Chapter 440 Interested in her

   Locke was a little puzzled, "How do you know that the mission was issued by a Chinese?"

Antonio put the photo in a book, put it in the drawer, and said in a low voice: "She has never left that remote town since she was born, and her life trajectory is simple and blank. The only turning point and mystery is that she met two months ago. I am very curious about what she has that can attract the attention of the most powerful and outstanding man in China."

  Locke knew that the Mo family was the first family in China, with huge foundations, strong financial resources, and mysterious and unpredictable, even if they were an extremely powerful underground organization, they didn't want to hold grudges against them.

   Before, there were no gangs and underground organizations to deal with Mo's, but without exception, they were either disintegrated or disappeared completely and became history.

Although   7 million is a lot of money, it is far from the point where they are desperate and desperate.

   "Deputy leader, I immediately pushed this mission."

  Antonio lit the cigar with a clatter, narrowed his eyes as sharp as an eagle, and said in a hoarse voice, "I took over this task myself."

  Loke looked at the arrogant and flamboyant man in surprise, "We don't have to offend the first family of China for millions. If someone from the leader's side finds out, it will be bad for you."

  Antonio looked sideways and saw the young man looking at him worriedly. He laughed wantonly, his voice was a little cold, "I know what to do, you go and tell the other party, I'll take this task."

  Locke hesitated to do so.

   After Locke left, Antonio took out the photos from the book in the drawer and stared at it for a long time.

   He had investigated Tang Qi before, and had seen Tang Qi's photos, but those photos were either the side view, the back view, or the ID photos in the file.

   is far less clear than the front. The eyes of the Chinese girl in this photo are 99% like her.

  Tang Qi.

   Antonio murmured the name in a low voice.

  Qin Jingshu quickly got a reply from SQ: I took the task. According to the rules, I paid 70% of the deposit first, and made a call to the Swedish bank account number 003214****. Two days later, the task was completed and the balance was paid. If the task fails, the deposit will be refunded in full.

  Qin Jingshu saw the last sentence, her brows were so wrinkled that the mosquitoes could be pinched to death, and she rudely asked: Aren't you the gold-medal killer known as the No. 1 Darknet? If it can't be 100% successful, why should I ask you for such a high price?

Locke didn't want to take this task, because of the ownership of the SQ name, the leaders of the leader's faction have repeatedly targeted and suppressed the deputy leader. If the deputy leader offended Mo's because of this task, the deputy leader's status in the organization will only increase in the future. unfavorable.

   Faced with Qin Jingshu's questioning, Locke replied coldly: If you find me, you can either follow my rules, or you can ask someone else to be brilliant.

   This lukewarm attitude made Qin Jingshu feel that the SQ she was looking for was very reliable.

  After all, those who have the ability are qualified to be arrogant.

   She quickly replied: Okay, I will pay the deposit right away, but I have one condition, I want to see the result with my own eyes.

  Locke hesitated and replied.

   The client finds the killer through the dark web, all to hide from the public, and even to avoid suspicion. Many clients even cut off contact with the killer after the mission was released.

   As Qin Jingshu mentioned, there are very few people who want to witness the results with their own eyes.

   Qin Jingshu left the Internet cafe, took a taxi back to the hotel where she was staying, and contacted Mo Yuwei immediately after returning to the room from the back door of the hotel.

   "Within half an hour, you will transfer the money to the Swiss bank account I sent you on WeChat."

   Mo Yuwei opened WeChat and saw that it was the bank account of an unfamiliar foreigner. She was puzzled and uneasy, and instead of transferring the money immediately, she called Qin Jingshu to confirm.

   (end of this chapter)

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