In fact.

Chen Feng didn't have to take this barbecue restaurant, there were still many shops with "transfer" posted on the street.

Seeing that the boss was still bargaining and chattering, Chen Feng asked: "Can you give me the contact information of the landlord, I want to talk to the landlord." Although

the boss was strange, he still gave Chen Feng a mobile phone number.

Chen Feng called, and the other party quickly connected.


, I want to buy your shop at XX Jiahong Street."

Chen Feng was not polite and straightforwardly stated his intentions.

"Oh, I wonder how much money you can pay?"

"It's too low, sorry, I'm afraid it won't work."

"Yes, I think this price is very reasonable, Jiahong Street here is not a village, there is no shop behind, the flow of people is very limited, your shop can't rent a good price, tenants are still changing, you can't make much money at all."

"With the rise of several nearby commercial streets, Jiahong Street has become less and less competitive, and the rent will become lower and lower over time, which means that the assets in your hands are constantly depreciating."

"It's better to sell it to me directly and take 1.8 million, worry-free." The

landlord was silent for a while: "What you said makes sense, but the price needs to be negotiated, so let's sell it for 2.8 million."

Chen Feng said: "It's impossible, just 1.8 million, if you are willing to sell, call me again, I have to see other shops, bother." "

Decisively hung up.

What should have been said has already been said, everyone is an understanding person, and it is a waste of time to continue talking.

And if Chen Feng shows that he wants to buy it, the other party will bite the price and refuse to relax.

The more you want to buy, the tighter the other party bites.

The point of bargaining is not to let the other party see their psychological state, which is dispensable.

In this way, the other party does not dare to ask for a price.

In fact, Chen Feng really did not have to buy this barbecue restaurant, there are many shops transferred here on Jiahong Street, and there will definitely be people who are willing to sell it at a low price.

"I haven't negotiated with the landlord, and I don't want the store you transferred for the time being."

Chen Feng said to the boss.

The boss showed a regretful expression, he really wanted to transfer out, it was futile and thankless to continue to operate here, who would want to do it?

Now young people like to start a business, but where it is so easy to start a business, it is nine deaths.

Especially in big cities, if you don't succeed, you can become a good one.

In the eyes of the boss, Chen Feng is a young man who does not know the height of the sky, wants to start a business and be his own boss.

Think that after doing market research, you have a chance of success, you can turn waste into treasure, and when you actually do it, you will find yourself falling into the trap and falling deeper and deeper.

When I realized that I wanted to get out and leave, I had already lost the capital of the investment.

The boss is from here, naturally knows, but he won't say it, so as not to scare Chen Feng away.

As long as Chen Feng is willing to enter the pit, he can get away and get back his capital.

"If the boss really wants to transfer, you may as well help me persuade the landlord, as long as he is willing to sell, your transfer fee will also be settled."

"Well, I'll help you persuade the landlord." "

Thank you.

Chen Feng turned to leave.

Continue walking down the street and see the other shops, there is no hurry.

The official announcement of the addition of the subway station entrance will only be announced next week, and there is still time.

Thirsty, there happened to be a milk tea shop next to it, and Chen Feng bought a cup of milk tea to drink.

Dingdi! WeChat

suddenly has news.

Picked up the phone and looked, it turned out to be sent by my wife, I don't know what happened.

Chen Feng clicked to see.

"Husband, what are you doing, (=゚ω゚)ノ

" "I'm thinking about my wife

!" "Nasty, slippery tongue!⁄⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)

" "I'm telling the truth!" Seeing

his wife's little girl's reaction, Chen Feng smiled.

Is this the newlywed Yaner?

In fact, the two have been separated for less than two hours, and Ye Muyan took the initiative to contact herself so quickly, and it seems that she misses herself very much.

"Wife, do you want me?"

"It's good that I'm not your boss, otherwise I definitely have to criticize and educate you, don't go to work well, and think about your husband all day." "

Hmph, husband is too bad (=゚ω゚)ノ

" "Men are not bad, women are not loved.

"Stinky beauty!" continued

to say a few earthy words, flirt, and the relationship between husband and wife became better.

Although the love words are dirty, they work, just look at your wife's reaction.

"Does my wife want to be a hostess?"

"Actually, I'm looking at the shops, maybe I can become a boss soon."


"Of course.

"Then I'm waiting to be the boss lady, but husband, do you have money to start a business, if it's not enough, I'll give it to you, although my money is not much, I can still come up with tens of thousands."

"No, I have money and didn't ask you again."

"Uh-huh, I'm going to work, let's not talk."


Chen Feng put away his mobile phone and smiled gratifyingly.

His wife also trusted him too much, and not only did not resist his entrepreneurship, but also strongly supported him.

You must know that entrepreneurship is difficult, nine dead in life.

The wife didn't even say a word of caution, and was willing to take out her whole wealth.

Unconditional support.

Not at all afraid of losing it all.

This kind of trust makes people's hearts warm and comfortable.

Trust is a simple word, but it is actually difficult, even if it is an old husband and wife, they may not be willing to hand over their bank cards to the other party to manage.

Hold the tai'a upside down and give people a handle.

If you are either too stupid and naïve, you don't care about gains and losses at all.

My wife is a female student, so naturally she is not stupid.

At this moment, Chen Feng was full of energy.

Can't let down this silly girl, let her be the happiest woman in the world!

"Let's buy a cup of milk tea for my wife too." "

My wife is working hard and needs comfort.

Chen Feng ordered a cup of milk tea for his wife on the takeaway platform.


A sudden call came from the phone.

Was the landlord of the barbecue shop.

Chen Feng had long expected that the other party would call, but he couldn't expect it so quickly, and it wasn't long after.

Since it has called, it is likely to be good news.

It should be afraid that Chen Feng will fancy other shops and not buy his shops, so he is in a hurry.

In fact, with the current situation of Jiahong Street, full of depressed scenery, it is normal for the other party to be anxious, after all, except for Chen Feng, no one knows that Jiahong Street will usher in earth-shaking changes next week.

Tap Turn on.

"Hey, landlord.

"I've thought it through, the shop can sell it to you."

"Okay, I can pay 2 million, but the transfer fee of the barbecue restaurant, trouble you to negotiate with the boss, if there is no problem, let's go to the housing management department to go through the procedures."

"No problem!" Although

the landlord wondered why Chen Feng didn't pay the transfer fee himself, he had to do it for him, but this matter was not difficult, anyway, Chen Feng gave 200,000 more, and it didn't matter if he did it for him.

After that, Chen Feng came to the barbecue restaurant, met with the landlord, discussed the details, and went to the housing management department to go through the formalities together.

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