After simulating crimes 100,000 times, I became an ace detective

Chapter 575 A huge trap, No. 10 can no longer hold back

Just as K was driving the stolen sports car towards the abandoned stadium.

Three different cars were already parked on the road outside the stadium.

In the off-road vehicle at the front, No. 7, who was sitting in the driver's seat, picked up a submachine gun from the passenger seat, then left the door and walked out.

When No. 7 got off the bus.

In the two cars behind, a total of five people got out of the cars carrying guns.


It's obvious.

These five people are the remaining members of the poker organization, No. 6, No. 5, No. 4, No. 3 and No. 2.

Since the opponent is No. 10 and Q has been killed, the professor cannot be contacted and K cannot provide help.

No. 7 did not dare to show any signs of neglect and directly called all the other members.

This mission is not as simple and easy as imagined.

Not only must we deal with No. 10, who betrayed the organization, but also prevent her from releasing the organization's secret information, which would lead to unmanageable consequences.

They also have to rescue the injured No. 1 and recover Q's body.

No matter what, Q's body must not be left in a place like this without anyone restraining it until it completely decomposes.

He exhaled a heavy breath.

No. 7 suppressed the complicated thoughts in his mind, looked at the five people behind him, and said without any doubt.

"Let's go, hurry up."

"No matter what, we must solve it on the 10th and take Sister Q's body away from this place."

Hear these words.

The five members who walked out from behind all had obvious sad expressions on their faces, and there were even some unacceptable emotions.

They never imagined that No. 10, who also belonged to the poker organization and had been like a family member, would choose to betray the organization and even kill Sister Q, who had given them a lot of help.

This is simply...a special situation that is beyond imagination, even more unacceptable to them, and makes them feel complicated.

Especially now when neither K nor the professor can be contacted, no one can give the most appropriate advice and can act like a leader and let them follow the orders and act.

After No. 7 said these words.

No. 2, who was wearing a simple white shirt and a ponytail, looked at No. 7 and said with a suppressed cry of sadness.

"Number seven."

"Is Sister Q really dead?"

"Why didn't Brother K or the professor come here to lead and help us?"

"Does it mean that the six of us...have been abandoned by them? Will there be no poker organization in the future?"

Hear what No. 2 said.

Number 7 was obviously silent for a few seconds, pointed to the cars next to the tree, and said hoarsely.

"You should all know whether something happened to Sister Q."

"Whether it's the photos sent on the 1st, or the cars parked on the roadside, as well as the obvious traces of crossfire and collisions in front, I think it all shows that there is no accident in this incident."

"As for Brother K, I can only say...he, along with others, is making the final reckoning with that dog Su Ming at the cost of his life."

"Even if this crisis is resolved, it will be difficult for Brother K to return to the poker organization."

"I'm not very clear about the professor's situation at the moment, and I can't make any bold inferences to try to figure out the professor's thoughts."

"Now I am only sure of one thing. No matter what the subsequent fate of the organization is and what arrangements the professor will make, No. 10 is a problem we must solve."

"As for where our poker organization will go after she is dealt with, that is not in my consideration, understand?"

Number Seven's firm, yet extremely sincere words.

The other five members of the poker organization couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then nodded in agreement without expressing any further opinions.

Seeing that the other members had been convinced, No. 7 no longer hesitated.

Holding a submachine gun, he took the lead and carefully explored the interior of the abandoned gymnasium.


One minute later.

The six people have arrived at the entrance of the gymnasium. The doors of the abandoned gymnasium have long fallen off, dust and fallen leaves are everywhere, and there are no lights inside.

Only the moonlight in the sky shines down from the hollow top of the gymnasium, bringing some light.

Number 7 walked at the front of the team, using the searchlight that came with the submachine gun to conduct an extremely careful screening of the stadium floor. His right finger was always on the trigger and did not move at all.

According to what No. 1 said before, Q's body should be somewhere on the ground of the gymnasium.

But why... I scanned such a large area, but found nothing, and I didn't see Q's body or any traces of the battle.

Just when No. 7 was a little confused.

The trembling and obviously crying voice of No. 2 started to sound immediately.

"Seven...number seven."

" that Sister Q? Is that Sister Q?"

Hear this.

No. 7 immediately looked back at No. 2, and then followed her line of sight.

Aiming the submachine gun at that position, the searchlight under the muzzle immediately clearly captured the picture of that position.

A female corpse with twisted limbs, covered in blood, and with obvious bullet holes came into the eyes of the six people present.

There was no need to get close at all. Just based on the general figure, clothing, and hair color, the six people were able to clearly determine that... this was Q's body.

Although they had already received the message from No. 1, the impact of seeing the corpse with their own eyes still made the six people fall into silence.

No. 7 was the first to come back to his senses, looking at the five people behind him who were a little dazed, and said without question.

"Pay attention to the surrounding environment, be careful of the ambush of No. 10."

"That is the body of Sister Q. There is no need to take the risk to check it further. Now all the energy and goals are focused on solving No. 10."

Speaking of this.

No. 7 suddenly realized that in addition to the betrayer No. 10, even the seriously injured No. 1, no one knew where to hide.

This time, it is obvious that No. 1 knows more information, and it is necessary to get more clues about the location of No. 10 from him.

No. 7 frowned, began to simply look around the environment of the abandoned gymnasium, and shouted in a low voice.

"No. 1, No. 1."

"Are you around here? We are coming, answer us if you hear us."


In the eyes of No. 7, from the fact that No. 1 was able to take a photo of Q's body, No. 1 was most likely around here, but because he was seriously injured, he didn't know where he was hiding to avoid No. 10.

Just a few seconds after No. 7 lowered his voice to ask.


The phone in his pocket suddenly rang very quickly...

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