Chapter 218 The fifth master hijacks Nanhuang!

  Dr. Wang's face darkened slightly: "Dr. Ye, you are not doing well."

  Nanhuang said: "I think it's good for me, can you control me?"

  Nanhuang let go of Rong Wuye's hand, and when Rong Wuye loosened his wrist, he felt a sense of loss.

   "Leave him alone, don't cause trouble, come in with me."

  Master Rong Wu entered the B19 laboratory with breakfast.

  Back to the laboratory, Nanhuang unpacked the bread and milk and ate them.

  She is very self-cultivated, even if she is extremely hungry, she will not rush to eat. From the small details, Fifth Master Rong could also see that she was indeed very hungry.

   After breakfast, Nanhuang rarely wanted to chat with him.

   "Zhang Jiang, what did you eat in the morning? You can't eat from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, is this acceptable? If you can't stand it, I will let you go back early at night." Nanhuang said.

  She has always been considerate of others, but she has never been considerate of herself.

   Fifth Master Rong shook his head slightly, and said nothing else.

   Seeing that he didn't speak or ask questions, Nanhuang started to work on her own.

  While she was busy, Master Rong was cleaning up the mess she made. It's messy, but it's not too messy, and it's not troublesome to clean up.

   Fifth Master Rong looked down at her. Why is she working so hard, and what kind of experiment is she doing so hard?

   Isn't she supposed to live in the manor? She and that Zhu Lin...

  What is the relationship between her and that Zhu Lin? Did you kiss? Have you gone to bed yet? …Married?

  Nanhuang, you don't want me, you chose another man...

  Thinking of this, Master Rong's heart once again felt sour, and even his stomach was very sour.

  It was twelve o'clock at noon, and Fifth Master Rong had already helped her prepare a meal very familiarly. He delivered the meal to her table and reminded her to put down work and eat something.

   You should eat on time. Rong Wuye thought.

Nanhuang put down the pen, pushed the pen and paper aside, and then murmured: "It's strange, you used to do something only when I asked you to do it, and you never do it unless I ask you to do it. Move. Why didn't I call you, and you also cooked for me?"

   Nanhuang sighed, and ate the three dishes and one soup in front of him.

   "The food in the kitchen today is not bad." Nanhuang smiled.

  Her life in the laboratory was monotonous. Apart from endless experiments, she had nothing else. She threw her mobile phone aside and never looked at it at all.

  Master Rong stared at her phone for a long time. Until Nanhuang entered the laboratory, he secretly slid her phone away.

  The mobile phone lock screen that came into view was a photo of her and Zhu Lin together.

  The man's heart ached so badly at this moment, his hands rested on the table.

  Damn, damn, damn!

  Nanhuang happened to be out of the laboratory at this time, saw the man and quickly asked: "Zhang Jiang, are you feeling well?"

  Rong Fifth Master secretly put down her cell phone. shook his head. Turn around and get busy.

  Although he is tall, he is slightly depressed.

  After leaving the pharmaceutical factory, the man began to count the time to live.

  His working hours are only on Monday and Thursday, that is to say, he will have to wait another three days before seeing Nanhuang.

  Friday to Sunday, the happy days of the family reunion of the island residents, for him, it is a tormenting wait.

  But at least there is anticipation in the waiting time, and the days of anticipation are more interesting than a pool of stagnant water.

  Finally, it was Monday again, Rong Wuye went to Zhang Jiang's place, but Zhang Jiang refused to help him.

   "I'm not having trouble with money, but if you go every time, it's easy to reveal your secrets. This week, the institute is under martial law." Zhang Jiang said, "I'm going to verify my identity today, and you can go there on Thursday."

   Waiting for the bye made Master Rong a little anxious.

  He stepped out of the house, stepped on the beach wearing beach sandals, looked in the direction of the Institute, restrained himself, and waited for Thursday.

  Tuesday and Wednesday finally passed.

  The man finally waited until the day when he could go to work again. He went to Zhang Jiang's place and paid 100,000 yuan to change his identity for one day.

  He swiped Zhang Jiang's identity plate, and the man who had been waiting for a week walked faster and faster.

   Want to see her, really want to see her!

   Pushed open the door of the laboratory and saw the woman in the laboratory. The woman was just as decadent as last Thursday, crawling limply across the table.

