What happened in the previous life will definitely happen again.

Even if the Blue Star Will can change many things, there is only one thing that cannot be changed.

That is the greed in people's hearts.

As long as greed exists for one day, the Blue Star Will will often feel helpless.

Just like tonight, He took action on His own, which was of no benefit except to speed up the arrival of the OL in the maze. The

Blue Star Will was actually very angry.

In His view, the dispute between the"Bitter Melon Trio" and the"Justice Man" was that the local people were fooled by the"aliens" and almost had an internal fight. This was a very disappointing behavior, so He sent down heavy rain, thinking of punishing these people and taking revenge on Lin Youzi, the alien.

The result was good.

The revenge was taken, and the fight was persuaded successfully.

Then what?

Lin Youzi just needs to take a shower.

Walking out of the bathroom, he was blowing his hair.

The hair dryer, with a low bass and high speed, blows out negative ions....It has the effect of protecting hair quality.

In short, it is very high-end technology, very quiet wind sound, and can also protect hair quality. I spent more than a thousand to buy it.

After involving maintenance, Lin Youzi found that there were too many places to spend money.

He put the wet clothes in the clothes basket and went downstairs with the clothes basket.

Stepping on the wooden stairs.

The sound is low.

Not loud, not small.

Enough for the three people downstairs to hear.

They turned their heads and looked.

They found Lin Youzi wearing a"bathrobe".

The thighs that were looming were white, tender and smooth. The delicate collarbone and pure face appeared on the upper body.

And the fragrance floating in the air just after taking a bath.

Blushed, stoned.

The eldest brother hoped that the washing machine program would wash faster, so that he could hide back in the room.

The third brother looked at his nose with his eyes, and his heart with his nose, pretending to be calm.

He said he didn't dare to look at this outfit any more. If he looked at it again, his mentality would explode, and if he looked at it again, his reason would melt.

The bathrobe was very large, and Lin Youzi still felt very safe, and it could wrap his whole body.

He didn't notice the third party's perspective at all, and the bathrobe was an"open hip" style! With open hips, you can walk faster and more briskly.

It is an innovation of bathrobes, which reduces the situation of being unable to move after taking a bath.

Lin Youzi rarely wears bathrobes, and he didn't know that there are so many styles of bathrobes. He thinks the material of the clothes is very good, skin-friendly and non-irritating.

With the sound of music from the washing machine, the program ended.

The clothes were washed, and the three of them came forward to carry out the clothes, put them in the clothes basket, and hurried upstairs

"How strange."

He murmured, threw the clothes in, and then turned back to the room.

His hair was not completely dry, but 70% dry.

Before going to bed, you need to make sure your hair is dry, so that you don't get a stroke under the air conditioner!

Although the chance is very small, you have to eliminate this chance.

He has too many things and doesn't want to have a stroke.


When the clothes were washed, Lin Youzi returned to the room.

He turned on the computer and continued to check the international futures market.

Everything was normal, and he found nothing special.

The price of rare earths was still rising, reaching 700,000 yuan per ton. The increase was a bit too exaggerated and abnormal.

Many"old hands" were very keen to find that someone might want to cut leeks and cash out!

So the rare earth trading market fell into stagnation.

In the rare earth forum, Lin Youzi was mentioned again.

——The recent trading market is very strange. Why have the prices become so high? Is there really an inside story? Is someone trying to make a profit?

——The timid will die of starvation, the bold will die of gluttony. I have already bought 10 tons.

There are people from various countries here. The people from Neon Island proudly sent out news that he did not think the price would fall. He had inside information.

In the second half of the year, Neon will vigorously develop technology, which will consume a lot of rare earths, and the price of rare earths will definitely increase by then.

But he forgot a premise.

That is, when the total amount of rare earths remains unchanged, the demand increases, and the price will increase!

Supply exceeds demand, and supply exceeds demand are two different things.

——I'd better wait and see. 700,000 is too high. 600,000 is about right.

There are still many rational people.

At the same time, there are people from Huayu who are also paying attention to the trading market.

In a mining office somewhere, the director is in front of a long table, discussing a certain plan with a group of people excitedly.

The director spoke first.

"Is it feasible? National Day is coming. Huayu Country will definitely like our gift."

"Director, the plan is feasible. We are applying for a mining license. Once we get the license, we can start digging."

"Well, this rare earth mine will definitely bring a small shock to the world belonging to Huayu Country!"

The director was very excited. This is a rare earth mine, which is larger than all the rare earth mines discovered so far.

This area has been explored before.

The inspection result at that time was that no rare earth resources were found.

Now, by chance, someone turned on the instrument to check, and found that there were rich mineral resources underneath.

The joy that came out of nowhere made everyone in the mining office extremely happy.

Having grasped the opportunity, they sold the news to some companies and made a profit from it.

The companies that received the news naturally would not continue to hold rare earth mines and sold them one after another.

Selling too much will lead to a drop in prices.

But behind the companies, there are smart financial experts who deliberately set the upper limit of rare earth prices to 700,000 per ton.

This is a fake price, which is to raise the psychological expectations of shareholders.

At the same time, a large amount of low-priced rare earths are released.

It makes people feel that there is Bottom-picking opportunities, thus completing the act of cutting leeks.

Lin Youzi does not understand finance, he only makes money by relying on the information gap of foresight.

If you really understand these things, it would be faster to start a company and solve the problem once and for all.

Or buy stocks that have skyrocketed within a year, and you can also make money while lying down.

Buying stocks is actually waiting for dividends after the company makes money.

However, he did not know these things. He had prepared too little in his previous life. He only knew that it was a very big event, and it had to be a big event within a year.

Among them, he remembered the big event of the currency exchange rate in March of next year.

After the exchange rate, the price of natural gas will also fluctuate.

There will not be many opportunities to make money next time.

I don’t know how much I can earn.

The land in the east of the city should be bought.

After reading the discussion on the rare earth forum for a while, he turned off the computer.


Turn off the lights and go to bed.

The day passed just like that.


The next day, the three people who got up early went to the military training.

Lin Youzi arrived at the security booth at around nine o'clock.

The rain last night brought a drop in temperature today, and the temperature change was clearly felt.

Uncle Guan came to the horse farm happily.

This time, he also wanted to give Lin Youzi some shocks.

There were more than one Dawan horse in the horse farm.

When a group of horses appeared in front of him, Lin Youzi was really shocked.

"Lin, you see, the horse you tamed that day is among them. Can you find it?"

"..."I'll try."

He looked at the horse, put his finger between his lips, and blew the whistle!

Beep - a loud sound appeared.

This sound was very transparent and penetrating.

One of the horses in the herd moved its ears slightly, looked to the side, and found that it was Lin Youzi, and ran towards him.

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