to persuade: Hey, hey, it's almost done. You have killed eight people this month, so weigh yourself.

The one who hit people stopped, and said with a sneer, Come on, you have killed nine people yourself, who are you talking about here? I only have eight here, and it's the end of the month. If you don't use it, the quota will be wasted .”

The craftsmen around were shaking their shoulders in fear, and their hands and feet were more agile, fearing that they would be targeted and become the next target.

In order to supervise the speed, each supervisor can kill nine people every month. Except for the few craftsmen who work the most efficiently and become role models, the rest of the craftsmen may be disliked by the supervisor and become the next target to be killed.

The one lying on the ground was obviously exhausted and slow to work and was targeted.

Sang Yuan shrank his pupils and clenched his fists.

Little Sanguo is angry. You Wuming chuckled.

His unscrupulous voice alarmed the two overseers in the temple.

The two turned their heads and saw a beautiful man and woman in neat clothes in front of them. They were stunned for a moment, not knowing how to react.

You Wuming walked slowly in front of the two of them.

Walking casually and leisurely, each hand grabbed the shoulders of the two supervisors.

Life is alive, You Wuming said with a serious face, Anything may happen. Sometimes, when you are in trouble, you always hope that the people around you will be kind to you.

These two people saw his temperament

Unlike ordinary people, he guessed in his heart that it was a high-ranking official who came down for inspection, so he smiled embarrassingly: My lord, the rules here are like this. It's really not that we are not kind, it's just for the progress of the project. You don't know, my lord. These things are treacherous, if it weren't for the frequent knocking and shocking, this mausoleum would be half as good as it is now!

The supervisors at the bottom didn't know that what was being built was a dungeon, they just thought it was the mausoleum of the royal family.

The other person also laughed and said: Sir, this rule is set by the above. If you feel that it is not humane, you can pass more papers to the above. Maybe you can change the rules, don't you think so?

You Wuming turned cold: When I speak, I don't need you to have a mouth.

Thunder flames flashed in his palm.

The two wanted to argue again, but suddenly felt a tingling sensation in their throats, they opened their mouths, like those dumb craftsmen, they couldn't make any sound.

You Wuming let go of his hand, and the two of them immediately wanted to run outside, but they were kicked to the ground by him lightly and skillfully, and their legs were broken casually.

The faces of the two supervisors were distorted in pain, and they struggled silently on the ground. How can ordinary people have half the ability to resist the power of Lei Yan? Just one face to face, the vocal cords and legs are completely useless.

You Wuming squatted down slowly, held them down with each hand, and said in an extremely gentle voice: What did I just say, can you hear me clearly? Life is impermanent, and accidents may happen at any time. The power was still in your hands at the last moment. , the next moment, but you can’t say anything. When you become a craftsman in the future, please remember not to be lazy. Since you are so obsessed with 'rules', you don't need to pray that the new supervisor will be kind to you.

He smiled softly, reached out his hand, and patted the two people's faces comfortingly, then got up, took out a silk cloth from his arms, wiped his hands, and threw them aside.

He walked back to the entrance of the main hall, embraced Sang Yuanyuan, and jumped onto Changshou's back.

Things like this are happening everywhere, and we can't control them. Sang Yuanyuan smiled at him reluctantly.

She knew that You Wuming was willing to take care of this nosy matter, just to make her feel a little better. But this dungeon is so big, there are countless overseers and craftsmen, if one place is cleaned up, it will be a year of the monkey. Moreover, the root cause of this matter is not actually underground, but on the ground.

You Wuming touched the top of her hair with his chin, and said leisurely: If you don't save that little old man, little Sanguo will not be able to get through his thoughts all day today. I can't see you feeling depressed.

With a pull of the rein, Short Life was like a white lightning, swiftly passing through the palaces, precisely avoiding every supervisor who was patrolling back and forth.

Will those two supervisors really become craftsmen? Although they can't speak, they can still write. There is always a way to tell others what happened today. Sang Yuanyuan asked casually.

