The emperor's wrath is heart-stopping.

However, except for the emperor and Chu Qinghuang's father and daughter, there was no one else in the palace at the moment, so naturally Chu Qinghuang would not be frightened by this anger.

As if she still thought the emperor's anger was not strong enough, she continued slowly: "Those people in Erchen's backyard felt that he deserved death for committing the following crime, so they offered to let Ling Jing be their slave, as a tribute to him. The Tao also governs the person's body, and I thought it was quite appropriate, so I agreed."

So after Ling Jing was injured, he was taken to the eldest princess's mansion. What happened was that simple.

She said she could solve it, and she had reached an agreement with the Ling family.

But they themselves were stupid and had to ask her to explain herself in front of the emperor, and they said she was not seeking death?

Chu Qinghuang clicked his tongue.

Sure enough, when a person's death comes, not even gods can stop him.

The emperor's face was ugly. The relaxation and ease a moment ago were completely gone, leaving only a cold and murderous look.

Even the voice seemed to be squeezed out from between the teeth, mixed with a cold and bloodthirsty tone: "It is simply a matter of life and death!"

He has really spoiled them all these years!

"Father, there is no need to be angry." Chu Qinghuang said, "My son has already said that this matter can be resolved by oneself -"

"You're going to solve it yourself?" The emperor's face turned livid, "The Ling family insulted the entire royal family. They didn't take me seriously at all. I've pampered them so much these years! I pampered them so much that they didn't know how high the heaven and earth were, and they forgot that they were the master of the world. Who is it? How dare you even humiliate my daughter, I—"

"Father." Chu Qinghuang interrupted him unhurriedly, with a calm tone, "Ling Ancheng holds military power in his hands, and he cannot be touched for the time being. The reason why I don't want this matter to get serious is because Because although Ling Jing's mouth smelled bad, it was just a whisper between him and Ling Yan, which happened to be heard by the son-in-law and the shadow guard. If it made a big fuss, the Ling family would not admit it; secondly, it was because of the military power in Ling Ancheng's hands. , If my son makes this matter a big deal, it will only make things more difficult for my father."

The emperor fell silent, his brows covered with a layer of gloomy frost.

military power.

Yes, the Ling family has held military power for so long that they have forgotten that the master of Xi Qi Jiangshan is named Chu, not Ling. For so long that they think that holding military power means they can ignore the royal princess. They thought that Concubine Duan was favored and the Ling family had a great business, so the king was afraid of them.

Tianzheng has not yet been registered as the crown prince, and the Ling family has not yet become relatives.

Are you so impatient that you want to step on the royal princess?

The emperor took a deep breath, barely able to restrain the murderous aura surging in his heart.

Chu Qinghuang narrowed his eyes.

This time the Ling family has touched the most untouchable scale for the king.

The emperor can no longer tolerate it.

It's time for someone else to take charge of the Ling family's military power.

"Does Ling Ancheng know that his nephew said these words?"

Chu Qinghuang said: "He didn't hear it with his own ears, but he already knew about it, because Ling Yan is his biological son and will not lie to him."

The emperor understood.

Ling Jing made rude remarks and openly insulted the eldest princess of the royal family. Ling Yan was a participant. The Ling family had raised their children to be so indulgent for so many years. It was simply more hateful than Feng Jinzhi and those dandy children from the noble family.

Qinghuang originally planned to solve the problem by herself because she didn't want to break up with Ling Ancheng or make it difficult for her mother-in-law. She let Ling Jing do things for herself, which had given the Ling family enough face, but Concubine Duan... didn't even do anything. I understand Qinghuang's painstaking efforts and insisting on sending the Ling family to hell with his own hands.

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