Cai Ji just stared blankly at the figures of Cai Xu and his group walking away.

Is he really gone like this?

Don't you try to save her?

She is the third daughter of the Cai family!

Xia Changming couldn't help but laugh.

Cai Xu ran without any hesitation.

It's a pity that it's too late!

"Keep an eye on her, don't let her run away"

""Keep an eye on the cave, don't let anyone in, and kill anyone who dares to approach!"

After Xia Changming said this to Langya, a divine rainbow flashed and chased after Cai Xu and his group.

Only Langya and Cai Ji were left.

Langya looked at Cai Ji with a bright smile full of fangs.

Cai Ji was so scared that he trembled and dared not move.


On the other side, Cai Xu, who was fleeing at full speed, spoke incessantly with resentment:

"How could it be him!"

"Cai Ji, that stupid woman!"

"The ancestor had repeatedly emphasized that she was not allowed to conflict with Xia Changming, and when he personally took action, she actually took the initiative to provoke him!"

"This is great, it's going to kill me!"

After Cai Xu received a soul worm with a wisp of Cai Yan's soul nearby, he knew that Cai Ji must have encountered some critical situation.

Otherwise, he would not have used his soul to condense a soul worm to ask for help.

When the soul worm suddenly died, Cai Xu knew that something was wrong. Cai Yan, who was in the early stage of the Heavenly Man Realm, was dead!

So he sped up and rushed over, but he didn't expect that it was Xia Changming who was waiting for them!

If he knew that Xia Changming was here, he would not come!

""Everyone, where are you going?"

A cold voice came from the front, and Cai Xu and others hurriedly stopped.

They were shocked to find that Xia Changming had been waiting for them in front.

""Master Xia, it's a misunderstanding..."

Cai Xu said with a bow, trying to explain.

Who would have thought that Xia Changming would raise his hand and emit several spiritual sword blades!

Cai Xu's eyes suddenly focused, and the memory was still fresh.

It was Xia Changming's move that knocked him down from the Heaven and Earth Treasure Pavilion!

Cai Xu did not dare to neglect it, and threw out a golden bell.

The golden bell suddenly grew larger and blocked in front of Cai Xu.

""Golden bell for protection!"

Several sword blades chopped at the golden bell, which hummed and deflected all the sword blades.

Even so, tiny cracks appeared on the golden bell.

The disciples of Cai and Wang standing beside Cai Xu were cut by the deflected sword blades, and many were killed or injured!

Cai Xu was horrified and felt lucky.

Fortunately, after the incident at the Tiandi Pavilion, he spent all his money to buy this artifact, the 'Golden bell for protection'.

If he didn't have this golden bell to protect him, he would probably be cut into several pieces on the spot!

"All Cai family disciples, listen up! Form the Soul Devouring Formation!"

After seeing Xia Changming's amazing strength, Cai Xu shouted to the remaining people with a sullen face.

All Cai family disciples quickly changed their formation and surrounded Xia Changming.

One by one, Cai family disciples formed seals with their hands, and strands of spirits rushed out of their bodies, condensing into a black sky curtain that enveloped Xia Changming.

Cai Xu sat in the center of the formation, controlling the entire Soul Devouring Formation.

"Brother Wang, please help us with your people!"

Cai Xu turned to Wang Yun and said.

Wang Yun nodded and immediately ordered the Wang family to stand behind the Cai family, put their hands behind their backs, and provide spiritual support to the Cai family from the outside. With two Tianren realm early stage disciples in charge, a large number of extraordinary realm disciples gathered at the cost of their own souls to form a soul-devouring formation, which was already a very powerful lineup!

Xia Changming looked around the formation with disdain, and countless evil spirits wandered out from the black curtain, screaming fiercely.

""Is the formation ready?"

Xia Changming asked Cai Xu calmly.

Cai Xu was stunned, and a bad premonition rose in his heart.

What does he mean by this...?

Xia Changming held the Imperial Sword Cambridge in his hand, and gently pressed his thumb against the blade, slowly pushing out an inch of the blade.

Just an inch of it, the sword hummed and hummed, and a huge and terrifying sword intent flowed out of the scabbard!

Cai Xu and others were all terrified!

Xia Changming held the hilt of the sword, and the amazing spiritual power rushed into the sword like a tide, and even the spiritual power between heaven and earth in the secret realm was injected into it like a whirlpool in the sea!

And the Imperial Sword was still absorbing spiritual power, as if it was endless!

If this sword was slashed out, how terrifying it would be!

"Unparalleled Sword Art: Seal the Absolute!"

When the Emperor Immortal Sword rang with joy, Xia Changming's eyes condensed, and he drew his sword from its sheath. The sharp sword energy drew a perfect full moon silver arc.

The fierce souls and evil spirits would die if they touched it!

The sword energy was unstoppable, like a stone thrown into a lake in the sky, causing ripples.

The fierce souls were scattered, and the soul-devouring formation was shattered in an instant!

The children of the Cai and Wang families were all chopped down before they could even react!

The fear of approaching death made Cai Xu make a final struggle. He condensed his hands and covered himself with the Golden Bell of Protection.

"That broken bell can't protect you, I said!"

Xia Changming said disdainfully, holding the Emperor Immortal Sword in his hand, standing proudly in the sky.

Feng Jue is the second sword style of his unparalleled sword decision, which uses sword energy to spread in all directions and split the sky and the earth!

The sword energy easily passed through the golden bell and passed through Cai Xu's waist, smooth and unhindered.

Until everything around the sky was cut off, the sword energy spread for dozens of miles before the power gradually weakened.

Cai Xu's eyes were filled with fear, he lowered his head and stared blankly at his waist, raised his foot and moved, his body was immediately split in half and fell from the sky.

Xia Changming did not put away the Emperor Immortal Sword immediately, but turned indifferently to the distant forest and said:

"Everyone listen carefully!"

"Anyone who still works for the Cai Wang family and wants to take action against our Xia family, please think twice!"

"Of course, if you can help my Xia family, you are my Xia family friend, and I will never treat you unfairly."


Just now, many other sects, small schools, or independent cultivators heard the noise nearby and rushed over.

They all hid far away and watched this stunning sword!

From the sword's intention���Since they felt trembling, but also benefited many sword cultivators!

If they had just flown into the sky, they would probably have been torn to pieces on the spot like the Cai and Wang families!

Is this the power of the Heavenly Venerable!

People from the Xia family cannot be provoked!

This is what everyone was thinking at the moment.

Everyone listened to Xia Changming's words very sensibly and dispersed.

In this way, the rest of the Xia family should be much safer in the secret realm.

The power of that sword is enough to deter most people with bad intentions.

Xia Changming floated down into the forest, his eyes swept across, and the disciples of the Cai and Wang families were basically killed.

Only one person was missed!

Wang family's steward, Wang Yun!

It was very strange, he should have killed Wang Yun together, but he didn't feel like he had been killed, and there was no corpse on the ground.

Ran away?

He was able to escape quietly from his sword seal, this person seems to be extraordinary...

Xia Changming had investigated the people of the Cai and Wang families, but this steward Wang seemed to appear out of thin air and appeared in the Wang family a year ago.

His identity was so mysterious that there was no trace of him.

Very suspicious!

Xia Changming was wary of Wang Yun.

Calculating the time, Zhou Anning should have woken up by now.

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