"Chen Feng, do you still have a good investment project, if so, remember to bring me."

"Mr. Pan, in fact, I happen to have another good investment project, if you are interested, we can meet and discuss in detail."

"Okay, let's talk about it in detail during the meal, I ask, I didn't believe you last time, and I need to make amends."

"Pan has seen the outside, the sale is not benevolent, now the overall slump in the real estate, you don't believe it's normal, I have never blamed you."

"Hehe, no wonder your investment will be successful, with this energy, can it not be successful."

"Just call me Xiaofeng."

"Okay, Xiaofeng, let's eat together at noon, I'll take Xiaoyan, it's decided."

"Okay!" Chen

Feng did not have an opinion because of the other party's original distrust, people are not familiar with you after all, the first time you meet, it is normal not to believe you.

If Pan Rong believed Chen Feng's words from the beginning, did not have the slightest vigilance, and took out the money to invest, Chen Feng would have suspected why the other party sat in the position of general manager of Chuanghao International.

To do business, the gas volume is larger, and you can't do big business with a lot of calculation.

Moreover, the other party is still a Bole, who is carrying his wife.

It was already 11:30, and it was almost time for the lunch break.

Chen Feng had nothing else to do for the time being, so he came to the agreed place to eat in advance, located near Chuanghao International, a Chinese restaurant called Xiangxiang.

Go to the private room on the second floor and sit down.

Send WeChat messages to Pan Rong and Ye Muyan respectively, informing them that they have arrived and where they are sitting.

"We'll come now.

Pan Rong replied on WeChat, it seems that she does not plan to wait for work, and will come over now.

As a general manager, leaving work early seems to be nothing.

Ten minutes later, footsteps were heard outside.


The door of the private room opened, and Pan Rong and Ye Muyan walked in.

"Xiao Feng made you wait, obviously I invited you.

"It's okay!"


Ye Muyan had already gone to sit next to Chen Feng, next to each other, there seemed to be a magnetic field between the two, and they would stick to each other as soon as they met.

Seeing this, Pan Rong smiled and sat on the opposite side very sensibly.

"Did you order.

"Not yet.

"You're welcome, eat whatever you want."

"Pan always has any dishes to recommend?" "

Do you guys eat spicy?"

"Don't be too spicy, wife, you can't eat too spicy, right." "

Hmm!" "

Then I recommend these dishes..."

While waiting for the food to be served, Pan Rong couldn't wait to ask about Chen Feng's new investment project.

"Forex, halogen.

Chen Feng said it directly.

Everyone now knows that halogen cloth is depreciating.

Many people are not optimistic about halogen fabrics, and are selling halogen foreign exchange in large quantities, resulting in faster depreciation.

"With the current situation of the halogen cloth, if you still buy it, you are not afraid that it will be bloody."

Pan Rong's brows furrowed slightly, looking suspicious.

Chen Feng said: "Because of this, it is a good time to buy it.

"Mr. Pan, you have to believe me, don't look at the halogen cloth is now depreciating badly, it is about to become waste paper, wait, it won't take long to rebound, and the elasticity will be very strong."

Pan Rong asked: "How do you know that it will rebound, just like last time, there

is inside information?" Chen Feng shook his head and said: "There is no inside information this time, it is completely my personal analysis."

"Mr. Pan, when you sit in this position, you should know what determines the value of money, it is determined by the goods, and it is determined by the country behind it. "

Don't look at the Northern Bear Country is now under sanctions, the beautiful country kicked it out of the S settlement system, it seems to have reached a dead end, in fact, the Northern Bear Country is rich in resources, and all countries in Europe need to buy its natural gas and oil."

"Especially now, winter has not completely passed, and the countries of Europe need natural gas the most."

"If the Northern Bear Country announces that the purchase of its natural gas and oil must be settled in halogen cloth, what do you think will happen?"

Pan Rong's eyes lit up when he heard this: "The halogen cloth will appreciate in value

!" Chen Feng smiled and said: "That's right!" Tell

Pan Rong these analyses, and he is not afraid that Pan Rong will turn his head and invest himself and will not invest for him.

Because even if you know that the halogen cloth will usher in a rebound, it is futile to know the exact time.

If you buy foreign exchange in the bank, you can make money, but you don't earn much, just make a difference.

But speculating in foreign exchange is different, like playing futures, it is a game between players, which needs to be settled on a specified date according to the contract.

But no one can guarantee how long the exchange rate will be on the day of settlement.

If you don't understand anything, you can participate in it casually, and in the end you may be bloody and cut leeks.

"Xiaofeng, can you predict how much the revenue will be?"

"Not much!" "Not much

, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and it's normal for the earnings to be higher."

Chen Feng saw the entanglement on Pan Rong's face, and also understood why she was entangled and did not urge.

"Mr. Pan, you think about it, but it's best to give me an answer tomorrow."

"Don't think about it, I invested, I didn't believe your words last time, I missed a good opportunity to make money, and this time I missed it again, I was confused."

"I don't know how much Pan plans to invest. "

5 million!"

said Pan Rong decisively.

Chen Feng showed an appreciative look, worthy of being a strong woman in business, and she would strike when it was time to make a move, without delay.

One vote is 5 million.

Judging from Pan Rong's position, this is certainly not her full wealth, but if she loses, it will also hurt her bones.

Chen Feng is very happy, with 5 million, he will earn more this time speculating in foreign exchange.

The 50% income is only for Pan Rong, and Chen Feng's income is naturally not this, it is much higher.

It can't be said that Chen Feng is black, without Chen Feng's help in investing, Pan Rong can't even earn a penny.

Now Pan Rong can earn more than two million yuan as long as she waits for a few days and does nothing without doing anything, which is already a big profit for her.

Pan believes you will soon know how right your decision is.

"Bear your word.

"I will ask the lawyer to start an agreement as soon as possible, guaranteeing that within the deadline, 50% of the income will be achieved, and even if it is not possible, the principal will be repaid in full."

Pan Rong was surprised that Chen Feng was so confident that he let the lawyer make an agreement.

I also appreciate Chen Feng's acting style, human favor to human favor, business to business, and clear distinction between public and private.

Everything is on paper.

The waiter served.

The meal process was very relaxed, and we talked a lot and talked happily.

After that, after eating, Pan Rong checked out and went back to work with Ye Muyan.

After Chen Feng left the restaurant, he drove the Daben S, according to the navigation of Testosterone, towards a certain place.


Already at the destination.

In front of you is a residential building, quite historical, with a noticeable peeling of the façade.

This is not in the city center, the environment is backward, and the buildings are generally old.

Chen Feng looked puzzled, picked up his mobile phone and dialed a certain number, chatted a few words, and walked into the residential building.

There is no elevator, only stairs.

After a few moments, come to a certain floor, in front of a certain portal.

On the door hangs a sign that does not match the surrounding painting style, "Zhenjun Law Firm".

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