Oh. You Wuming smiled resolutely, When those craftsmen come back to their senses, they will definitely smear their faces, take off their clothes, and won't give them a chance to tell others their identities. Have you seen that? The eyes of those craftsmen? The hatred hidden in them was ignited by the fire of revenge and turned into a poisonous flame.

Sang Yuanyuan took a light breath, momentarily speechless.

You Wuming said slowly: Torturing those two former supervisors, making them unable to speak out about their suffering, unable to complain about their grievances, will become the greatest source of happiness for these craftsmen for the rest of their lives. Such happiness even surpasses that of not being caught. Any moment before the underground.

Little Sanguo, I really don't want your eyes to pretend to be the darkness of the world.

When he said this, his tone was unconsciously tainted with a strange and ethereal majesty.

It seems that the indifference and compassion unique to gods only exist in legends.

Sang Yuan's heart trembled, and he lost his voice for a long time.

You Wuming took the rein leisurely and wandered among these magnificent palaces. I saw those places that were completely completed, the walls of the palace and the Luan pillars were carefully painted with brightly colored paintings. At that time, as long as the furniture is moved in, it will be a rich and comfortable nest.

Sang Yuanyuan frowned: These craftsmen must be those young and middle-aged men who have 'disappeared' over the years.

A state is so big, every year, countless people disappear due to various accidents. Who would have thought that some of them would be locked in the dark underground, working day and night.

You Wuming rubbed her head: I'll show you something fun!

With a pull of the rein, he made a sudden brake, passed through several unmanned corridors, and came to the outside of a palace with a particularly neat sound of chiseling.

You Wuming hugged her from Short Life's back, stretched out a finger, and put it on his lips: Hush.

Sang heard from a distance, a quick-paced 'pa-pa' sound coming from the open palace door.

The 'ding-ding' sound of digging the stone wall is very rhythmic, following the beat of the high-five.

The clapping stopped.

That's it for today! Thank you for your hard work, happy cooperation, happy cooperation! Come and get the steamed buns - today, my regular portion of pork head meat accidentally fell into a certain steamed bun, come and see Whoever has the best food will take away my poor oil and water today!

Sang was stunned from a distance, holding the huge delicate stone door and looking into the hall.

It was a supervisor who spoke, and his appearance was not much different from the two who were beaten down by You Wuming just now. Standing next to a basket of white-faced steamed buns, with downcast eyebrows, he handed each steamed bun to the craftsmen who moved over one after another.

Soon, a craftsman ate pork head meat.

He held up the half steamed bun in his hand, and the craftsmen around showed envious and friendly smiles.


The workers folded their hands, stood aside and squinted and smiled.

There was a lot of joy in the venue.

Sang peeped from a distance, and couldn't help but smile on his face.

You Wuming hugged her happily, and continued to sweep forward.

How do you know there are kind-hearted overseers? she asked in amazement.

Stupid fruit. You Wuming said naturally, People are like this, there are all kinds of people, as long as there are enough people, you will find any kind of people among them. This type is actually quite common. .Don't think he is stupid, he is smart, and the progress of his subordinates must be among the best.

Sang Yuan looked at him slightly absent-mindedly.

She thought, maybe this is the so-called pattern. He has seen too many people, too many things, and owns too much territory, which allows him to store a wealth of experience in his mind. They are all roughly counted, and naturally they have grace and demeanor, and everything is planned as expected.

What's wrong? He looked down at her.

It's nothing, I just think you are very powerful. She said sincerely.

Youwuming's black eyes immediately filled with a smile, and he wanted to pretend nothing had happened on his face, muttering: What's the matter. Little Sanguo, you will never guess that the pig's head that this man put in the steamed bun The meat, in fact, is only a small part, and most of it went into his own stomach.

Sang Yuan laughed puchi: I don't care at all whether he has more or less pork head meat. But You Wuming, do you know that Short Life is already very hungry?

Short-lived: nodding wildly.

You Wuming: ...

He decided to pay homage to the friendly overseer. After detouring a few turns, he found the nearby supervisor's residence, followed the smell of the pig's head meat to find the big pot of pig's head meat that he had hidden on the stove, and made Changshou eat it with oily mouth.

