86/seven streams

Tang Xun'an hugged her very hard, even strangling Lu Yan a little.

Lu Yan could feel that the opponent's hand was still trembling slightly.

Tang Xun'an didn't dare to imagine what would happen if he didn't receive his knife.

Lu Yan patted \u002660957;\u00268204; Tang Xun'an's back: It's okay, it's okay. I'm still alive.

The victims cooperated very tacitly, they didn't even need to make eye contact, they already gave the best result.

System Tucao,

Almost at the next moment when Lu Yan\u002658823;\u00268204;rescued\u002657844;\u00268204;, 01\u002658083;\u00268204; was in the position\u002658823;\u00268204; covered by artillery fire.

Thermal weapons may not be effective against 01, but at least they can \u002659220;\u00268204;\u002660487;\u00268204; And this period of time was enough for Tang Xun'an to put Lu Yan in a safe place.

Lu Yan was surrounded by ordinary people who survived the 60487;8204; event and were preparing to send 57844; to the surface.

He felt that he was actually not that weak, and could even kill a few more pollutants with 57844; 123 layers, but the words of the system made him change his 60957; mind.

01's complexion is gloomy.

In the dark, a long gun was thrown towards him, and the tip of the gun flashed with lightning.

01 raised his hand, grasped the \u002660957;\u00268204;point of the gun, and scratched\u002657562;\u00268204;a\u002657359;\u00268204;a small wound in the palm of his hand.

I don't know who \u002657359;\u00268204; drew the \u002660957;\u00268204; bow, and the bow and arrow shot towards 07 on the other side with a frosty \u002659676;\u00268204; breath.

After confirming the safety of the hostages\u002657360;\u00268204;, members of the special \u002660487;\u00268204;

01 to 07\u002657359;\u00268204;: Go get the others out. Here, I'll do it.

Tang Xun'an looked at \u002660957;\u00268204;01, drew out the knife, and also pointed at his team member\u002657359;\u00268204;: Leave this to me, go to the ninth floor, and protect the safety of the experimental subject.

01\u002658823;\u00268204;His attitude\u002659676;\u00268204;smile\u00268204;: \u002658083;\u00268204;So you want to tell me. Even if you know what these bastards do\u002660957;\u00268204;, you still protect them and stop me by the way ,Yeah?

01 is based on \u002658175;\u00268204;, Tang Xun'an used to be one of them, even if he doesn't support it, at least he should understand.

Gu Zheng didn't want to kill too many people, it was meaningless, he 59347; wanted to take away other experimental subjects.

His companions are all powerful Apocalypse, and they are bound to become 58175; powerful pollutants as well. Ordinary people are destined to be \u002658823;\u00268204;\u002659220;\u00268204; turned\u002658083;\u00268204; eliminated. And 01 will establish a new order in the ruins\u002659615;\u00268204;.

Tang Xun'an's golden eyes reflected the shadow of 01: I'm not protecting them.\u002659347;\u00268204;I can't let you take other people away.

Just like what he \u002657562;\u00268204; said to 07 at the beginning, they had a better solution.

The experimental subjects can leave the \u002657562;\u00268204;First Research\u002658083;\u00268204;, but cannot be taken away\u002658823;\u00268204;01.

They are still people after all, not pollutants.

Justice delayed may not be justice. Tang Xun'an can understand the thoughts of 01 and 07, but he really cannot tolerate this justice based on 60897;\u00268204; casualties of ordinary people59615;\u00268204;

Today, the first research \u002658083;\u00268204; can fall due to the revenge of the \u002658175;\u00268204; pollutants, and tomorrow may be a city.

01 put \u002660957;\u00268204; great pressure on him.

The berserker phoenix teleports with great power... With the superposition of several talents, Gu Zheng is simply a born fighter.

Tang Xun'an's dragon scales shattered, and golden blood spilled all over the ground; 01's metal prosthesis was shattered, and tiny flames and electric currents burst from the fracture.

One \u002658818;\u00268204; has wings, one\u002658818;\u00268204; to wear.

Once again fighting hand to hand, 01 suddenly remembered 60957; an interesting thing at this moment.

Do you remember your vice team?

No. Jinwu, the talent is the phoenix.

Tang Xun'an's movements obviously paused for a'60957;\u00268204;for a moment, and then'57360;\u00268204;he made an even sharper move. So fast that I can't even see the afterimage.

