After simulating crimes 100,000 times, I became an ace detective

Chapter 600: Gun pointed at temple, number 10 under control

It was late at night.

Under the cover of dark clouds, the bright moon was looming in the sky, making this abandoned stadium look indescribably eerie and desolate.

Along with a gust of cold wind blowing.


The clear sound of leather boots hitting the concrete floor reached K's ears from a distance, and at the same time, it gradually got closer.

It's obvious.

This is Number Ten coming down from the second floor of the abandoned stadium.

Number 10 used to dislike wearing leather boots that looked extremely mature. Even when participating in internal training of some organizations, she would wear princess shoes that were difficult to move, just because the leather boots would match her daily outfit. Looks extremely inappropriate.

But under the current special circumstances... In order to facilitate action, ensure that the other members of the organization are 100% killed, and get a huge reward, even the most hated leather boots before can be accepted.

K felt a little ridiculous.

It turns out that it wasn't that No. 10 couldn't wear leather boots, it was just that... the benefits she could get were not worth wearing leather boots that she didn't like.

Think of this.

The idea in K's mind to kill No. 10 immediately became increasingly clear and obvious.

But K was not too impatient and continued to wait quietly.

Number 10 has just come out now, and we must ensure that...she has no chance to escape, and only when she can be 100% killed by herself.

Number 10 walking in the outer passage of the abandoned stadium.

Finding that No. 1 was not standing and waiting on the side of the road, this special strangeness made No. 10 immediately alert.

He held the submachine gun that he had left behind him tightly in his arms again, with the muzzle facing forward. He was still paying attention to the left and right sides of his eyes as he spoke.

"No. 1, where are you?"

"I've come down. Where are you... hiding now?"

It's obvious.

After walking down and not seeing No. 1, No. 10 immediately thought of two possibilities.

The first type.

Number 1 has actually been controlled by a professional killer who drove over in a sports car. He was able to answer the phone and reply to himself before.

Simply because he was pointed at by the opponent's gun, he could only cooperate with the enemy to lure him down.

No. 10 knew very well that with No. 1's cowardly character, he would definitely not be able to do anything that would allow him to die.

As long as someone holds a gun against his back, it is estimated that no matter what the request is, he will agree to the other party without any reason, in order to plead for a way out.

Now that No. 1 has not appeared, it means that... He has been controlled, and there is a high probability that he is hidden and will soon be replaced with a huge reward.

At the same time, there will inevitably be enemies ambushing around here, trying to capture or kill him alive.

And the second possibility.

That is, No. 1 couldn't resist the temptation of hundreds of millions of dollars, and was ready to find an opportunity to kill her and swallow the huge reward.

That's why he didn't wait for him by the roadside. He might have been squatting somewhere and trying to shoot him.

Number 10 thinks that this possibility is not particularly high.

Because No. 1 has a cowardly character, every previous action basically relies on her, and even if the bounty is split equally, there are still hundreds of millions of dollars, which is enough for No. 1 to live in the future.

It stands to reason that he would not suddenly change so much, become so bold and greedy, and dare to directly target her.

But whatever the reason.

No. 10 was obviously extra vigilant now, holding the submachine gun tightly with both hands to ensure that he could fire as soon as possible in the event of an accident.


And heard No. 10's questioning voice.

And, K clearly felt that... No. 10's footsteps slowed down, and even his footsteps became much lighter.

It was immediately clear that since No. 1 did not appear, No. 10's vigilance had obviously increased sharply.

Without any hesitation.

K picked up the gun that had been removed from No. 1's hand from the ground, then pointed it at No. 1's pistol and waved it gently, signaling him to walk to the road, and said in a low voice with an expressionless face.

"Get out of the way of the off-road vehicle, let No. 10 see your position, and let her relax her guard."

"When you go out later, remember what to say, what not to say, and how to say it specifically."

"Don't do anything that I can't tolerate at all. Maybe you still have a chance."

"Understand? Number One?"

It's obvious.

If K wanted No. 10 to relax his vigilance, he would kill him in the easiest way to avenge the dead little guys.

The most important thing is undoubtedly... continuing to make No. 1 effective.

As long as No. 1 is still safe, No. 10 will undoubtedly relax.

The current vigilance was simply due to the sound of the engine she drove just now, which made her suspect that No. 1 had been controlled by a threat.

But that's just suspicion.

As long as No. 1 walks over as if nothing happened, No. 10 will undoubtedly be able to easily resolve the current worries in No. 10's mind.

Hearing what K said.

Especially the last sentence, as long as you don't continue to do things that...K can't tolerate, you might still have a chance.

Number 1 knew very well what the opportunity K just pointed out would be.

Sure enough, King K is still the one who values ​​the members of the poker organization and every family member the most.

This moment.

The worried expression on No. 1's face was obviously a sign of relief, and he nodded vigorously to K.

Immediately afterwards.

After wiping his face vigorously with his hands to make sure his expression was correct, he nodded to K beside him, raised his feet with a helpless expression, walked from the back of the off-road vehicle to the road, and said .

"No, Number Ten."

"Where else could I be but here, trying to open the car door?"

"You don't have to be so careful with your gun. The suspicious person just now was already killed by me."

"To be honest, the sudden sound of a sports car just now really startled me. I thought it was a professional killer coming here."

"When I took a closer look later, it turned out to be a rich second-generation man."

"I was racing around here before, and I rushed over after hearing the explosion. I was relieved when I accidentally broke into this place."

"But he's dead now. He was just shot several times by me."

"It's a pity that he drove a two-seater sports car and there was no extra space for the body. Otherwise, we would all have saved the time of looking for a car."

"Okay, don't waste time."

"If you have the car keys, start this heavy-duty off-road vehicle quickly."

"Since there is a rich second-generation man who is careless and carefree and is racing cars nearby, then maybe there will really be professional killers around."

"Hurry up and drive, take the body and run away. The longer I stay here, the more panicked and nervous I become."

After saying these words.

Number 1 also specifically pointed to the heavy-duty off-road vehicle next to him, indicating to Number 10 to try to start it.

No. 10, who was still holding a submachine gun, listened to what No. 1 just said, stared at his expression and carefully analyzed it for two seconds, and then completely relaxed.

Judging from the expression of No. 1 not far away, it does not look like he is being coerced.

As for the slight tension shown on his face, it is most likely... the pressure caused by staying in this abandoned stadium for a long time.

After all, the noise and commotion caused by the previous explosion was indeed very loud.

If there are professional killers around, there is a high probability that they will be attracted. This is undoubtedly the special situation that the two of them least want to see.

After confirming that No. 1 is not under control.

Number 10 also put down the submachine gun he was holding, took out a key from his pocket, and spoke aloud as he walked towards Number 1.

"The key was found."

"Fortunately, the explosion just now did not destroy the key on No. 7, otherwise there would be a bit of trouble later."

"There are so many corpses, each one represents 100 million US dollars, but if one is lost accidentally, it will be a huge loss."

"See if the vehicle can be used, and hurry up and transport their corpses..."

Speaking of which.

No. 10's words suddenly stopped.

Because, she had very clearly felt... an extremely cold pistol pressed against her temple...

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