After eating, You Wuming took out two earth spirit solid jade crystals from the puppet's cloth bag, and threw them into the big oily basin that was licked by Short Life as a reward.

It's cheap, kid. This king never takes free food. With a misty smile on his lips, he pulled the rein and left the palace complex.

San knows far and wide why he did it.

If Gu Yujing was left behind, this person would know that his pork head meat was not stolen by his craftsmen, but his own chance.

This place is originally a dark abyss, and if you are not careful, you will completely degenerate. If the friendly atmosphere between the supervisor and the craftsmen was ruined because of a plate of pork head meat, it would be a great achievement to turn people into demons.

You Wuming actually cherishes all the goodwill in this world.

After feeding the short life, You Wuming took the rein and walked leisurely for a while among the richly decorated half of the underground palaces, and selected a particularly large palace.

No one was left in these completely completed palaces, because it was unnecessary. The place is gorgeous and empty, it really looks like an underground mausoleum.

Above is Qin Yuquan's bedroom. You Wuming said with firm eyes.

Sang nodded far away. Although she has no sense of orientation, she can still feel that the entire underground palace complex radiates in all directions from this place as the center.

Building the core hub of the underground city under the old site of the royal city does have a sense of belonging and commemorative significance.

You Wuming backhanded his saber, and he casually waved the blue and white Leimangs towards the top of the hall, silently sinking into several zhang rock formations. He did it with extreme concentration, tilting his head, squinting his eyes, constantly looking at the roof of the temple, making up one thunder after another towards the seemingly unscathed dungeon roof.

After busying for a long time, finally, he put away the knife in satisfaction, and said with a smirk: Okay, the next step is to find a good place to watch a play.

With a pull of the reins, Short Life walked away from the side hall with four hooves. You Wuming found a suitable location, blasted a neat passage on the wall just like when he came here, and then took Sang far away from the palace complex, and after arriving at a gap in the abyss, he dug a hole from the side. Rocks came over to block the gap.

You Wuming. Sang poked him from a distance.

Huh? He was looking triumphantly at the passage wall that had been sealed back to its original state.

Where you broke through just now, the walls are covered with patterns.

You Wuming: ...

So it is meaningless for him to carefully block the passage to its original state here.

The black eyes rolled, and he directed Short Life to move on as if nothing had happened.

Go out from the mouth of the abyss at the Qinzhou Human Sacrifice. He said calmly.

Although there is an entrance to the dungeon, it must be heavily guarded. Leaving from there will 100% scare the snake away. So You Wuming chose to return to the abyss passage where the ghosts and demons were densely gathered, and left the ground along the mouth of the abyss.

Sang Yuan couldn't help looking back in the direction of the dungeon.

You Wuming took her head away: Little Sanguo, don't worry, it's been so many years, within a day or two, before leaving Qinzhou, I will definitely solve this matter for you.

She said: Well, I know, a great hero.

The two looked at each other and smiled, understanding.

Soon, You Wuming found the mouth of the abyss underground in Qinzhou along the winding underground network extending in all directions.

Sang Yuanyuan admired his navigation ability completely. In this kind of underground with no reference objects at all, and without a compass on his body, being able to find out the north, south, east, and west is already a heaven-defying ability, and he was able to find it directly under the mouth of the abyss without turning back once.

The underworld demon gathered, and he casually swayed a circle of blue and white thunder flames, sweeping them onto the surrounding stone walls. Thunder and fire intertwined, and the poor demons turned into puddles of black unknown matter,

Splattered the walls like ink.

You Wuming turned his head to Sang Yuanyuan very naturally and casually and said: See, I will take action, and you will have no chance to collect Gu Yujing again.


You Wuming looked sideways at her.

He found that her expression could switch back and forth between sincerity and perfunctory very freely.

Little Sanguo, you are really talented. He praised inexplicably.

Sang Yuanyuan smiled at him modestly, then looked up at the mouth of the abyss where there was only a ray of sky left.

With the dog, can you still fly up?

When he flew out of the mouth of the abyss in Hanzhou last time, he only took her with him, and he also borrowed the explosive power of the spirit fire vein. This time with the big fat dog, there is no fire vein that can be detonated here, there is only a faint blue light of the spirit wood vein, I don't know how You Wuming plans to go up?

