At this moment, everything in the world fell into panic!

Strong fear continued to flow into Su Heng's body, his strength continued to increase, and his magic power continued to recover!

"Recovered a little bit..."

Su Heng realized that his strength had recovered a little, but it was still far from its peak state.

"But it's enough."

Just enough?

Yukinoshita Yukino keenly felt that the world was in great fear!

Such a huge emotion.

Only a little bit of ability was restored....

Yukinoshita Yukino forced herself to calm down:"Master, meow~ Are we going to solve the problem next?"


A smile appeared on Su Heng's lips.

That little smile contained endless murderous intent!

It was the first time that Yukinoshita Yukino encountered Su Heng showing such a terrible expression!

But as Su Heng stood up,

Yukinoshita Yukino knew that the crisis that no one in the God Realm could solve had been declared over!

Su Heng stood up, and the whole person disappeared from the original place.

In the God Realm, the human god was trembling all over!

"Su Heng......."

His voice was also trembling.

The fear of Su Heng had been engraved in the heart of the human god.

It could never be eliminated!

The human god pounded his thigh and forced himself to calm down:"How is it possible? I have already come to another world."

"How could Su Heng know!"

"It must be an illusion, it must be my illusion!"

The human god kept giving himself mental hints, but his body still wanted to escape.

The caution in his heart told him that he couldn't go on!

The human god wanted to slip away, but when he was about to fly away, he found that the barrier had trapped him!

"Want to escape?"

Tian Yuan also heard Su Heng's voice just now and knew what happened outside!

It means that the action has begun!

There is no need to pretend in the next period of time.

She sneered and continued:"You have offended the adults, and you still want to escape?"

The human god looked at Tian Yuan in astonishment:"How could it be......Are you Su Heng's man?"

Tian Yuan did not admit it immediately.

However, after noticing her expression, Ren Shen finally came out.


The human god had cold sweat on his forehead, but he was still confident:"I have been in this world for so many years, how could I not have a backup plan!"


It's useless!

It's useless!

No matter how the human god senses, he can't find any trace left outside:

"Why can't I use the backup plans I left around the world?"



Constantly invading his brain. 050

The last time he was so scared was when Su Heng killed the gods in front of him!

He forced the human god to believe in the subspace and escape with the power of the four evil gods.

Su Heng......

A fear that will never be forgotten! Do

I need to rely on the power of the Four Gods like I did the last time I escaped?...

If you do that, you will become their slave forever!

I am a noble god!

The human god tightly grasped his godhood:"Escape..."

"No matter what the sacrifice is, you must escape!"

"Oh? Want to escape?"

As soon as the voice fell, Su Heng appeared in front of the human god.

Su Heng pinched the head of the human god with one hand:"Hey, human god, I haven't seen you for a long time. You have become energetic."

"I didn't kill you last time, but now I'm fully prepared."

The human god grabbed Su Heng's arm and fell into despair.

"Why are you in this world!!!"

He couldn't understand!

Everything had been planned, but suddenly the biggest variable appeared!

Su Heng smiled playfully and said,"This is my original world. Is there any problem with me being here?"

"The amiable human-god."

Is this his world?!

How could the human-god never have thought of this!

Su Heng's eyes became fierce:"Let me see how you are going to reincarnate this time!"

Then he grabbed the human-god's head tightly and fell to the ground.


A huge hole was blasted out on the ground.

At the same time, the black breath on the ground was also dispelled!

Yuigahama Yui saw the person who made the noise.

It was the Su Heng she had been thinking about!

A smile appeared on Yuigahama Yui's lips:"Su Jun...I knew you would come to save us." However, Su Heng didn't have much energy to deal with the situation over there. He had to deal with the human god over there first! The human god whose head was smashed directly to the ground was struggling with all his limbs.

"Damn it! Damn it! The human god was unwilling to accept this!

As a god revered by thousands of people, why should he be killed by a idiot like Su Heng?

"I'm going to kill you!"

The human god gradually lost control, and the only thing on his mind was to kill Su Heng!...

He chose to abandon his dignity

"Four great adults!"

"I will give you everything I have, the entire blue planet!"

"I beg you to grant me the power to kill Su Heng!"

This time, the human god was not stingy with his own power.

