Earlier this day.

“So that’s this today. See if there are any suitable players.” The interview place, the old man watched the last interviewer closed the door and left calmly: “But let me talk about a few first Sentences. You are also clear about the current situation of the program. Our average ratings last week were 0.11%, which was only stronger than the penultimate bronze TV station 5,000 episodes “Mother -in -law Boil into Fan”. At the same time, there are no achievements in the case of a strong program. ”

His blue eyes were a little turbid, with a deep yellow hair, and when he was young, he was once golden. No matter how good the face is maintained, it is impossible to avoid relaxation and wrinkles in age.

“This is very bad. Very bad. It means that during the period of 19:00 to 20 o’clock, there are only 11 players per 10,000 playback platform. That is to say, there are only eleven or less audiences of each fourteenth ring. . And I have reason to doubt, and some of them are the audiences drawn by the players in the previous issue, as well as the audience who can not change the station. ”

His voice was sharp.

“You know, I’m 93, there are still 2 years with retirement, I want to make me look better. So.” The old man relied backwards and closed eyes: “We need to change. The goal is to improve the ratings … …play hard.”

“Okay. I’m a little tired. You say, I listen.”

You look at me, I hope you. It seems that I have never seen others watching fresh and looking at each other for a long time, and finally the middle -aged examiner opened.

“Since the director said so, I have some ideas. The unlucky or lucky time of the Hyc TV station next door should have heard of this program that occupies the first 20 of the fourteen ring ratings all year round.”

“There is no mysterious reason to say. Its core is that a lucky or unlucky script will be set in each issue, and then you can choose a passerby to spoof at will, no harm.”

“This kind of creativity has grasped the bad taste of the current young people. We cannot copy, but we can use a similar method.”

“Deputy Director, what should we do?” The only young man present asked.

The middle -aged man glanced at the old man who had a rest, and saw that he did not express his opinions. He settled the gods and continued: “I think we need to find some small and popular celebrities. They are best in the fourteenth ring, or they are Most of the fourteen rings are well known, and most of the audience are young people. Such a celebrity+link setting will improve the ratings. ”

“There is no fame on the interview today.” The director -assistant middle -aged woman’s intention to browse the horizons quickly browsed the horizon.

“Then they are all away, let’s ask.”

“What about the link?” The magnetic low voice suddenly remembered, and the three looked at the sound of the sound.

The old man still closed his eyes, but knocked on the desktop unconsciously.

“I’m responsible for this. I have some thoughts for the time being. The general structure of the program remains unchanged. It still uses a question and answer system and a scoring system. However, it will change a little bit, which is to change from recording to live broadcast. In this way, we can set up each link according to the performance of the players. From all the audiences, we can use real -service simultaneous participation in the system in the show. All the players who are watching will receive the scoring window. It can make the audience integrate into it, but also vote for the audience’s preferences. ” Suddenly got up and loud by the speech: “We do it according to what they chose, will they still have reason not to see it?”

The old man opened his eyes, looked at him side by side, and whispered a passionate young man, so he stopped talking, as if it was default.

Young people and middle -aged women did not speak.

Also, in terms of current ratings, running a live broadcast is scarce and then eating, and then dying is higher than the current ratings.

Without objection, the proposal naturally became a plan.

“Wait ahead.”

The sudden sinking sound surprised the deputy director. Fortunately, his words made him know that the director was not objection to the proposal

“The young man named Mu Su.”

“That crazy and weird guy?” The director of the director frowned, her dress was very formal, her lips were thin, and she looked formal and rigid. Obviously, the formal and stereotypes will not be friends with casual and randomness, so she doesn’t like Mu Su.

“Since you want to change, it’s crazy. And … I like him very much.” The director’s words were more, and he complained that the woman looked at the woman: “Why did he stop so fast when he took off his pants.”

The woman’s complexion was a little black and silent.


The old man looked at Charlie and asked him about his views.

“I have no opinion.” Deputy Director Charlie nodded.

“I gave it to you on the link. If there is no problem, let’s get it.” The old man stood up and took the felt hat on the back of the chair on his head: “I went to drink afternoon tea.”

After the director left, the woman left the room less than a time. Only Charlie and Director Assistant left.

“I really want to invite, uh … uh?” The young man talked a little, and he didn’t remember Mu Su’s name.

“Please, why not ask. The director said, we just do it.” Charlie lazily leaned back in the memory sponge that leaned back in the back of the chair, narrowing his eyes. At this time, he looked like an ambitious and capable person.

“But he doesn’t even know what the show is, in case he messed up the show director …”

“He messed up, the director stepped down, I was promoted, your salary increase. Win -win Winwin”

“Then the ratings do not fall back?”

“It’s still my promotion, you raise your salary.” WW. ”


At the same time, the fourteen ring, high -rise business district.

Outside the window, a Trump airship moved slowly.

In the conference room, more than a dozen figures sat in their respective positions, talking about buzzing.

They are waiting for the video group to come up with the material.

After a while, everyone has shocked, and they have received the material passed to the field of vision. Then……

“What is this?”

“The eyes stared at the dead fish, and there was no expression to the face, not even the expression.”

“It’s not me, Steve, the king of facial paralysis is more rich than his expression.”

“He will not find a problem at all, right?”

“Re -do it, this issue is not good.”

“Right, do it.”

The heads of all departments complained.

So when no one was opposed, Mu Su’s first show died like this.

If Mu Su knows, he will run to the wall with a shit in the middle of the night.

In short, Mu Su, who slept early, woke up early the next day. The eyes were not opened, and the hand touched in the bed for a while, grabbing the mask on the face.

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