Small things. You Wuming put his arms around his chest.

I saw that the big fat dog's limbs immediately stiffened, and he hugged the whole dog.

That appearance is really indescribable in words. A huge fluffy monster was held in front of You Wuming's chest with one hand in such a daze, the expression on the dog's face... can only be described in words.

Sangyuan realized once again that You Wuming, who looked thin and lean, was really much bigger than her—if she hugged Short Life in this posture, she could only hug its furry It is impossible for her neck to hug that plump and fat chest.

The puppet hugged Short Life's stiff forelimb and hung nervously on it.

You Wuming turned his head sideways, Guozi, lay on my back.

Oh. Sangyuan carefully lay on his back, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and chest.

Wings spread out from her left and right sides.

Hoo a leaf on the ground, which is more than twenty feet straight up.

It seems that refining that Lei Yuan made his cultivation a step further!

You can fly with your dog!

You Wuming hugged the dog with one hand, and held the knife in the other hand, cutting into the stone wall around him from time to time, borrowing a little strength.

Skimming to a high place, Sang Yuan couldn't help lowering his head to take a look.

You Wuming, wait.

Huh? He thrust the knife obliquely into the stone wall, hanging in the air.

Look at the demon below, is there something wrong?

You Wuming looked down and immediately discovered the problem.

Directly below is a relatively open underground space. The ghosts gather from the north and crawl towards the south—they, like the ghosts on the ground, come from the direction of the abyss and attack the center of the inland area.

In the underground space below, the passage leading to the center of the inland area is a bit crooked, leaning to the east.

The underworld demon group rushed straight to the south, hitting the stone wall in the south one after another, and then being pushed by the magic tide behind, they rushed to the left and right until they poured into the passage to the east.

Zhengnan, something is attracting them. You Wuming hit the nail on the head.

The two subconsciously looked towards the south—although there was only a dark stone wall in front of them.

Zhengnan is Tiandu.

Sang Yuan sighed: I really want to see what they are running for.

I'll take you to see it later.

Maybe some great secret will be discovered. Sang Yuan couldn't help being a little excited.

You Wuming seemed indifferent.

He withdrew the knife from the stone wall, spread his wings, and continued to fly upwards.

Not long after, they swept out of the mouth of the abyss.

Qinzhou was also guarded by the Priest Palace at the mouth of the abyss, and You Wuming kicked all the priests down with ease.

You are not polite at all to the people in the priest's hall.

Not a single good thing.

The Temple of Priests was built just north of the mouth of the abyss.

You Wuming threw Short Life into the animal pen outside the priest's hall, mixed with a bunch of ordinary cloud beasts, then ignored the sad eyes of a dog and a couple, dropped them, and took Sang to the city wall far away, Sneak into the palace.

In each state, the distribution points of the hidden guards in the palace and the patrol routes of the guards are not too different. You Wuming just glanced at it casually, and he knew it in his heart. Now he can fly better than before, easily leading her to pass over the palaces, gliding between the shade of the trees and the palace walls, without disturbing anyone.

Outside the main hall of the royal city, a few big drums inlaid with gold were beating rumblingly.

He was welcoming the Great General of Dongzhou Zhenxi, Huang Fuxiong.

Huangfuxiong led a heavy army, came from Jizhou, and was about to go to the Great Wall in the north, to help Qinzhou defend together, and tide over this 'surge'.

You Wuming leisurely embraced Sang Yuanyuan, swept up the golden roof of the banquet hall, and sat beside the chi kiss flying in the corner of the room. It was dark now, and the night covered the pair of silhouettes.

Sang Yuan put his hands on his knees, turned his head to look at him, and saw him sitting lazily, with a wild and uninhibited posture.

Not long after, I saw the black bear-like Huangfuxiong being led by the handsome and elegant King of Qinzhou, stepping up the white jade steps and entering the palace under their feet.

When do you do it? she asked.

When they have a banquet, one will choke to death. You Wuming smiled maliciously, Little Sanguo, do you still remember the joke I told you last time?

