After simulating crimes 100,000 times, I became an ace detective

Chapter 558 Riley's back-up plan to cross the turbulent New York Harbor

Should we escape from New York Harbor?

Riley's words made K, who was holding a sniper rifle, stunned.

But before he could speak, J, who was standing next to him, spoke hurriedly with worry.

"Brother Riley."

"How can Brother K escape now? Both entrances and exits of New York Harbor must be blocked, and there are people from the Morgan Consortium outside."

"Even if Rennie transferred all the personnel to one entrance and exit, there is no way to break through the heavy blockade."

"But if Brother K doesn't go out, I really don't know if those little guys can be relied on, and there is even a possibility of the whole falling apart."

It's obvious.

Now J also hopes that K can leave New York Harbor.

Regardless of whether the operation in New York Harbor can succeed, at least it can give the poker organization, which is now leaderless, a stabilizing force.

It won't become... Even if Su Ming's dog is solved, the poker organization will collapse from the inside.

But even if I hope K can leave, there is still an unsolvable problem now.

That is... How to leave?

When Reni chose New York Harbor, he never thought of retreating. Using his own life to pull Su Ming down was his deepest thought.

Because, after so many battles, Reni has clearly realized that... Su Ming's strength is far beyond imagination, and only by trying his best can there be a certain chance.


Hearing J's question.

Riley looked up at the sky, with a bitter look on his face, and then looked at the sea in the distance, and explained slowly.


"If you want to escape from New York Harbor from the front, there is really no chance."

"Even if there is a chance, the idiot Reni will definitely not agree to put all his strength on sending K out."

"So K... If you don't trust those little guys, you must rely on yourself and hold the determination to die, only then will you have a chance to escape from New York Harbor."

Speaking of this.

Riley suddenly stood up, came to the other end of the old freighter, and leaned against the outer edge to say meaningfully.

"We are in New York Harbor now."

"But if we swim north from here, we can reach Sunny Beach in Queens, which is about ten kilometers away."

"If we can swim to that location, we can easily avoid the dog's detection and leave the currently blocked New York Harbor."

As soon as these words came out.

J immediately became anxious and shook his head to stop him.


"Brother Riley, this is absolutely impossible."

"The sea outside New York Harbor is very deep, at least dozens of meters, and the wind and waves are very strong. It is absolutely impossible to swim more than ten kilometers against the waves to Sunny Beach."

"It doesn't even take more than ten kilometers, only two or three will fall into the deep sea directly due to lack of physical strength, which is no different from committing suicide."

Riley ignored J's rebuttal, but looked at K who was still aiming at the abandoned freighter, and said seriously.


"I want to hear your thoughts."

"It's not a sure thing. If you're lucky, you might meet a sailing fishing boat or yacht and let them take you on a ride."

"Although the possibility is low, at least there's a chance, right?"

"In order to rebuild the poker organization and lead those confused little guys, are you willing to take the risk and jump into New York Harbor?"

"Of course, if you don't want to, I can understand..."

"I'll go." K suddenly interrupted Riley's words, and even put down the sniper rifle in his hand, looked at Riley next to him, and said seriously.

"I'm willing to jump into New York Harbor and try to swim to the sunny beach in Queens."

"Even if I don't meet those yachts, I will try my best and use every drop of strength in my body to swim towards Queens."

"I don't know what the result will be, but I know... the professor's phone can't be reached now. If we just ignore those little guys, the poker organization will disappear completely."

"The moment I arrived at New York Harbor, I didn't think about going back alive."

"But now for the poker organization, I will definitely... swim to the other side of the ocean alive."

Hearing K's serious words.

J was stunned for a moment, but then he quickly reacted, picked up the heavy sniper rifle on the deck, and aimed at the abandoned freighter in the distance on behalf of K.

Riley looked at K's determined eyes, suddenly smiled and waved his hand, shrugged.

"Don't worry, K."

"Since you have such determination, I will definitely not let you die in vain in this sea."

"There is an inflatable rubber boat on the bottom of my old freighter, which is usually used to transport contraband on the high seas. Now it comes in handy."

"You will get on this rubber boat and go to the other side of the ocean with all your strength."

"But in order to avoid being discovered by the dog, when you are about to reach the sunny beach, you need to jump off the rubber boat and swim over to minimize the possibility of exposing yourself."

There is a rubber boat?

The news that Riley said stunned K and J in an instant.

I don't understand at all... Why did Riley just say such a thing when there was a rubber boat, giving them a choice without a chance.

It seems that J and K are puzzled.

Riley looked up at the sky and couldn't help but sigh, feeling somewhat helpless and emotional.

"There's nothing I can do."

"I have to make sure... K really wants to rebuild the poker organization, not take this opportunity to escape from New York Harbor and this storm zone."

"Now that the professor is missing, if K returns to the poker organization, it will undoubtedly give those little guys a shot in the arm."

"There is a chance to escape, but it also depends on... whether that person is worth it for me to tell him."

"If it's not worth it, then just die with me... in New York Harbor, and try to get rid of that dog, isn't that a good result?"

After listening to Riley's explanation.

K couldn't help but be silent for two seconds, and then said seriously.


"Since there is an inflatable kayak, you can escape from New York Harbor, and I will continue to help Rainey keep an eye on the two enemies."

"Because, the dog came to New York for me. If I am still alive, our poker organization will never be able to restore peace."

"The dog will follow us every moment, and we will never be able to restart the poker organization."

"Also, take J back with you."

"Now J's arm is injured and he can't provide much help. With his help in the future, at least the organization can be rebuilt faster."

It can be seen.

K's mind is very clear now. He knows very well...Su Ming came to the United States specifically for him. As long as he is alive, the pursuit will never end.

Since there is a way to escape from New York Harbor safely, it should not be his turn anyway.

For K's words.

Riley did not answer immediately, but fumbled in his pocket for a while, took out a cigar, lit it, and said slowly after exhaling a puff of smoke.

"Forget it."

"I don't plan to be a babysitter for others."

"Besides, I know my character. If there is still a chance to escape from New York Harbor, I will definitely leave New York as soon as possible, no matter how flooded it is."

"If I run away like this, I can survive, but I always feel sorry..."

Speaking of this.

Riley shook his head and did not continue the previous words. Then he looked at K and raised the cigar in his hand, signaling.

"Don't waste time."

"Every extra second you delay, the greater the possibility of being discovered later. Hurry and leave New York Harbor..."

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