  Hearing the sound of Zhang Jiang pushing the door, the woman raised her hand feebly: "I'm so hungry."

  The man immediately rushed forward to look at her, then rushed out of the laboratory and brought two breakfasts.

  Nanhuang ate bread and drank milk, she was very hungry, one serving was not enough, and she finished two servings.

  The man looked at her weak, and his heart ached. He really wanted to ask her how that man took care of her and why he made her so thin.

  Why did she choose that man, why didn't she choose him, where did he lose?

   Nanhuang raised her head and smiled at him: "I'm much better, you don't have to worry about me."

   Zhang Jiang is a little different today, he seems to be very worried about her.

  In the laboratory, everyone does their own thing, and the relationship is cold and cold. Nanhuang is not used to being cared about suddenly.

  Master Rong Wu straightened up and went to work aside.

   Nanhuang was a little tired, so she lay down on the sofa beside her and rested for a while, Fifth Master Rong found a thin blanket and covered her carefully.

  He quietly approached her cheek with his gloved hand, but he didn't dare to touch it. He withdrew it abruptly, his heart beating wildly.

little things.

little things…

  At noon, Fifth Master Rong went to make dinner for Nanhuang again.

  Life here is indeed very monotonous. When passing by B18, Dr. Wang made things difficult for him again.

   "You are just a handyman, and you are dragging around. What's wrong with doing more work. I, a doctor, have enough time to organize this stuff, and I can complete several experiments."

  Master Rong Wu didn't say that he could earn hundreds of millions with just hooking his fingers.

  Rong Wuye still ignored the Frankenstein next door. It's normal for a doctor to be a little eccentric. He doesn't want to waste time on this.

  When the lunch call came, Nanhuang had already woken up. Her biological clock was a bit confused, and she was washing up on the sidelines.

  The appearance is white and clean, simple and beautiful.

   "I will probably not come to the laboratory in two days." Nanhuang said.

  She plans to go to country Z.

  Before leaving a note for Rong Feng, they made a three-year agreement. She went there some time ago and came back for more than a month. Her brother was well prepared in Country Z, so she planned to go to Country Z again. There are some things that she needs to discuss with Rong Feng. As for whether Rong Feng forgave her or left her after talking about it, she had to accept and bear it.

   Then he plans to move his laboratory to country Z and conduct experiments in country Z itself.

  She couldn't believe she couldn't find a way to break the curse.

   "Aren't you coming to the lab?" Fifth Master Rong couldn't help blurting out.

  Through the protective clothing, Nanhuang felt that the other party's voice was very familiar, but probably because she just woke up and misheard vaguely, Nanhuang didn't think much about it.

   "Well, I won't come. You won't use it anymore. The research institute should arrange for you to go to other doctors."

   Master Rong's body tensed up. How was he going to see her if she didn't come to the lab?

  Nanhuang sat at the table, took out her chopsticks and began to eat. She ate it bite by bite, and it was delicious.

  The man stared at her intently.

   What would he do if she stopped coming to the lab? He has no expectations, he will never see her again?

  The man felt hostility in his heart.

  He really wanted to kill Zhu Lin, he really wanted to take the woman in front of him away, lock him up, and let her look at him!

  He's going crazy.

  He's a madman!

  The pain in the stomach suddenly swept over him. The man who hadn't had a good meal in the past few years had severe stomach cramps.

  He leaned on the wall with one hand unbearably, and stroked his stomach with the other.

   While eating, Nanhuang raised her head and saw the man in the protective suit holding his stomach against the wall, looking very uncomfortable.

   "Zhang Jiang, what's wrong with you?" Nanhuang put down the bowl and chopsticks and quickly stepped forward to help him.

  The man pushes her away.

   "What's uncomfortable, I'll help you look!" Nanhuang said eagerly.

   Nanhuang was about to take off his protective clothing as he spoke, but the man pushed her away again.

  Nanhuang looked at him hesitantly and said: "You can't do this, why don't you take off your protective clothing, eat something and drink some water."

  The man shook his head.

   "Why don't you get off work early. Go back and have something to eat and drink? You are so uncomfortable, you must not be able to stand it until 5 o'clock."

  The man still shook his head.

  He was so stubborn, Nanhuang had nothing to do with him, so she had to go back to her seat and keep an eye on him while working.