Sang Yuanyuan: ...

When the two were husband and wife on her cloud couch for the first time, he just told the 'joke' that someone choked to death at the banquet, and paddled abruptly for half an hour.

He still has the nerve to mention it? The big face is not as big as his face!

You Wuming lifted up a few glazed tiles leisurely, and then heard Huangfuxiong's voice coming from below: King of Qinzhou, there is no need to be so polite, the military situation ahead is urgent, I have to go after a glass of wine!

The voice of King Qin Yuquan of Qinzhou was as elegant as his appearance: General Zhenxi, don't worry, our army is equipped with spiritual armor, and it is not so easy for the underworld to attack! General Zhenxi has a heart of eliminating demons, and I admire him very much. Come, come, toast the general!

Qinzhou is rich in spiritual iron ore, and is very rich. Its own army is naturally equipped with first-class equipment. The surge is not a big threat to Qinzhou. Because he was too rich, Qinzhou never liked to owe favors, so as not to be coerced into repaying favors.

Qin Yuquan was very scheming, and frequently brought up the topic, saying that Huangfuxiong was a great hero in the world, with a warm heart and a willingness to help others-this meant that it was not that Qinzhou needed Huangfuxiong's help, but that he was meddling in his own business.

Although Huang Fuxiong is a general who is both rough and detailed, he has no resistance to dialogue skills. As soon as he was praised, he immediately began to feel flustered. I saw him pretending to be modest and took up the conversation, and then bragged about his past stories of helping each other when encountering injustice.

As the cups were exchanged, the atmosphere at the banquet gradually became lively.

Sang Yuanyuan slowly turned his head to look at You Wuming, with a full face of admiration: You are just waiting for Huangfuxiong to brag about this wave!

As soon as Huangfuxiong boasted that he was a great hero who rescued people from danger, tens of thousands of poor people in misery were waiting for his help... His own face was smashed.

You Wuming didn't raise his wings this time, because he felt that this matter could not be more normal, so he casually leaned forward, hugged her, and said: Qin Yuquan wants Huangfuxiong's help, but he also doesn't want Huangfuxiong's help. If you owe him favors, you will definitely praise him like this on purpose.

Sang Yuan couldn't help feeling that You Wuming really understood people's hearts.

Little Sanguo, get ready to watch a play.

You Wuming was solemn, his expression was extremely focused, and a wisp of blue and white thunder flame condensed on his fingertips. He stood up slowly, swung his long arm cleanly, and saw that ray of thunder flame lit up half of the night sky, and flew straight towards a magnificent and magnificent hall, like a thunderbolt, sinking into the bottom of the hall.

In the night, his profile and figure were briefly illuminated by Lei Yan, which made Sang Yuan dizzy for a while.

At this moment, he is not like a mortal, but like a god who holds the power of heaven and earth in his hands, and who can live and kill based on his own joy and anger.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 2 Duojiao taro cakes; 1 piece of murasaki, Xiyu, and Liujinliuliang;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 145 bottles of Fuyu; bottle; 14 bottles of giant panda; Deep Embrace Dream I, I Love Home, Daily Decadence, Grapefruit Peppermint, Kaka Kaka, Suddenly Thinking of You, Coming Chestnut, Jiujiujiu, Big Eyed Girl, A Meow, Xie Min , Sister Zhao, Chuxi Weili, 41005142, LAN Feixue, Erics, Goodbye Molu, 25568829 10 bottles; Weiyang 8 bottles; Liujinliuliang, Xiyou 7 bottles; Su Xiaolu 6 bottles; Yi Jiujiu . , Charcoal is a cute 4 bottles; bk absolutely! ! , 32074976 3 bottles; Rui, Li Sanmo, Yao Xiaoxi, Aizi, Orange Flavored Cat 2 bottles; Actually I am not Spring Roll, SuperSheryl, ye, Cat Lost Tail, 24595708, Yu Yuxi, 6929112, 9256 , murasaki, sugar-fried chestnuts, ga, Lingyin, vgv, Xunyuemixie, Qianqian Yixia 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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