Remember it in one second

You Wuming took Sang Yuanyuan and headed south.

After traveling for more than ten miles, he suddenly grinned.

Little Sangguo, what does it look like when my father-in-law makes a big noise at the ceremony?

Seeing that he was finally willing to speak, Sang Yuanyuan first breathed a sigh of relief, then sighed: Father's acting skills... tsk.

It hurts the eyes to think about.

You Wuming squinted his eyes, raised his chin slightly, thought for a while, laughed a few times, thought for a while, and laughed again.

the other side.

Sang Bujin is beating his father's shoulders.

It's really hard for this old man, he pretended to be a good person, and he looked so distressed. When he recalled it at this moment, Sang Bujin still felt that his temples were throbbing in pain, and in front of the old man, he didn't dare to laugh.

At the beginning, Sang Chengming jumped into the deep abyss after his rebellion, and he died without proof. No one knew why he did such a thing.

Sangzhou has been investigating this matter, but has never found any clues.

The documents sent by You Wuming reminded Sangzhou - since the mastermind behind the scenes could forge documents to frame You Wuming, then, could Sang Chengming's betrayal come from the same power? When I think about this before and after, I always feel as if I have vaguely touched the truth.

Since some people want Youzhou and Sangzhou to die, then Sangzhou can't leave Youzhou as a troubled brother!

After getting the document sent by You Wuming, Sang Bujin personally took the knife and made a fake Wang Ling, which said that Sang Chengming led the army to sneak attack on Han Shaoling and You. lifeless.

King Sangzhou and Sang Bujin took these two documents and picked the most lively time, throwing out evidence in public, shouting that Youzhou was wronged, and disturbing the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven.

——Sacrifice a fart, sacrifice, Youzhou is wronged, it snows in June! The black hand behind the scenes is using the emperor as a swordsman. He wants to destroy Sangzhou first and then Youzhou. This is to subvert the thousands of years of Yunjing's foundation!

——The one who was wronged today is Youzhou, who knows who will be harmed tomorrow? Provoking infighting like this, when the next time the demon strikes, who else will die for the human race? This behind-the-scenes mastermind is going to destroy the human race, and it is going to destroy the whole territory!

——Thousands of years of peace, the legacy left by the ancestors, the civilization passed down from generation to generation, will be destroyed in an instant, in an instant!

The King of Sangzhou was so troubled.

Sang Bujin recalled the expressions on the faces of the Empress Fangcai and the special envoys of the state lords, and the corners of his mouth could not help but twitch.

In this matter, only the King of Sangzhou is the most suitable to make trouble.

At the beginning, Sang Chengming led the army to attack Han Shaoling and You Wuming, who were attacking the demons, and almost killed them. Fortunately, the King of Sangzhou saved the two armies of Han and You from danger under the Great Wall. This is a fact known to the world.

Everyone knew that King Sangzhou was innocent.

Therefore, as long as the case of Sang Chengming's rebellion and the murder of the King of Sangzhou by the traitors of Youzhou are linked together, the two pieces of evidence can be tied together, and the 'iron case' of Youzhou can be brought down immediately. up.

The victim who was intercepted jumped out to plead for Youzhou in person, and there was solid evidence. In the eyes of the public, it was impossible for Tiandu to delay the treatment, so he could only immediately issue an order to stop the attack on You.

It's just embarrassing the old man. He is so old that he has to sing this big drama in public.

Laugh if you want to laugh! King Sangzhou slapped Sang Bujin on the forehead, You kid, you are so bad at holding back your laughter, you are even more angry!

Although Sang Bujin has a beautiful female appearance, Sang Chengyin has never felt sorry for him because of his beauty and cuteness.

Sang Chengyin himself was beaten up by the old Sang King since he was a child. After giving birth to a son, he also beat him for three meals. He beat the pink and jade-carved porcelain doll of Sang Bujin into a rough man. .

Sang Bujin was slapped on the forehead, and the porcelain white skin didn't even mean to turn red.

He smiled and said, Father, why am I laughing at you, I'm just thinking, after helping You Wuming so much, he should agree to let the little sister go?

