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Little Sangguo, today I want to...

He whispered in her ear, breathing hard.

Sang Yuan couldn't help but ask: I can't bear it like this. How did you endure it after so many years?

You Wuming froze for a while, as if he had hit a dead end, then twisted his head to the side, sneering: What are you thinking, little mulberry, I will be short of women?

Sang Yuanyuan let out an oh, lowered his head, and said, Yes. You are such a good gentleman, what kind of woman do you want?

Her little head drooped lower and lower, and her tone became more lost: I think too much.

You Wuming's eyes twitched, the corners of his lips twitched a few times, he held it back for a while, and sternly said one word: Yeah!

So... Sang Yuanyuan said in a low voice, You deliberately scare me, the dignified King of Youzhou, how can you be like a furry boy who has never seen a woman, and can't bear it for a few days.

You Wuming: ...

He vaguely felt that something was not right, but at this moment, he could only say—

Oh, of course I scare you.

Sang Yuan did not dare to be careless, she still looked gloomy, raised her eyes to look into the distance, and quietly changed the topic.

She said: The ghosts have leaked a lot to the inland, and I don't know how many tragedies they have to make.

You Wuming said: No. Han Shaoling's reinforcements are almost here. I should also withdraw.

She felt that his voice was a little hazy, so she couldn't help but tilt her head to look at him again, seeing that his eyes were empty.

There was a strange feeling in her heart. Suddenly shivered.

Everyone knows that Heaven wants you to die without life.

He is like a brick, where can the evil go. If he opposes, the other seventeen states can raise the banner of justice to fight him; if he does not oppose, his strength will be weakened little by little, and his flesh and blood will be cut by soft knives.

What You Wuming got was just a string of gorgeous and dignified false titles.

Today, You Wuming's strength has been greatly damaged. If Han Shaoling is determined to keep him...

Whoever kills You Wuming will not be publicly praised, but in private, he will definitely be able to get a huge benefit.

Little Sangguo, You Wuming stared at her with a twisted and weird look, and slowly raised her chin with her fingers, Are you sympathizing with me? What are you thinking, Han Shaoling can't keep me.

As soon as he spoke, he saw that You Jun had quietly packed up his luggage and set off towards the south.

You Wuming, Sang Yuanyuan mentioned casually, Aren't you thinking of using me as a bargaining chip to have your father escort you back to Youzhou? If Han Shaoling really had murderous intentions, I'm afraid...

You Wuming raised his eyebrows: Then I won't be able to raise my head in front of my father-in-law for the rest of my life!

The proud light in his eyes almost blinded Sang Yuan's eyes.

She felt that she might have a bit of Stockholm, and at this moment, she thought strangely in her heart - 'Does he really want to marry me? ’

The marching speed of the Youzhou Army once again made Sang Yuanyuan stunned.

They showed amazing fighting qualities. Even though they had just experienced such a tragic battle, brought so many wounded, and lost most of their mounts, their speed of travel was no slower than that of the regular army that Han Shaoling brought to the west. .

Several times, Sang has seen a whole piece of dust on the horizon from a distance, but under the leadership of You Wuming, the Youzhou army of tens of thousands of people, like ghosts, strayed from the regular army of Hanzhou again and again. And passed.

Three days later, You Wuming successfully passed Julinguan, where there was no defense, left the Hanzhou border, took the road of Sangzhou, and then went north to return to Youzhou.

As expected, Sangzhou is as Sang Yuanyuan imagined, there are large groups of green everywhere, and it is full of vitality at a glance. It is rich in silkworms, and busy men and beautiful women spinning silk can be seen everywhere in the mulberry forest. It is a treasure land with simple folk customs.

In such a place, to spend the rest of her life peacefully and peacefully is the most ideal arrangement in her heart.

Homesick? You Wuming asked quietly.

San nodded far away.

He rested his chin lightly on the top of her hair, and said quietly, Take you back later. Wait for me to heal. Otherwise, I won't be able to beat those two.

He wouldn't tell her where he was hurt.

He was wearing a black fine-iron armor, and Sang couldn't see it from a distance.

A personal guard came from a distance, swept over to the short life, and presented a few jade slips to You Wuming.

At this time, the army had just arrived at the first important town on the border of Youzhou.

You Wuming ordered to rest here, he handed Sang Yuanyuan to a few sturdy old women with cultivation, and then hurriedly went to the study with the jade slip he just received.

For some reason, Sang Yuanyuan felt that he seemed a little excited. She even had some doubts about whether the jade slip was sent by a good friend.

A few old ladies were reticent, they prepared a bucket of hot water, and despite Sang Yuan's protests, they rinsed her clean like a piece of pork, wiped away the water droplets, then wrapped them in a heavy silk cloth, and moved them to the house. On the bed of a large bedroom that was temporarily cleaned out.

Sang Yuanyuan: ... Are you sure if you want to serve?

After the old ladies left, she carefully peeled herself out of the silk cocoon, and was about to leave the bed to look for clothes, when she heard a soft 'creak', the room was pushed open, and two waitresses. Bowing his head, he walked in quickly with the tray in his hand.

When they got to the front, the waitress lifted the tray halfway, and saw that there was a set of black cloth clothes hidden on the lower layer of the tray.