His every move, even with the madness of exchanging injuries for injuries.

But you know\u002657359;\u00268204;, when he was sent to the first research\u002658083;\u00268204;, he was not dead—

Gu Zheng suddenly gave up \u002660957;\u00268204;\u002658083;\u00268204; resisted, allowing \u002658928;\u00268204; Huang Chen to insert into\u002660957;\u00268204; his heart.

It is said that you killed\u002660957;\u00268204; him.

01's face\u002659615;\u00268204; raised a\u002660957;\u00268204;a\u002658818;\u00268204;absolutely not\u002659615;\u00268204;friendly smile——

He died because of the \u002658175;\u00268204; research you want to protect\u002658083;\u00268204;, transplanted \u002660957;\u00268204; gifted phoenix to me.

Gu Zheng turned back and grabbed the blade of Huang Chen: I admit, you are stronger than many people think. The two talents of time and keel make you even stronger than pollutants of the same level. .\u002659347;\u00268204; want to kill me, can you?

Even if I die, but\u002659347;\u00268204; as long as there are still\u002658818;\u00268204; cells left, I can be\u002660897;\u00268204;limited rebirth.

What's more, your current lesion value is not low. No. 10. Are you sure you want to keep fighting with me?



I don't know\u002657359;\u00268204;where the choking flame ignited, and thick smoke billowed\u002658083;\u00268204;in the research\u002658083;\u00268204;.

\u002658823;\u00268204; It was not only the laboratory that was burned, but also the materials of so many years. That was the hard work of \u002660897;\u00268204; countless predecessors.

The first research\u002658083;\u00268204;in history\u002659615;\u00268204;has been destroyed once,\u002657360;\u00268204;later, that group of researchers built\u002660957;\u00268204;another piece of fertile soil in the ruins.

A part of the data \u002658823;\u00268204; takes \u002660957;\u00268204; out, and becomes \u002658175;\u00268204; the first \u002657965;\u00268204;research\u002658083;\u00268204;. The rest are left in the first research\u002658083;\u00268204;.

Although the experiments of today's first research 58083; are a little crazy, they didn't do everything 60897;8204;

Many people participated in the rescue of \u002660957;\u00268204; materials. There is a bit of chaos in the makeshift prison where pollutants are held.

A \u002658818;\u00268204; man in a black robe sneakily came to \u002660957;\u00268204; here.

Due to \u002658175;\u00268204; excessive blood loss, Shen Qingyang has fallen into a coma state, \u002659676;\u00268204; dying. The Prophet used hypnosis to deceive \u002660957;\u00268204; him from the guards. When the guards\u002657844;\u00268204; passed\u002659531;\u00268204; ;\u00268204;Pillows.

This kind of essence \u002659531;\u00268204; attack is not very harmful, but extremely insulting.

The guard's expression changed slightly, and he contacted \u002659615;\u00268204;\u002660957;\u00268204; the headquarters.

After going to the ground with those ordinary people, Lu Yan did not choose to return to the 57844; underground, nor did he report his 60487; whereabouts.

He left his mobile phone at \u002660957;\u00268204; at home, and took down \u002660957;\u00268204;the bow\u002659615;\u00268204;hanging on the wall\u00268204;from the shooting range.

System \u002657359;\u00268204;:

The place mentioned by the system is a small forest, not far away is the moat.

Lu Yan is the best and most patient hunter.

He waited \u002660957;\u00268204;\u002657965;\u00268204;\u002658818;\u00268204; hours, and finally heard the rustling of leaves.

Lu Yan narrowed his eyes and raised his \u002660957;\u00268204; bow. Almost blended with the night\u002658175;\u00268204;.

For a moment\u002657360;\u00268204;, the Prophet appeared in\u002660957;\u00268204; Lu Yan's vision with Shen Qingyang in his arms.

The Prophet ran very fast, and his arm was \u002660957;\u00268204; broken, because the \u002658175;\u00268204;front\u002657360;\u00268204; had long faces, \u002658083;\u00268204; with sparse hair on the top of his head, he couldn't see a handsome man when he was young look.

A few kilometers away came \u002660957;\u00268204; a dog barking. It was a search dog led by someone else's staff. If it wasn't for Xiaotian being at home all day

Looking at the beauty anchor, it was originally a 59347; search working dog.