When I mentioned this, Sang Chengyin's face suddenly looked a little ugly: Shuzi! If you dare to touch my daughter's finger, I will see that I will not castrate him when I look back!

Sang Bujin thought about it: Actually, think about it carefully, You Wuming is not a pioneer in the matter of Shi's father's rise to the throne. This man is ruthless, and he is a hero. Judging from his usual behavior, it is not without merit. .

He talked vigorously, but he didn't realize that the eyes of his old man were getting more and more dangerous.


Let's not say anything else, he has never been close to women, Sang Bujin pondered, This is better than Han Shaoling.

Sang Chengyin smiled: Not close to women, Shi's father, but Jin'er appreciates You Wuming, eh?

Sang is neither near nor married, saying that he has not found the right person.

Ah, it's okay, Sang Bujin said casually, not realizing that he had fallen into a hole, If the little sister really likes him... oh oh oh oh oh dad, why are you hitting me!

Father Shi, Father Shi! I call you Father Shi! Ha! Little bastard, your hair is growing, ah?!

Sang Bujin was kicked into a beautiful ball.

Daddy spare the child!


You Wuming took Sang Yuanyuan all the way south, and soon reached the junction of Youzhou and Tiandu.

He stayed in a city for an hour, sent out the shadow guards in batches, then changed clothes, disguised himself, and dressed up as a team to transport Youzhou specialty water spirit mushrooms to Tiandu for trading

The businessman who is very low-key goes to the sky.

This water spirit mushroom is actually a kind of moss. After the rain, it will grow in the dark blue stone crevices. They naturally contain many water spirits and are very popular among those with strong water attributes.

Only such high-quality goods are eligible to appear in Tiandu Market.

There were less than twenty Shadow Guards accompanying him.

Sang Yuanyuan found that since they acted as the merchant's entourage, they were no longer like monkeys or warriors, one race and the other unpretentious.

What are we going to do? Sang Yuanyuan had some incomprehensible thoughts.

He has not recovered from his serious injuries, and is he going to Tiandu now?

Yeah, You Wuming turned into a sickly businessman, and spoke weakly, Go and kill Huangfu Jun.

What he said was cruel.

You didn't even bring a knife.

If you disguise and enter Tiandu, you naturally cannot bring weapons.

You Wuming smiled smugly: Little Sangguo, I'm not only powerful with knives.

Sang Yuanyuan thought to himself, sure enough, mad and mad.

For the seclusion ceremony, Huangfu Jun did not send a special envoy, but went to Tiandu in person. Huangfu Prefecture is located in the easternmost part of Yunjing, and it is separated from Tiandu by Xiaojiang Prefecture and Yun Prefecture, thousands of miles away.

To kill Huangfu Jun, this journey is indeed the best time to start. It's just that You Wuming's current situation doesn't look like he can kill a strong man like Huangfu Jun.

She began to understand a little why he died young.

He didn't have the patience to recuperate at all, as long as he didn't fall down, he would squeeze his body all the time. If it goes on like this, there is no need for anyone to kill him at all, and he will not be able to live for a few years.

San Yuan sighed softly.

To heal wounds, one has to face the wounds, and sometimes they have to be torn open, the bad flesh removed, and, after the worst pain, regained new life.

Heart wounds are the same.


A businessman does not ride a cloud beast, he has to ride a cart.

Short-lived and very aggrieved, he walked with the four-headed Yunjian beast pulling the cart. These beasts, who are very indifferent and unsmart, still want to reject this newcomer. After being cleaned up by it, they honestly walk in front of it.

Like a shepherd dog, it walks behind them with a long straw whip between its teeth, and from time to time swipes at their butts to forbid them to be lazy.

You Wuming leaned close to Sang Yuanyuan's ear and whispered, Do you also think that short-lived has become an essence?

Well... Sang Yuan said, I guess I've been with you for a long time.

You Wuming turned the pair of dark eyeballs twice, but still couldn't tell if Sang Yuan was complimenting him.

You Wuming. She suddenly looked wronged and called him pitifully.

He was startled, narrowed his pupils, and stared at her: Huh?

Don't you care about your body at all? she asked.