He released all the power that he had accumulated for thousands of years.

Used as fuel to summon the evil god of the subspace!

The power of the human god gradually flowed into the magic circle, and with the injection of huge energy.

The magic circle that summoned the evil god emitted a strange light!

On the other side of the crack.

There were a large number of subspace creatures crowded, with a number of more than tens of millions!

The crack gradually became larger.

The number of angel casualties was also increasing!

However, Su Heng did not panic at all!

Because everything was in his plan.

Su Heng's power had been integrated into the magic circle that summoned the evil god, so......

This magic circle is not summoning the evil god!

It is a reverse summoning!

Let Su Heng use the least amount of power to project his willpower into the subspace!


The four gods heard the request of the human god!


"Su Heng? Isn't he dead?"

"The God is hallucinating"

"Hehe, with our strength and the assistance of the Demon King's army cadres, he would have died long ago."

"Unable to withstand our power, hallucinations appeared."

Four voices were discussing there.


They knew it very well!

Su Heng was not dead!

He was just running away.

After all, facing that person...

"Give the power to the god, so that he can solve the troubles at hand"

"It's a pity that the matter of the other world can only be put on hold"

"No rush, we have plenty of time"

"The position of the fifth god may appear at any time"

"It's better than nothing!"

The four evil gods discussed the next decision.


A big hand suddenly appeared!

That hand held tens of millions of subspace creatures in its palm, and then held them tightly.

With a gentle squeeze, all those subspace creatures without fear died!

At the same time, a huge phantom appeared!

A few days ago, Su Heng infiltrated his power into the subspace without the Four Evil Gods being able to detect it.

Make sure that he can scare the Four Evil Gods!

After all,...

Su Heng is now far from his peak state. If he wants to scare those four things, he needs some tricks!

"It's been a long time since we last met. Did you miss me?"

Su Heng's huge shadow appeared in the subspace and said in a frivolous tone:

"You want to take action, aren't you afraid that I will overturn the table?"

This is what the four evil gods fear!

They will never accept it!

"Speak up, everyone."

Su Heng was still provoking them, just like he was sitting on the golden toilet before:

"There is a fifth god in the subspace, what is there to be afraid of?"

"It's just to divide up your territory and seize your resources."

"Make the already unbalanced subspace even more precarious!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Do you still want to interfere in the affairs of humans and gods?"

These threats are very useful.

The four evil gods are scared!

Su Heng keeps absorbing the fear from them!

His strength is increasing....

Magic power suddenly increased!

"Hey! Don't think you can scare us like this!"

"We are concepts that have existed since the beginning of life, the devil of a small place...."

"Come if you can."

"This is our territory, your threats are useless!"Useless

? It has no effect at all.

When he was on the throne of the devil, Su Heng had already become a rotten corpse!

Just like the emperor.

Sitting on the golden toilet forever, never able to get up! []

But the fear of the four evil gods.

Constantly improve Su Heng's strength, so that his magic power is endless!

This is why Su Heng has the ending of standing on the same table with them to discuss!

"Don't believe it?"

Su Heng didn't say much, and began to prove it with actual actions!

The device left outside.

Continuously (bgbh) absorbs the vitality of all life on the blue planet!

Su Heng began to condense his own godhood!

The subspace began to tremble!

A shadow gradually appeared at the position of the fifth god.

Originally under the chaotic rule of the four evil gods, the subspace had been balanced for many years.


The balance was beginning to break!

The four gods, sensing the threat, immediately spoke out to stop it.

"Su Heng, it’s not good for anyone if you do this!"

"You and we all know what the existence of the Fifth God in the subspace means. If you want to fight to the death, we can accompany you to the end!"

"We have been fighting each other for so long, and we both know what the other is thinking!"

"You can't be the fifth god.......Give up."

When they said these words, they each extinguished the vitality of a galaxy.

In order to prepare for a big battle with Su Heng!

The big battle after Su Heng became the fifth god!

Not only that, the four evil gods withdrew their ideas about Blue Star.

Of course.

Su Heng was also constantly harvesting the fear of the four evil gods! They are worthy of being the four evil gods!

Their fear is much better than the fear brought by the entire planet!

"Our invasion of Blue Planet is over, get out of here!"

