"Number One."

"Are you... hiding from me?"

When this voice sounded.

Number One, who was originally extremely nervous, full of worries, and ready to shoot first and take advantage, was immediately stunned.

And then.

After coming to his senses, Number One's eyes were instantly filled with fear, disbelief, and panic and worry that could not be suppressed at all.

It is no exaggeration to say.

The fear brought to Number One by this voice may be tens of times, or even hundreds of times more serious than encountering a professional killer.

After all, if you encounter a professional killer, it is nothing more than an exchange of fire and trying to kill the other party.

But now, when facing the person behind him, Number One can't even be sure...Do you dare to raise the gun in your hand? Do you dare to pull the trigger and shoot him?

Because, as a former member of the poker organization, as the lowest and least respected Number One.

Who is the owner of this voice, he will never make a mistake.

When he was in danger or needed help several times, it was the owner of this voice who helped him without asking for anything in return or thanks.

Moreover, as the number one, he was originally the lowest-ranking person in the poker organization, but the owner of this voice, even though he sat in a high position in the organization and had a respected status, never looked down on him.

Even if he wanted to take him to New York Harbor as bait to die, he gave up this idea without hesitation under his crying and begged, and chose to accept the professor's questioning.

In the heart of the person behind him... he was like the youngest child in a family.

In other words, for this person, the entire poker organization was a family, and every member in it was a family member, and they were all irreplaceable people.

In the entire poker organization, the person who would have this idea was undoubtedly - K.

King K.

Although his status in the poker organization was not as good as that of the big king and the little king.

But for the influence of these digital cards, K was probably the second person besides the professor.

But the key is... why did K suddenly appear here?

According to the previous phone call, shouldn't he be in New York Harbor, fighting the final battle with Rennie, Riley, and the last professional killer in the organization, following Su Ming's dog?

Why... why did he appear in this place?

Even if Su Ming was killed and the crisis of the poker organization was resolved, how could he escape from a place like New York Harbor where there was no exit?

Even if he escaped, why did K choose to come to this abandoned stadium?

Logically speaking, after solving Su Ming's dog and the big crisis of the organization, K should have gone to the professor first.

Weird, this is too weird.

Or, the person behind him is not K, but a professional killer pretending to be K's voice, hoping to deceive himself?

Or is he hallucinating? Because of too much tension, he has mental hallucinations?

Or there is another possibility... Number 7 called K before coming, and after learning that Q was in trouble, K put aside the matter of New York Harbor and rushed here directly?


At this moment.

The more Number 1 thought about it carefully, the more he felt unsure in his heart, and his scalp was numb.

No matter from which angle, K should not be here. He should continue to deal with Su Ming's dog in New York Harbor.

The most important thing is... Although K is only one person, the pressure he can bring to No. 1, especially the psychological pressure, is stronger than that of the entire killer team.

Just when No. 1 was getting more and more terrified and worried.

The second words, accompanied by the sound of approaching footsteps, have already sounded.

"Huh? Are you not coming out yet? No. 1?"

"Or, are you just like No. 10, choosing to betray our poker organization? Were you also one of the people who killed Q?"

"If so, then I will..."

Before K could finish.

No. 1, who was still nervous and hesitant just now, immediately walked out from the side of the heavy off-road vehicle.

Looking at the current appearance of K, he was stunned for a moment.

Because, now K...seems to be inexplicably embarrassed, all wet, his hair seems to be dripping, there is a large pool of scarlet blood on his clothes on his chest, and his pupils full of bloodshot clearly hide suppressed anger and pain.

Although K's appearance made No. 1 stunned for a moment, he also reacted immediately, with a flattering smile on his face, looking at K and speaking.

"How is it possible, Brother K."

"I have no reason to betray the Poker Organization. I am very grateful that you took it for me and didn't let me go to New York Harbor with you."

"Later, No. 10 betrayed the organization and wanted to kill me. This is what I told everyone."

"No matter what, I can't betray the organization, and there is no reason to betray the organization."

It's obvious.

After hearing what K said just now, No. 1 has already boldly inferred...K is very likely not to have discovered that he has betrayed the organization, but has previously learned from No. 7 and others that Q was killed by No. 10.

In this case, doesn't he still have room to turn back?

Although Number 10 is very cautious and meticulous, and has a good talent for crime, he is undoubtedly far inferior to K.

Besides, K's appearance here now means that... the mission in New York Harbor has been completed, and the biggest crisis of the poker organization has been resolved.

Now that so many number cards have died, as long as he continues to stay in the poker organization, he will undoubtedly be able to take a higher position.

No matter what, he will not lose.

Being cautious, he has left a way out from the beginning to ensure that nothing will happen if an accident occurs.


At this moment.

Standing a few meters away, K nodded slightly after hearing No. 1's explanation.

While slowly approaching No. 1, he gave an expressionless order.

"No betrayal? That's good."

"I don't want... now, except No. 10, there will be other traitors in our poker organization."

"I hate traitors the most in my life, especially the kind of traitors who killed my family."

Speaking of this.

Just when K walked in front of No. 1, the two were less than two meters apart.

K took a step forward, and the pistol that was originally held in his palm with the muzzle hanging on the ground was quickly raised.

One hand grabbed No. 1's wrist holding the gun to prevent him from shooting.

The other hand holding the gun raised it directly, and put the muzzle of the gun against No. 1's chin, and asked with an extremely cold and hoarse look.

"Come on, answer me, No. 1."

"When did you collude with No. 10... to trick No. 7 and the others to come here?"

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