Every quarter, TRONHOE International has a regular meeting of the board of directors to determine the general direction of the company.

All senior management must participate and report to the directors and shareholders on the development and profitability.

Chen Feng learned about this meeting from Pan Rong not long ago.

Pan Rong wanted him to attend this regular board meeting and give Ye Muyan a seat.

Not long after Ye Muyan became president, she has not completely controlled the company, although she works hard and grows rapidly.

But after all, he is too young, in front of these old traitors and cunning guys on the board, he looks immature, and he is likely to be unable to calm the scene and be led by the nose.

In addition, Ye Muyan wants to carry out a drastic reform of the company and pay more attention to long-term profits.

But if you pay attention to long-term gains, then the recent earnings data will certainly not look good, and it is difficult to have both fish and bear's paw.

This will affect the shareholders' money bags, and they will certainly not let Ye Muyan make up her own mind.

If Ye Muyan couldn't stop the scene, she would be led by the nose.

In fact, many large listed companies have a problem, the original development trajectory is obviously very good, as long as it goes on step by step, the future can be expected, but it is because of the short-sightedness of shareholders, too much attention to short-term interests, interference in the company's operations, resulting in the company in a few years from prosperity to decline.

When Chen Feng learned of this, he naturally wanted to come over to support his wife.


When Chen Feng arrived at the conference room on the top floor, the routine meeting had already begun.

A large rectangular table with 42 people seated.

In fact, not every regular meeting, directors and shareholders will come, and 20 people can come, which is already a lot.

This time, 42 people came, almost together, rare.

It is because of the recent changes in the top management of Chuanghao International that investors are worried about the development of the company and need to come and see the situation in person.

Chen Feng casually pushed open the door and walked in, quietly came to the end of the table and sat down, although it was already very low-key, it still attracted the attention of many people.

Chen Feng didn't care, let alone interrupt the idea of the meeting, and looked at Ye Muyan, who was sitting in the chief seat opposite.

Ye Muyan was wearing a small black suit and sitting on the chief seat.

In front of a group of middle-aged and elderly people who were forty years old, the young beautiful president was very eye-catching.

Ye Muyan noticed her husband who entered the field halfway, but only glanced at it lightly, ignored it, and continued to report.

"The new project will become the company's future pillar industry, but this project requires long-term investment, because the company's near-term earnings may not be ideal, but it is very favorable in the long run..."

Then, the regular meeting ended.

The whole process went unexpectedly smoothly, and although some shareholders disagreed, most shareholders were quite wise to support Ye Muyan's direction.

In the end, it was successfully passed unanimously.

Chen Feng had already thought about it, and when everyone was opposed, he stood up, slapped the table angrily, and domineered to protect his wife as the chairman.

Use your 51% absolute controlling power, no matter what shareholders say, just do it.

However, Chen Feng was completely useless and sat on the cold bench.


Ye Muyan came over.

There were now only two people left in the room, and the others quickly left after announcing the end of the meeting.

The conference room, which used to accommodate 43 people, is now very empty.

"I don't seem to be helping. Chen Feng spread his hands.

"Why not, you're sitting here, you've already helped me a lot. Ye Muyan said.

And not exaggerated.

Chen Feng, who is both the chairman and Ye Muyan's husband, sits in the conference room in a dual capacity.

Everyone is not a fool, knowing that even opposing it is futile, and may be targeted by the chairman afterwards.

Thankless things, naturally no one will do it.

Chen Feng's existence is like ballast stone, just sitting here, he can suppress the whole audience, so that all the rioters have no chance to emerge.

"I wanted to perform well, but unfortunately, I didn't give me a chance to perform, and these shareholders are too uncompetitive!"

said Chen Feng regretfully.

Ye Muyan rewarded her husband with a charming white eye, looking at his stinky and beautiful appearance, he really owed.

Thinking that he is the chairman of the board of directors and absolutely in control, he will do whatever he wants, completely without considering the actual situation of the company's operation, that is, unconditionally supporting his wife.

It's not like a qualified investor, it's irrational, and it's willing to buy and sell money.

But domineering husband, who can refuse?

Ye Muyan suddenly sat on Chen Feng's lap.


?" "Yesterday when I was eating at the restaurant, my mother hinted to me when we were going to have children, and I didn't answer at that time, husband, what do you think I should answer?"

Ye Muyan blushed and asked shyly.

Chen Feng looked at such a wife, and then remembered his wife's performance at the meeting not long ago, facing the shareholders' inquiries and answers, meticulous, very professional strong woman style, royal sister temperament.

Now this female president with a full temperament of the royal sister is sitting in her arms, and the little bird is attached to the people.

Chen Feng said: "If your mother asks again next time, you will say it quickly, you know."

Ye Muyan nodded: "Hmm!" "

By the way, soon, how fast, husband, are you fast."

"Wife, you are naughty again, at your own risk.

"Husband, what do you want to do. "

Is the meeting room soundproofed?"

"Ok, not as good as my office soundproofing."

"Then go to your office."

"As chairman, I have the responsibility and obligation to test your new president's ability to work."

"Is it. "


Jianhui Company.

Office of the Vice President.

"Is Mr. Sun looking for me?

"Can't I come to you if I'm okay."


"Can I sit down."

"Please sit. "

Thank you. With

permission, Sun Chen sat down.

He Xueyi looked at Sun Chen in front of him, a little helpless.

Recently, Sun Chen often came to the company to find her, most of the time during off-work hours, sitting in the car, guarding the company door, picking her up from work.

Flowers are occasionally delivered.

Because the two are talented and girly, they often go in and out of pairs, which makes many employees of the company misunderstand, thinking that the two are dating.

"Mr. Sun is looking for me for something. He Xueyi asked again.

"Xiaoxue, you are too outward-looking, but I really have something to do with you this time, I came to bring you to a fortune." "

Do you know nickel, which has been rising lately?"

"I don't know, I don't pay much attention to those.

"I know this, so I specially came to tell you, Xiaoxue This is a good opportunity to make a lot of money, hurry up and buy nickel futures, guaranteed to earn, I have inside information!"

"Of course it's true, it's not a loss, but don't say it!" "


He Xueyi was very moved when she heard this.

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