Sang Yuanyuan's intuition was wrong, and just as he was about to open his mouth, he saw the waitress raise a pair of eyes full of tears.

Ling Gu!

She covered her mouth.

Shh. Ling Gu made a gesture, motioning for another person beside her to help, quickly put on Sang Yuanyuan's clothes, then put her back on her back, and swept out through the back window.

Blown by the cool night wind, Sang Yuanyuan's sanity returned to the cage in a daze.

Linggu has come to save her, she has been rescued by Linggu!

Successfully escaped from the side of the villain You Wuming.

It's like dreaming.

At this moment, Lingu had taken her through a specially opened small door and slipped out of the important town Shangdu.

The cart pulled by the sixteen Yunjian Beasts had been waiting here for a long time. Ling Gu directly carried Sang Yuanyuan into the car, and the Yunjian Beast immediately ran.

Sang Yuanyuan was placed on the long and soft cloud couch, Ling Gu pursed her lips, knelt on one knee on the couch, and said, Princess, it's too late for my subordinates to rescue me! The princess has been wronged!

Seeing that Sang Yuan was stunned, Lingu gently stroked her hand and comforted: The princess doesn't need to worry, the lord and the prince will be stationed behind the mountain ten miles away. I am afraid that you will not be good for the princess, so I let it go. The subordinates will first pick up the princess, and then launch the general attack.

Sang Yuanyuan asked, Shangdu, is there someone from Linggu?

Yes, Lingu smiled softly, so the lord deliberately sent the jade slip and dragged You Wuming here to 'discuss the secret'.

No wonder You Wuming grabbed the jade slip and ran away.

Will he have such a point or two in his heart that he wants to perform well in front of 'Yue Zhang'?

Sang Yuanyuan couldn't tell how he was feeling at the moment.

The joy of escaping was not as strong as she imagined, she thought unconsciously,

You Wuming found out that she was lost, would he go crazy, or would he kill people indiscriminately?

The cart stopped quickly.

Sang Yuanyuan took a slow breath and was helped out of the car by Ling Gu.

Two pairs of red eyes stared at her.


Little sister!

San Yuan took a deep breath and raised his head.

She had already met King Sangzhou under the Great Wall. Looking closely, she found that the lines on this bearded man's face were particularly deep, and the crow's feet at the corners of his eyes could catch flies.

Sang Shizi was like her, with a very beautiful face, a little feminine, but not feminine.

The father and son both rode on the red cloud beast, their eyes fixed on her, tears welling up in their eyes.

Sang Chengyin jumped off the back of Yunjian Beast first, and almost fell in a hurry.

Sang Yuanyuan noticed that he was holding a glowing jade slip in his hand.

When his feet landed on the ground, a slightly hoarse male voice floated out from the jade slip—

Very good. Come on, let's fight.

Is lifeless.

Sang Chengyin threw the jade slip casually, and then threw himself in front of Sang Yuanyuan.

The rough man was timid and timid, his hands trembling, as if he wanted to hug her, but he didn't dare.

Sang Shizi also jumped down, and he hurried to the front, Sang Yuan was surprised to find that this brother was actually a little shorter than her, and he was a very handsome little man.

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, my daughter and Linggu have all told us, it doesn't matter if you don't recognize anyone, ah, just take it easy! Sang Chengyin withdrew the hand that wanted to pat her head with great difficulty.

Little sister, did You Wuming bully you? Sang Shizi's brows raised a ruthless meaning, Brother, I'll take down the boat and avenge you!

Sang Yuanyuan quickly shook his head: Father, brother, don't be impulsive. You Wuming... didn't bully me. He rescued me from Han Shaoling. He is a good man.

Hearing this, the corners of the father and son's eyes twitched.

Not good. Sang Chengyin laughed stiffly, I just scolded his eighteenth-generation ancestors, hiss—

How does King Father know that I am by You Wuming's side? Sang Yuanyuan still couldn't recover.

She wanted to ask how the rebellious uncle was doing, but at this moment, her throat and heart seemed to be stuffed with cotton wool, and she really couldn't make up the strength to care about others.

Hey, Sang Chengyin raised a big fan-like hand and scratched his head, I only thought of it when I looked back. Such a cute little girl doesn't even blink her eyes on the battlefield, except for our little mulberry fruit, Who else could it be?

There is a scout ahead to report urgently—

Master, You Wuming led a thousand iron cavalry and attacked directly!

Sang Shizi lowered his eyebrows: Father, is there a war? My son is 70% sure that he can keep this mad thief behind!

Sang looked up from a distance and saw that behind the Sang family, the iron cavalry of ten thousand people was ready to go.

No, no. Sang Yuan blurted out.

Little sister... Sang Shizi hesitated for a while, then said, Even if we don't fight, that lunatic won't give up.

Is there Yujian? she asked anxiously.

Sang Chengyin reluctantly took out one.

Sang Yuanyuan came over and jumped into the carriage alone.

Her heart was beating wildly, and the hand holding the jade slip was shaking violently. At this moment, she felt nervous for a long time.

The jade slip was disconnected, and the blue light flickered.

You Wuming, she called softly, I will go to Tiandu to unravel the contract. Later, would you like to propose marriage again?,, everyone remember to accept

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