His pupils shrunk even tighter, but a cynical smile hung on his face: Why, is Xiao Sangguo worried that I can't satisfy you? Haha, what are you thinking, you will only beg for mercy, you know?

She lowered her head and let out a big teardrop: You're hurt so badly... I'm used to loving you every day, I can't imagine that one day if I'm facing an empty place...

Very slowly, very slowly, he twisted his head to the other side.

She gently tugged at his clothes, her eyes fell on his shoulders, and saw that his shoulders undulated slightly more than usual.

Breathing is also much heavier.

She had succeeded in arousing his empathy.

It is not only her who is used to kissing and saying that she likes every day.

He will get used to it too. Once you get used to it, if you lose it again, you will not get used to it and you will not be able to accept it.

Nothing like that will happen, Xiao Sangguo. His voice drifted out, When I die, I won't leave you behind.

She rested her face on his back, wrapping her arms around him lightly.

it is good.

She thought secretly in her heart, from 'to die with you' to 'to live with you for a long time', I am afraid there is still a long way to go.

However, she was never afraid of tough challenges.

He suddenly struggled, grabbed her arm, turned around, and pulled her off his back.

Little Sangguo! He grabbed her by the shoulders and complained, You got my clothes wet!

He raised his thumb, wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and then asked with a twitch, You didn't wipe my nose with me, did you?

San Yuan wanted to blow his two bubbles.

Then you promise me to take care of yourself a little bit. Otherwise, I will wipe you all over next time. She raised her face and bargained with him.

When she said the first half of the sentence, he subconsciously wanted to turn his head to escape, and when he heard the second half of the sentence, he couldn't help but lowered his head and laughed.

After laughing for a while, he raised his head to her perfunctorily and said, Okay, okay.

Sparkling in the eyes. It looks like there's nothing you can do about her.

Sang Yuanyuan didn't want to push him too hard, this hedgehog was too sensitive, he would curl up tightly when there was a slight disturbance.

Then let's practice together. She said with a smile.

You Wuming sneered: Little Sangguo, you just want to take advantage of me!

That's right, she glared at him, Is King Youzhou so stingy and won't let you go?

Buck! he said impatiently,

He turned his head, hiding the smile on his lips.

He threw off his boots, crossed his knees, and was instantly settled.

Such masters are indeed different.

If Sang Yuanyuan wants to enter meditation, he has to adjust his breathing first, calm down his mind, and prepare for a long time. Sometimes it is like sleeping at night and insomnia, and he can't enter meditation for a long time.

Look at people again!

After You Wu Destiny settled, the air began to be filled with a faint woody fragrance.

Sang Yuanyuan felt that if this man had been cultivating by her side, as long as she slept next to him, her cultivation would surely rise.

Mu Lingyun is too dense.

Sure enough, any girl who finds a student from this department to be her boyfriend is a smart person.

Sang Yuanyuan sat in the dense wood spirit and settled down.

She was surprised to find that after accidentally planting sunflowers on You Wuming last time, not only did her cultivation level not wear down, but there was a faint sign of advancement!

The pinkish green in the texture began to appear green, as if the white mist covering it was gradually dissipating, but it was not stable for the time being. Soon, the layer of white mist will re-emerge, completely covering the star of green. .

A lifeless vortex of spiritual cloud covered her.

This kind of practice is far more than half the effort.

It was like she was rowing a small boat in the turbulent currents, being carried forward and rushing forward, the wind and the water were no longer enough to describe the current situation. To put it bluntly, it is like being swept to the other side of victory by a tornado.

Soon, the white fog dissipated, and Sang Yuanyuan's spirit was shocked, and he entered the Fourth Heaven of Lingyin Realm. Her mind moved slightly, and immediately a palm-sized sunflower bloomed on You Wuming's chest.

When the sunflower was summoned for the first time that night, it was only the length of a finger.

It seems that after her cultivation is improved, this peculiar ability will also be promoted.

She was happy for a while, and then continued to seize the time to absorb the spiritual accumulation.

While continuing to practice, he threw a dozen sunflowers on You Wuming's chest, planting his chest closely.

I saw the cyan light group constantly oozing out from the flower trays, which was rich and moisturizing, and thumped into his chest, which made him feel super nourishing.

