After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 896: I have horns on my head and a tail behind me

Golda, Kik, Chris and others all came to help. They grabbed the Light Judge who was seriously injured on the ground and threw them into the portal. Only Sofa, Xuelu, and Fire Mage did not do anything. Women are not suitable to participate. Carry these men.

It didn't take long for the room to be cleaned up. There were only a few corpses that were killed by Chris and the others, and Robb didn't bother to resurrect them. Not everyone was interested in resurrecting. It depends on interest.

Everyone gathered here again.

Chris looked at the two Demon King's horns in Robb's hand and asked curiously, "Godafather, what did you pick up the Demon King's horns for?"

Robb smiled and said: "Don't look at the ugly appearance of these two horns, these are important equipment materials."

Chris Khan: "Huh? This is still equipment materials? What can this thing do?"

Robb smiled and said: "Look up!"

He took out another flower from his pocket: "This is the devil flower I picked on the way into the ground. This is the skin of the devil. There are also the wings of the devil, plus these two horns. Live all together."

Everyone looked dumbfounded, wondering what they could do.

When Robb stretched out his hand and rubbed it, those materials turned into a piece of clothing.

Appearance outfit-demon outfit!

He put on his clothes and turned into a big demon with red skin, long horns on his head, long wings on his back, and a long tail behind him, super fierce.

Everyone: "..."

Robb laughed loudly and said, "Is my shape good-looking?"

"Uh! Godafather, I really want to use the sword to chop you." Chris said: "Although I know that I can't win."

Robb said: "I'm so cute and you want to cut me? Haven't you heard a song?"

"What song?"

Robb sang: "I have horns on my head and a tail behind me. No one knows how many secrets I have."

Everyone: "Please don't sing in bunny language!"

Robb shrugged, a group of guys who don't know how to play tricks, forget it.

He looked around the room everyone was in and said with a smile: "The room we are in now has no windows. It is surrounded by walls. It looks like a basement. It is full of Judges of Light. Guess where it will be outside? "

When everyone heard him ask this question, their faces sank, because even a mentally handicapped child could guess where it was outside, but everyone didn't believe it.

Robb said to Chris: "Don't you need evidence of the collusion between the Holy See of Light and the devil? Now this is the evidence. Come on, take it, this is a camera, take it all the way."

He reached into the portal and grabbed it, took out a "camera", and threw it into Chris's hand.

As the captain, Chris, of course, couldn't take the video in person. He gave the video to the assassin in the team, and the assassin picked up the "camera" and started shooting. First pat the teleportation magic circle on the ground, accompanied by a voice-over explanation, and then pat the situation in the room, and even get into the portal to pat the Light Judges who are being held by the West Wind Warriors, and then come back and follow Luo. Behind Bai et al.

Everyone heard the assassin’s voice in a very low voice: “Look, everybody, the big demon in the camera is a big devil pretended by Godafather. It was a suit of clothes he made after he destroyed the Demon King’s clan. It looks really like It’s really the same...Next, we’re going to open the door and go out. I don’t know what kind of world is waiting for us..."

Robb turned his head and smiled at him: "You are a good material for journalists! Let's go, let's go out and have a look!"

He walked to the door of the room and slammed the door. A long ladder appeared outside, and the ladder extended upwards. It can be seen that Robb didn't guess wrong just now. This is indeed a basement. Moreover, this staircase is very narrow, indicating that it is not the kind of upright passage, it should be a secret path.

Robb took the lead and walked up the stairs step by step. After walking for a long time, an iron plate appeared on it. Chris behind was about to say, "Gently move the iron plate and take a look." But he didn't say anything yet, Luo. Bai slapped his palm on the iron plate.


A loud noise, the iron plate soared into the sky, I don't know where it flew, and a golden light sprinkled in outside.

Robb jumped out with a whirr.

He was so messy that Chris and the others who followed couldn't help but look at each other. After several seconds, Chris carefully probed out to take a look. Next to him, the assassin responsible for taking the "camera" also followed, and the two lay on the exit together and looked out. Several heads squeezed from behind, filling the small tunnel exit.

Everyone didn't know it, and was shocked at first glance.

The outside is actually a magnificent room, decorated with all kinds of glittering things, all of the kind of bright and blind level, the golden touch table on the wall, the golden chandeliers on the ceiling, the carpet woven of gold silk on the floor, and the There is a gleaming golden throne...There are many detailed carvings on these golden things, but almost all are carved with the same thing-the God of Light!

Although he was prepared, the pastor couldn't help but sighed: "The Holy See of Light, the Holy Auditorium! This is the room of the Pope of Light."

Everyone: "..."

Chris whispered: "Hush, look over there..."

The men who squeezed their heads all looked forward, and saw a hanging old man sitting on the golden throne. The old man wore a golden silk robe, which looked high-end and elegant, holding it in his hand. With a gleaming golden staff, the top of the staff is actually inlaid with a golden brilliant stone! (The rare stone used to make street lights in Westwind Town)

This is obviously the Pope!

Robb, dressed in a demon costume, strode up to the Pope, stood, then tilted his head, looked at the Pope, and said nothing...

The pope also raised his head and looked at Robb.

The two kept this posture, just like that.

Robb wanted to wow, but now he is wearing devil clothes, which seems not suitable for wow, he simply stared, grinned, super fierce!

The Pope looked at Robb weakly and said, "Did the Demon Lord send you? It's useless to stare at me! I have transferred all the troops that can be transferred out. You won't be asking me to deal with the man myself. Bar?"

His opening remarks made everyone stunned. The assassin holding the "camera" couldn't help but be overjoyed. This sentence is enough as evidence, iron proof!

Robb was in a mess in his mind, thinking: You can't say the wrong lines at this time, just put it through.

He stared for a few more seconds, then opened his mouth, deliberately dripping out a few drops of saliva, and said on the side of the vagina: "Master Demon King said, you should go personally. Dealing with that man, every bit of strength should be used. "

The pope said with a bitter face: "It knows that I am a coward. I dare not face that man. If I had the courage to confront that man head-on, fifty years ago, I would have fought with Lord Demon. Instead of being its puppet obediently."

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