  The man seemed to have returned to normal. He cleaned up Nanhuang's dishes and papers all over the floor.

  It was about three o'clock in the afternoon.

  The man covered his stomach again and propped himself up against the wall with one hand.

  Nanhuang immediately threw down the pen and paper, she trotted over and said, "Don't be brave, I'm a doctor, I can cure you."

   As he spoke, he was about to pull on his protective clothing.

  The man refused to let him go, but he was too weak at the moment, and he couldn't survive the struggle.

   Nanhuang pulled off his protective clothing!

  Nanhuang's whole body tensed up, and her eyes suddenly shrank.

  In the protective clothing, Fifth Master Rong's eyes were red and he was sweating profusely. His face was so pale that even his lips had no color.

   "Rong Feng!" Nanhuang was startled, "Why do you..."

   "Don't move." A scalpel appeared in the weak man's hand, and he pressed the scalpel against her fair neck. "Go with me."

   Once discovered, there is no way to continue pretending. It just so happened that he didn't want to pretend anymore.

  Nanhuang looked at the big beads of sweat that kept falling on his forehead, regardless of his scalpel, she felt pain in her heart when she saw him in pain. She asked anxiously: "Tell me what you feel uncomfortable first, and I'll take a look for you."

  Rong Feng has been such a strong person since he was a child, how can normal pain break his defenses, and he can't even hold on to the disguise. How much pain should he have now.

   "Is it a stomachache?" Nanhuang deduced his condition through the observation of Chinese medicine, and said anxiously: "I have stomach medicine here. I'll bring it to you."

   "Don't move around." Rong Feng endured the pain.

   Nanhuang was so anxious that her hands shook a little, she waved her hand, Rong Feng put a knife on her neck, she moved to the table, opened the drawer, and took out a box of stomach medicine.

  She took out three pills and gave him her water glass. "Take the medicine first," she said.

  Rong Feng endured the pain and was short of breath.

   "I'll feed you." Nanhuang stretched out her hand and poured the medicine into his mouth, then moved her water glass to his mouth, and finally forced Rongfeng to take the stomach medicine.

  The man choked and coughed violently.

  Nanhuang hurriedly followed his back. "Do you feel better?"

  The man's cold dagger approached. "Don't move around, follow me."

  Nanhuang finally felt the cold scalpel in his hand and did not struggle. "Okay, I'll go with you."

  Rong Wuye pulled on his protective clothing, and pressed the knife against her lower back. "Don't play tricks with me."

   "I know." Nanhuang said softly.

   Nanhuang and Rong Wuye left the laboratory together, and the door of the laboratory was closed.

  Dr. Wang from the B18 laboratory next door saw two people coming out together, and made a joke. "Dr. Ye, let's go out today to let the wind go. It's also good to let the wind go, so as not to be suffocated to death doing experiments."

   Nanhuang was speechless.

  In the final analysis, Dr. Wang is a bit like her classmate, who often does experiments together next door, because recently, there are often frictions due to resource issues. He has a weird temper, but he's not a bad guy.

  Rong Wuye warned her in a low voice: "Don't do boring things."

  Nanhuang nodded, but did not reply to Dr. Wang, she followed Mr. Rong Wu out of the pharmaceutical R&D factory, and outside, Yang Bo, who was waiting in the car, was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped.

   This is not, isn’t this Missy? ! !

  Rong Wu went to the pharmaceutical research and development factory, and unexpectedly... kidnapped the eldest lady? ! !

  Rong Fifth pushed Nanhuang into the car, and got in himself. Before Nanhuang could sit still, the scalpel was placed on her neck again.

   "Drive, go to the airport, and return to the Imperial City!" The man's instructions became more urgent one by one.

  Yang Bo immediately entered the fighting state: "Yes, Lord Wu!"

   Nanhuang stared at the scalpel, sat up slowly, and said to Master Rong, "Don't be nervous."

  Yang Bo: "..."

  Miss doesn't seem to recognize the status clearly?

  Master Rong coughed a few times violently, coughing up blood from the palm of his hand, and he put the palm of his hand behind his back.

  Nanhuang is such a perceptive person, she immediately said to Yang Bo: "Yang Bo, do you have anything to eat, preferably noodles!"

  Yang Bo: "..."

   Finally met. This chapter is bolded and lengthened.



  (end of this chapter)

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