What surprised Sang Yuan even more was that they actually looked like real sunflowers, following the sun above their heads and slowly turning the flower disk.

To the west, do not move.

So Sang Yuan knew that it was night.

Sunflower's head has always been facing west.

After a long time, she couldn't help thinking secretly, when the sun rises in the east, will this group of sunflowers suddenly turn around collectively? !

With this thought, she couldn't help but burst out laughing, her satiated state was broken, and when she opened her eyes, she saw You Wuming's profile.

He changed his face and lost his perfect face, but that temperament and momentum suddenly grabbed her mind.

She couldn't help but look at him more.

She has always understood that a person who is truly confident will have a charm beyond ordinary people in his gestures.

And You Wuming, in his temperament, there is an unreserved, ready to perish with the whole world, like the fireworks and bubbles that are in full bloom and will burst in front of the eyes, making people feel Feel sorry and distressed.

You Wuming, you are so beautiful.

She muttered softly to herself.

He suddenly opened his eyes.

Little Sangguo, he asked, you're seducing me, aren't you?

He stretched out his arm and pulled her towards him.

He muttered in his mouth: Don't look at what Yi Rong has become. Is it useful to seduce me with such an ugly face?

His mouth was disgusting, but his body consciously opened his arms to her.

Sang Yuanyuan was about to lie down on his chest when he suddenly saw a ray of sky light shining in from behind him.

She moved, and the corners of her mouth twitched several times.

She thought of the sunflower planted on his chest. Shouldn't they turn their heads in unison now, facing her with a flower plate?

It's kind of hard to say...

You Wuming saw that she froze in place, and immediately raised his eyes: Little Sangguo! Could it be that you despise me?!

He is also easygoing and not good-looking.

He complained angrily: Are you such a superficial person!

Sang Yuanyuan: ...Yes, I just covet your beauty, so what?

Hearing this, You Wuming hooked his head and laughed until his whole body trembled.

After a long while, he raised his head, nodded his forehead, and said, Very good. At least you like me, not anything else.

She stared at him, suddenly smiled, and said softly, But what makes me feel bad is you who are hidden in your body. Even if you change your face, I can still recognize you at a glance.

That mighty, fragile, sensitive lonely soul.

You Wuming's body shook.

She has been gently lying on his chest, soft body, with a sleepy body temperature.

He looked down very slowly, and landed on her black hair and the back of her neck.

He had an ominous premonition that if he didn't kill this woman decisively at this moment, she would definitely bring him unpredictable subversion. She would shatter his whole, safe world. She would drag him into the abyss of doom.

His hands and body were shaking.

Adam's apple rolls up and down.

Sang Yuanyuan... he said hoarsely, you'd better stay away from me.

It was the first time he called her by her first name.

His pupils tightened and he glared at her from top to bottom.

You, now, immediately, go. Otherwise, I don't know what I will do to you. Blue veins burst out of his forehead, and even disguise could not cover it.

She stuck her head out of his arms.

Not afraid at all, still smiling.

The tenderness in her eyes enveloped him like water, and she said, Then I will walk around the vicinity with Shorty, and it must be suffocated.

After all, without waiting for him to respond, he pushed open the car door and jumped onto the short-lived back.

Short life, let's go play!

The short life has long been suffocated to the planing hoof.

It sped out like an arrow, and in the blink of an eye, it carried Sang and disappeared far into the horizon.

You Wuming stared at the two disappearing figures, and after a long while, he suddenly raised his five fingers weakly, covering his face.


Short-lived, Sang Yuanyuan leaned down, wrapped his arms around Short-lived's furry neck, and leaned beside its pointed ears, Your master, it's really hard to deal with!

He's sick!

She complained loudly.

Short-lived take it for granted.

Do you think I can cure him? I think hanging!

The gust of wind whistled past his ears, and in this empty Gobi, Sang Yuan felt that he was a little floating.

You said you and I, how did you meet such an unfortunate child! It's heartbreaking to have such a guy - short life, you run so fast, if you want to run, no one can catch up with you, but you Just want to follow him, don't you? What's so good about him!

She suddenly remembered something.