"No help will be given to humans or gods next!"

"Go away! You damned creature!"

"You'd better keep an eye on that world at all times, and don't let me find a chance to take away the fragments of the world!"

After the four evil gods finished speaking, their huge shadows escaped into the subspace.

Su Heng also breathed a sigh of relief!

Fortunately, they were frightened!

If they really wanted to fight to the death, he would be the one who suffered.

Su Heng also retracted the shadow of the subspace and said to the human god:"Do you feel it? You admire those four things, and they have given up on you."

"Next Steps......"

"Are you ready to die?"

In another world.

Ten minutes ago!

Milim destroyed a mountain with one punch, feeling very happy:"Hahahahaha!"

"Without Su Heng to take care of me, I can wake up whenever I want!"

"Eat whatever you want!"

"I wonder who else in this world can control me?"

She was flying.

Suddenly she found a city below!

Milim remembered that when Su Heng was here, he would never allow people to make trouble in human cities!

She was very dissatisfied.

After all, she was a cadre of the Demon King's Army!

Why couldn't she do whatever she wanted among the ants?


"This time Su Heng is gone, I wonder who can stop me!"

Milim flew towards the city.

There was still a barrier blocking it!


She didn't care at all and broke the barrier with a light punch.


Milim proudly put her hands on her hips and said,"How can a mere barrier stop me!"


"I don't know what fun things are down there."

"If it's too boring, destroy the whole city."


"Su Heng is already dead, why should I be so stingy?"

"Why not just destroy the entire country!"


It was precisely because Milim was so free-spirited, like a little kid, that

Su Heng did not allow Milim to enter the human world at will.

If things went wrong, it would bring more despair to the people at the bottom and speed up the invasion of the subspace.

That would be a loss!

"Hey, hey!"

Milim turned off the flight���The whole body fell directly to the ground.

With her physical fitness, it was like a huge rock falling from the sky!

A hole was smashed in the ground, raising a lot of dust.

"Let me see what's around me."

Milim dusted off the dirt on her body and looked around for something interesting.

But suddenly......

A spear suddenly appeared in the dust and stabbed at her.

The spear did not penetrate her skin, but the tip of the spear broke.

""What is it?"

A strong wind burst out from Milim's body, blowing away the dust around.

Not far away, there was an overturned carriage.

The appearance of the carriage was extremely luxurious!

It was inlaid with various gems and decorated with gold.

The horse had shiny fur and was larger than an ordinary horse.

It was expensive at a glance!

As long as a little bit of things fell from the carriage, it would be enough for ordinary people to eat and drink for a whole year!

They could even eat meat during the winter!

In the carriage lay a fat boy with a greasy face, wailing in pain.

Surrounding him were soldiers with weapons ready, and a magician holding a staff.

The magician threatened Milim:"Who are you?!"

"How dare you attack the lord's son!"

"I will execute you!"

Without giving Milim a chance to speak, the magician threw a fireball!

"How boring."

Milim glanced at him and blew away the fireball, which disappeared immediately!

"I haven't even started playing yet, and you ants have ruined my fun."

Before the magician could recover from the shock, Milim punched each of them and beat them into a pulp!

Blood flowed all over the floor, and the passers-by who were watching the show were stunned.

"The lord's son died......Great!"

I don't know who started cheering first, and then others followed.

"The fat pig finally died and my daughter was saved!"

"Woo woo woo, father, mother, sister, can you see it in heaven?"

"Thank you for helping us!"

"But please leave quickly. If the lord tracks you down, you will die!"

Many people cried and thanked Milim.......

Milim was dismissive of such things.

What's the point of an ant's gratitude?

She was very unhappy with this trip, so she decided to destroy the city!

Then dragon wings appeared behind her, and she flew into the sky with a few flutters.

Milim looked down at the city:"Destroy it."

She raised her right hand high, and a pink energy ball appeared in her hand!

The energy contained in it is enough to easily destroy any city in the world except the Ruby City!

The energy ball continued to grow.

Because Milim had no interest in destroying just one city.

She wanted to see the entire country disappear!

Just as Milim was about to throw down the energy ball, goose bumps appeared all over her body!


She felt a force.

It was Su Heng's force!

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