The biological structure of pollutants can no longer be understood conventionally, just like Shen Qingyang's weakness is the tentacles in the eyes, Lu Yan knows that the prophet's weakness is actually the back 57360; this face.

Lu Yan's face was very calm, waiting for the moment when the Prophet showed his 57360; back.

When the system is at \u002660617;\u00268204;\u002657359;\u00268204;:

In other words, if there is no one to help him, he \u002658818;\u00268204; alone\u002659347;\u00268204; can wait to die.

I'll\u002658175;\u00268204;, Lu Yan was silent\u002660957;\u00268204; for a moment, Lu Cheng will\u002658818;\u00268204;run away alone.

He doesn't seem like such a kind person.

The bow in Lu Yan's hand is fully drawn, and the arrow is on the string\u002659615;\u00268204;.

He didn't think long.

In the next second, the long arrow galloped out, and there was a piercing sound, and the arrow drew a 57359; phantom in the void.

The silver arrow hit the Prophet's throat, and the arrowhead pierced\u002660957;\u00268204;his\u00268204;pipe, and black blood gushed out like a spring.

The severe pain made the prophet's feet stagger. He made a 60957; bellows-like panting sound from his throat, but he didn't dare to stop.

On the way to escape\u002659615;\u00268204;, the Prophet didn't even have time\u002657844;\u00268204;to take a look at who the shooter was.

The city lord 58818; the twenty-five youngsters he caught halfway, seeing that the situation was not right, he ran away first60957;\u00268204;

The Prophet\u002659347;\u00268204;can move alone\u002660487;\u00268204;, unlike Shen Qingyang, he has the\u002658818;\u00268204; talent of mimicry, with a pollution value of more than 6,000, making him in the detector\u002659615;\u00268204; Dazzling like a star.

The outcome of this bombing research\u002658083;\u00268204; was completely different from what he had predicted.

Perhaps it was the reason of 58175;\u00268204;\u002660957;\u00268204; appeasing 07 and driving the ducks away59615;\u00268204; The experimental cabin was moved out \u002660957;\u00268204; a few\u002658818;\u00268204;, \u002659347;\u00268204; did not know the \u002657359;\u00268204; security code.

Lu Yan mechanically repeated the action of shooting arrows, one arrow and two arrows... He shot a total of \u002660957;\u00268204;five arrows.

The sharp arrow was like a bullet, piercing \u002660957;\u00268204; Lu Cheng's limbs.

The red blood flower exploded in mid-air\u002657562;\u00268204;, and a blood mist fell around. Lu Yan used research\u002658083;\u00268204; special arrowheads, with \u002660957;\u00268204;\u002659531;\u00268204; classic toxoids on the top.

For something with a relatively high pollution value like the Prophet, it may not die, but it will be weak for a long time.

In sight, Lu Cheng had already fled to the moat.

This \u002658818;\u00268204; distance has exceeded \u002660957;\u00268204; Lu Yan's longest range.

But he still shot 60957; an arrow, and this arrow was aimed at the prophet's 57360; head.

It's more like venting anger than killing people.

The surface of the water is dizzy\u002657562;\u00268204;\u002660957;\u00268204; a layer of faint blood.

Lu Yan asked: Dead\u002660957;\u00268204;?

Lu Yan panted slightly and put away his 60957; bow, his emotion could not be seen as joy or anger.

Yes. Lu Yan admitted directly, Shen Qingyang would not be able to live if the 60957; prophet was killed. He just saved 60957; me.

He can't take care of a \u002659347;\u00268204; pollutant, unless he wants a \u002659615;\u00268204; wanted list.

Although many times, Lu Yan felt that this world is worthwhile, and it has nothing to do with him.

But when I think about being far away from \u002657562;\u00268204; human society may not be able to \u002659220;\u00268204; the hospital for surgery, the school district house I bought in S city has not been sold yet, the liaison officer Director Li will lose 20 catties because of \u002658175;\u00268204; him... Lu I think it's better to maintain the status quo.

I know\u002657359;\u00268204;.

The system thinks \u002660957;\u00268204; thinks, \u002657359;\u00268204;:

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: www.piaotian5.com. Mobile version reading URL: m.piaotian5.com

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