In the book, before You Wuming died, he slashed the mount's tail and made it roll.

It didn't roll, but rushed towards the seriously injured female emperor to kill her, but Huangfu Jun was thrown into a sea of ​​fire.

Short life... She suddenly burst into tears.

Crying and shouting: Don't die. Don't die! We all live well, okay? You don't die, You Wuming don't die, I don't die, let's live together! Live! Live together! OK!

He stopped short, raised his head high, and opened his mouth.


It let out a half wolf not wolf howl.

The cloud beast staggered her down from her back. It turned its big head and used the softest white hair on its forehead to cover her face, wiping away the snot and tears that covered her face.

Sang Yuanyuan: ...

After wiping, it seemed to suddenly realize something, a pair of black eyes stared at her nose without blinking, and the expression gradually became extremely disgusting.

Sang Yuanyuan: You Wuming is right, you are really good in short life!

After strolling for a while, one person and one beast returned to the convoy.

You Wuming has been adjusted, he opened the curtain, and lazily sat by the window with his forehead waiting for her to come back.

Do you think you can kidnap my short life, little mulberry? He looked arrogant, don't even think about it! No matter where it goes, it will come back!

Well, she rode on the short-lived back and smiled at him with her small face raised, I am the same, no matter where I go, I will definitely come back and come back to you.

You Wuming was stunned for a moment, and suddenly closed the curtain of the car.

Sang Yuanyuan kindly left him a little quiet time.

By the time she climbed into the car with her hands and feet, the man had returned to his slow-moving appearance. He lazily held a bronze pot with two fingers and poured green tea into the small sapphire cup.

He moved his eyelids, glanced at her, and said, Do you know what this is?

Without waiting for her to answer, he chuckled and continued, The juice of the water spirit mushroom, the stewed wood spirit and jade crystal.

Shuiling Gusang knew from a distance that it was the treasure he shipped to Tiandu to 'sell', a treasure rich in the essence of water spirit. She also knew that Mu Linggu Yujing had heard Sang Bujin say to Sang Chengyin that on the night of the assassination of the imperial palace, she would grab it from Feng Bailuan, the king of Fengzhou, and use it for her.

Must be a baby.

You Wuming just stewed tea like this?


Are there water spirits and wood spirits in it? She sat beside him.

You Wuming glanced at her like a fool: It's stewed into soup, how can there be spiritual essence? It's the taste, understand?

Sang Yuanyuan: ...

Prodigal x2!

She sighed and picked up his glass to take a sip.

Sure enough, it tastes great!

A bit like honey jelly, but more refreshing and pleasant.

Did you forget something today? You Wuming asked coldly.

When the sun rose, he chased her out.

I didn't have time to say that.

While sipping tea, she smiled at him: I like you as much as yesterday!

He looked indifferent and casual: Huh? Why haven't there been many these days.

Sang Yuanyuan: ...

Who said it's not rare? who is it? Who!

The author has something to say: Thanks to Boiled Gourd Baby for his pro-fire, arrow, cannon, thanks to Yan Ling for his pro, thanks to Linxi for his pro, thanks to urasaki for his pro, and thanks to tutu I want to be a rich woman Lei, thank Gu Liuyan for Lei, thank Rui Zi for Lei, thank Shu Mo for Lei

thanks dear

Nutrient solution for relatives: nianwu x3, Xiaoyinzi x5, Chocolate Rabbit x3, chestnuts are jealous x8, Sleepy sufferer x10, Mianmian x1, Time's Sadness Marks x46, Indus x5, Xi Dongdong x5, Boiled Gourd Baby x10, Maple Leaf Walking in the Rivers and Lakes x2, Zifeiyu x20, Xi Ren x47, Broken White Feather Bacteria x9, Little Fairy's Pig Essence x1, Xingxing Biscuits~ x1, Oi Zi x5, Sleepy Worm x1, Yes but you have to pay extra x1, Dream is like a dream x5, Duan Duan x5, Mu Chengxue's Fat Mink x10, Liu Xiao x1, everyone remember to bookmark the website or remember the website, the website m.. Free and fastest update, no anti-theft, no anti-theft. Error chapter. . Chat with book friends

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