After simulating crimes 100,000 times, I became an ace detective

Chapter 611 It’s time to end, prepare to capture Rainey alive

At this moment.

In the passage where the explosion occurred earlier.

Su Ming, who was hiding in the corner, did not walk out directly, but still leaned his back against the container and held a mirror in his hand to observe the situation in the passage.

Although the explosion just now was very violent, and Su Ming waited until... Hyena and Vulture were standing in the explosion range before remotely detonating the bomb.

The other party was experienced retired mercenaries. Although under normal circumstances, they would definitely not be able to deal with and react to such a sudden explosion.

But in order to avoid accidents, Su Ming still chose the most cautious way.

As long as he was not 100% sure that the two people had been killed, he would continue to hide in this passage.

Although Su Ming wanted to end the operation in New York Port and wanted to arrest K quickly.

But Su Ming was not impatient, and did not act rashly. No matter what the situation, he remained cautious.

The more impatient, the easier it is to make mistakes.

This is the experience learned with blood and tears in countless previous experiences.


Wait for nearly half a minute.

As the smoke from the explosion dissipated, Su Ming finally saw the current situation of the passage in the mirror.

The upper bodies of Hyena and Vulture were basically blown away, and all kinds of flesh and bones were scattered in every corner of the passage.

And on the side of the container next to it, there was a huge explosion hole.

It was obvious.

When Su Ming just set up the trap, he fixed the high-explosive bomb on the cover of the container, which is the chest position of a normal person.

Because someone stepped on the tripwire bomb before, they would definitely pay great attention to the defense of the ground trap to avoid stepping on the trap again.

But the increase in defense of the ground trap will undoubtedly lead to... a significant decrease in attention to other aspects.

Just like... when they just walked into this passage, Hyena and Vulture basically focused their eyes on the ground and didn't pay attention to the situation on the side of the container at all.

In addition, when Su Ming set up the patch bomb, he also used oil paint pens to apply camouflage on the bomb, which can be camouflaged very well with the help of the night.

The most important thing is... after the initial tripwire bomb was triggered, Su Ming was extremely sure that as long as those retired mercenaries were ready to continue tracking him, they would definitely pass through this passage.

And what he had to do was also very simple.

Just wait quietly at the end of the passage, waiting for the retired mercenaries to come to this passage, put all their eyes on the ground, and walk to the middle of the passage without warning.

Just press... the remote control bomb that had been deployed earlier.

Although this process sounds simple, it is not very cumbersome and complicated.

But in fact, it is not easy to execute.

At least, the psychological judgment of these retired mercenaries must be extremely outstanding.

At the same time, it is also necessary to take certain risks and hide behind the passage to keep an eye on the enemy's position.

After all, the bomb has a certain detonation range. If you want to ensure that two people are eliminated at one time, the grasp of time is undoubtedly more accurate.

But this time, it was obviously detonated just right.

The horrible bodies of Hyena and Vulture, who were blown to pieces, clearly illustrate this point.


After confirming that the two retired mercenaries following him were dead.

Su Ming no longer paid attention to the situation in the passage.

Because, according to the number of enemy personnel previously, if nothing unexpected happened, those retired mercenaries had been completely wiped out.

Starting from the golden eagle, and then to this long-prepared explosion.

The retired mercenaries who were previously dug out from the dancer's mouth, who were originally only six people, were obviously all dead in New York Harbor.

As for those members of the poker organization who came to New York Harbor as bait.

K left in an inflatable kayak, and Xiao Wang, J and No. 9 were shot dead, indicating that these members of the poker organization who served as bait either took the opportunity to escape or died in New York Harbor.

K's escape caught Su Ming off guard, and he was also secretly anxious.

But in any case, the current situation in New York Harbor must be resolved first, and the only remaining Rainey must be arrested before tracking K with confidence.

Another key point is... K was able to escape from New York Harbor using an inflatable kayak on an old freighter, which clearly shows that this was the result of their internal discussion.

Let K leave New York Harbor in advance to solve the problems that occurred within the poker organization.

From this perspective, there is a high probability that Rennie also knows where K is currently fleeing. If relevant clues can be dug out from him, it can save a lot of time for tracking.

Thinking of this.

Su Ming did not hesitate at all, and immediately pressed the micro-earphone in his ear and said slowly.


"Where are you three now? How long will it take to reach the location of the freighter?"

Wait for two seconds.

Spider's rather hasty and serious answer sounded immediately afterwards.


"We are currently rushing at the fastest speed. If there is no need to worry about ambushes around, it is likely that we can reach the location of the freighter in five minutes at most."

Hearing this answer.

Su Ming narrowed his eyes and thought for a while, then immediately ordered boldly.

"Advance forward for another two minutes, then you will temporarily stop and wait for my order."

"Then, Zeus and Pluto who occupy the high ground, you two, get ready, and when my order comes, immediately shoot at the L-shaped channel under the freighter."

"I don't need you to hit anyone accurately, just shoot to bring firepower."

"You two teams must strictly follow my instructions later."

He said this briefly.

Su Ming narrowed his eyes, looked at the passage where two bodies lay, and muttered to himself.

"Renny, the king of the poker organization."

"As the professor's earliest adopted orphan, even if he is the only one left now, he should think of killing me to help the professor solve the current crisis of the poker organization, right?"

"Come earlier, this New York Harbor operation has become garbage time, and it's time to end..."

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