"It's not okay to talk about it for fun." Rong Zhan ordered her, his coercion faintly revealed, "You are not allowed to talk nonsense in the future, otherwise you will be punished by military law."

Lu Lu said oh and shut up obediently.

Everyone removed their playful eyes and walked towards the main hall.

There were too many people, and it would be lively if they all got together to have fun, but it was also too lively.

Rong Yu and his son, Fucang, Xie Jin and Xuanyuan Yao went to the study together.

Nan Xi, Chu Qinghuang, Fu Dange, and Lu Lu stayed in the hospital to play with the children.

Chengxi is ten years old, and has long been cultivated to have the demeanor of a prince. He is unsmiling at a young age, and there is an indescribable sense of security when he stands there.

Dongzhu is about the same age as Jinyu, and the two sisters are three months apart. Dongzhu is lively, and his eyes light up when he looks at Jinyu, as if he has seen some strange toy.

Chu Qinghuang stood aside and watched, hearing Nan Xi ask: "Aren't you going to have another child?"

"I don't want to give birth anymore." Chu Qinghuang shook his head, "I want to concentrate on governing the world. I can spend my free time with Fucang and love her. The last time I gave birth to Jinyu, I was pregnant for twelve months and Fucang lost a lot of weight. It doesn’t hurt me to death.”

Nan Xi laughed: "Fucang is a child who knows how to care for others."

Knowing how to care for others also makes people feel distressed.

"The emperor's sister-in-law should not have given birth either." Chu Qinghuang's eyes fell on Fu Dange. This woman had not been seen for more than two years. She was more confident and gentle than the last time we met, "Chengxi is young. With the demeanor of a prince, Dong Zhu also teaches well and looks much more lively than Jin Yu. "

"Jin Yu has the demeanor of a king." Fu Dange smiled softly, "How can a queen and a princess be the same?"

Lu Lu nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, Jin Yu will be the queen in the future. One of the three palaces and six courtyards cannot be missing. She is different from the princess."

As soon as these words came out, Nan Xi was the first to be quiet. Chu Qinghuang turned his head and looked at Lu Lu: "Three Palaces and Sixth Courtyard?"

Lu Lu nodded.

Chu Qinghuang said: "The queen does not necessarily want three palaces and six courtyards."

"Her Majesty the Queen and Master Fucang originally only had this daughter. In the future, the royal family will become fewer and fewer. If the next queen continues to be monogamous, the royal family will become increasingly declining. The decline of imperial power means the power of ministers will become stronger. It's not a good thing for Xiqi Sheji." Lu Lu said, "Besides, the little empress loves beauties. San Gong and Six Courtyards can balance power and fulfill her hobby of collecting beautiful men from all over the world. Why not kill two birds with one stone? "

Chu Qinghuang didn't say anything. Thinking that her daughter had also said that she would build a golden palace to collect beauties from all over the world, she couldn't help but think, had Lu Lu got angry with her daughter in advance?

Nan Xi's eyes fell on Jin Yu: "Jin Yu is indeed a special child."

Chu Qinghuang laughed: "What is special in our eyes becomes different in the eyes of the world. They can find reasons to criticize anyone who is deviant, unruly, shocking, ridiculous...anything that goes against the three obediences and four virtues."

Nan Xi said: "It depends on everyone's choice. Would you rather live a peaceful and docile life under the shackles of many rules and have a smooth and trouble-free life, or break free from the shackles of rules and strive for the supreme position that the world looks up to? , but you have to endure rumors, accusations and abuse...it depends on your ability and courage."

Obviously, Chu Qinghuang is by no means a little girl willing to succumb to fate and secular rules, and her daughter will also not be bound by ethical rules.

"If I really want to continue the system of queen rule, there is nothing wrong with the three palaces and six courtyards." Chu Qinghuang turned and entered the hall, sat down and poured herself a cup of tea, "What a man can do, a woman can also do Do."

The three palaces and six courtyards have always been the welfare of the emperor. No man has ever said that he is willing to give up all the beauties in the world for a woman. The so-called heirs are endless and scattered, but in the end, the heirs kill each other and the royal family is divided. Personally, I think there are disadvantages to having too many heirs.

It can be seen that procreation is just an excuse for men to satisfy their own selfish desires and satisfy their lust.

Since men can do it, if a woman becomes a queen, she should also enjoy this benefit. There is nothing different about it.

Chu Qinghuang looked at her daughter playing outside the hall, secretly imagining what she would be like when she grew up. The harem was full of beautiful men, just like the backyard when she was the eldest princess, with two Zhongjin, three Wen Zhan, and four One Hongyu, five Qiling, plus two Chulingchuan, among which there may be a Fucang...

A swarm of people were clamoring for favor.

Chu Qinghuang's expression froze for a moment. He took a sip of tea, quietly put the tea cup back on the table, and raised his hand to rest on his forehead.

Well, there’s nothing to think about, that picture shouldn’t exist.

Nan Xi sat down next to her: "How long do you plan to stay here?"

Chu Qinghuang came back to her senses: "It won't be too long. The weather has been comfortable these two days. We have to go back before the weather gets hot. We can stay here for at most half a month."

Nan Xi nodded: "Half a month is enough. You all have important responsibilities now, so you can't develop the habit of laziness."

Chu Qinghuang smiled and said, "I accompanied Fucang to the Yan Kingdom just a few years ago."

"I heard." Nan Xi raised her lips, "The ministers of the Yan Kingdom are making noises about establishing a new crown prince?"

Chu Qinghuang nodded: "Thinking about it is useless. Yanguo can only be Fucang's Yanguo. When Jinyu grows up, Yanguo will be Fucang's coming-of-age gift for his daughter."

Nan Xi didn't care about their national affairs. She smiled and looked out of the hall: "What do you think of this girl Lu Lu?"

"Very interesting." Chu Qinghuang looked at the scene outside the palace where Lulu was playing with Jinyu. "My second brother hasn't married for so many years, and it's destined that he will have such a unique wife."

Nan Xi hummed: "It's just that sometimes what he says is a bit out of tune."

Chu Qinghuang pursed her lips and smiled: "Indeed, there will be headaches for my second brother in the future."

Nan Xi looked at her and raised her hand to stroke her hair: "Mother used to worry about you the most. Now that you are all living so happily, this heart is finally put down."

"I owe my mother too." Chu Qinghuang rarely acted like a little girl, leaning on her shoulder, "My father and mother worked hard for me all those years, and Uncle Zhan Ruo cast a spell to take over my body, so that I can live again. times, and live so comfortably and freely, not trapped by emotions, not forced by the situation, all of this is backed by my father and mother, which gives me enough confidence to do what I want to do. "

Nan Xi stroked her head: "It's mainly because your father is worried, I can't do anything."

"What mother said is wrong." Chu Qinghuang raised an eyebrow, "My eldest brother, second brother and I are so outstanding, and it's not the credit of my father alone. Besides, without mother, I'm afraid the three of us would not even have the chance to be born."

Although Chu Qinghuang had never seen the degree of paranoia of father towards mother, she had heard a lot over the years. If mother didn't love father, father would have lived alone for the rest of his life and would never look at other women.

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