After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 915: What kind of hidden weapon?

Kang Te was surprised: "Huh? I thought he was going to punch me, how did he turn around and kill another rabbit?"

Shang Yang said: "The arena is deceitful, I can be regarded as studying."

Conte said, "What's in the cloth bag he took?"

Shang Yang said: "It seems to be the rare ores I was talking about."

"My Fuck!" Conte yelled, "Rabbit, don't run!"

It's strange that the rabbit doesn't run. He can't figure out the depth of the iron bumps in front of him. Of course, in this case, he doesn't fight well with his opponents. Seeing that he is in iron armor and is obviously not running fast, he can get rid of him lightly. Kingly.

His toes were a little on the ground, and he jumped a few meters away with a brush, and a little bit more, a rise and fall was a few meters away.

Conte: "Fak! Stop, keep the ore."

Wherever the rabbit cares about him, he runs fast.

Conte scolded, "This rabbit is too unpretentious." He said, while throwing a "wind sprint" to himself, and then he ran after him.

The rabbit in front of him had already been about ten meters away from him, and thought he would leave Conte steadily, but he did not expect to hear footsteps behind him suddenly, and Conte narrowed the distance to five or six in an instant. Meters away.

"Huh?" Rabbit Daqi: "This man is in iron armor, so he can run so fast?"

Conte yelled: "Stop, don't run!"

The rabbit hurriedly brought out all of his light skills, speeding up his feet, and in an instant, he threw Kang Te to a distance of more than ten meters.

Conte: "Huh? Hey? The rabbit runs so fast, I can't catch up with the wind."

Shang Yang yelled from behind: "That's a light skill, my unique stunt of Dongtu Datang, almost everyone in the arena is a little bit like that."

Conte said: "That can't be done! I have to whirlwind."

When Shang Yang heard this, he sweated profusely: "Don't use your shit-like whirlwind."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Conte waved his hand forward, a standard "cyclone technique" was thrown out, and a rotating wind chased the rabbit in front.

In fact, the rabbit in the front is running to guard against the person behind it. The rabbit’s ears are long, listening to the wind speaker. If there is a hidden weapon behind it, he can use the hearing provided by the long ears to feel the hidden weapon in advance. The flight trajectory then dodges.

Unexpectedly, the sound I heard in my ears was a bit awkward. Why did this hidden weapon make such a sound of breaking through the sky? He looked back and saw that what was flying towards him was a whirlwind: "Nima's? What kind of hidden weapon?"

The Bunnyman didn't dare to run in a straight line anymore. He didn't dare to hold on to this strange whirlwind because he didn't know what exercise it was. The toes were a little on the ground, and they floated horizontally, and the whirlwind passed by with a "whoo" from his side, and the rabbit fur that was shaved off his head was rippling in the opposite direction. The fur on this rabbit's head is not bad, and the rabbit fur is rippling with the wind. It was very ecstasy.

He jumped horizontally this time, the whirlwind escaped, but his feet slowed down, and Conte suddenly pulled closer for several meters.

The rabbit turned around and wanted to run again. At the beginning, Conte waved his hand behind him: "Wind Blade Technique!"

Two crescent-like wind blades came through the air. This time, the long ears of the bunny man could hear it. The hidden weapon that flew over should be two knives, which was clearly the sound of sharp weapons breaking through the air. He snorted coldly, took out two throwing knives from his arms, didn't look back, and threw back...

He is very confident in his hidden weapon kung fu. The two flying knives can definitely intercept the other's two flying knives and collide in mid-air. Can twist the other party's hidden weapon, so that you can't hurt yourself.

However, the rabbit ran two steps forward, and heard discordant sounds, brushing twice, the two throwing knives he threw out seemed to pass through the other's throwing knives, and the other's throwing knives did not stop. Coming down, he was still flying towards himself.

"What the hell?" The rabbit looked back and found that it was not two knives at all that came through the air, but two knives-like winds. How could it be possible to stop the wind with a flying knife just now?

Rabbit: "I bought a bag last year, it's super wear-resistant!"

He hurriedly jumped left and right, I rotated and jumped non-stop, and two wind blades flew past him on the left and right sides without hurting it. However, after the rabbit dragged like this, Conte finally came close to him. , He drew out a one-handed sword and slashed at the rabbit.

The Western one-handed sword looks extremely wide in the eyes of the Eastern Rabbit. A slash made him feel extremely powerful. The Rabbit didn’t dare to take it hard, so he waved the long sword in his hand and used a trick to make a letter. He wanted to come. Unwrap Conte's one-handed sword.


Conte’s sword was indeed provoked by him. Talking about the light changes of swordsmanship, the Eastern swordsmanship surpassed the Western swordsmanship ten streets, and the rabbit easily twisted Conte’s sword. However, before he had time to laugh, he saw Kang. Te left a huge shield "whooping" and patted his front face severely.

"Shield punch!"

This Nyima’s big weapon shouted, and the rabbit wouldn’t know how to do it for a while. He usually practiced all sorts of tricks, but when faced with a door-like shield, he didn’t know where to go. one move.


The shield was slapped on the rabbit's face, and the rabbit lifted the body guard and ate it hard.

After a muffled sound, the rabbit flew backwards. This time he couldn't spin and fly gracefully. He stood firmly on the ground. Instead, he landed on his back with a thump, then rolled backwards, and finally slapped his palms. He turned over and jumped up again, breathing heavily, with a red mark on the door panel on his face, looking extremely embarrassed.

"Damn! Western martial arts, really has its own uniqueness." The rabbit man said angrily: "However, the strength is average, at best push me somersault."

Conte: "Wow!"

The rabbit man waved his hand, and a small jade seal was sacrificed in the air. This is what he used to smash the cloth-backed rabbit just now. The iron wing sacred seal, this thing flies in the air and changes. It got more and more, and in a blink of an eye, it changed from the size of the palm of the hand to the size of a stone table.


The bunny man pointed at Conte, the sacred seal turned over in mid-air, and then smashed it down at Conte with a "huh".

Conte sweats profusely: "What kind of magic? Rockfall?"

He raised the shield in his hand and blocked it up: "Shield wall!"

He only heard a muffled sound of "touching", and a huge force was transmitted from the sacred seal to the shield, and Kang felt that he was under the weight of a thousand catties, and his feet plunged more than ten centimeters into the ground.

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