After simulating crimes 100,000 times, I became an ace detective

Chapter 554 The power of the heavy sniper rifle directly exploded the body

The sudden sound of sniper rifles.

Su Ming, who was preparing weapons in the trunk of the heavy off-road vehicle, could not help but stop his actions and squint at the area of ​​​​the second exit.

But the next second.

Su Ming no longer paid attention to that area and continued to prepare the necessities for entering the New York Port.

Whether the goddess of luck favors the God Team or not.

He must solve the problem of the New York Port this time and uproot the entire poker organization.

If the three members of the God Team can survive, that's great. At least they can have more power to assist in the subsequent actions.

But if they can't survive.

That doesn't matter. His established action plan and goals will not change at all because of whether these three people are alive or not.


At this moment.

At the abandoned ship chain position at the dock.

Along with the sound of the sniper rifle, there is also a clear and audible sound of flesh and blood bursting.

Zeus and Hades, who were climbing on the iron chain, immediately subconsciously looked to the side and suddenly found that...the sea king who was originally climbing on the far left had exploded from his shoulders to his chest.

The whole person seemed to lose strength in an instant, and fell helplessly towards the sea with a sluggish look in his eyes.

The power of the heavy sniper rifle is extremely terrifying. If it hits the human body, even if it only hits the arm, the whole arm will explode directly due to the terrifying impact force.

Even if the sea king was only hit at the lower part of the shoulder, most of his body was exploded by the impact force, and it was obvious that he was killed instantly.

Seeing this scene.

Zeus, who was climbing on the iron chain on the far right, had no time to be sad and shouted hurriedly.

"Pluto, climb quickly."

"It's only two steps away from the abandoned freighter. K just fired a shot. His sniping experience is not outstanding. The second shot will definitely take time to adjust. Hurry, climb quickly."


Zeus's mind is very calm at the moment, and he did not lose his mind because of the death of his teammates.

Of course, the most important thing is... they are currently on the chain, and they have no ability to resist at all.

If they let go, they will be drowned by the ocean.

If they continue to climb up at full speed, there is at least a chance... I hope K's sniping experience and strength are not good, and he can't fire the second shot immediately.

Zeus and Pluto, who were climbing on the chain, immediately increased their speed to climb up.

Now they don't care about other things at all, they can only climb to the abandoned freighter with all their strength. As long as they climb up, they will be completely safe.

Facing this threat of death.

Zeus and Pluto's potential seemed to have burst out, and their hands alternately grasped the chain very quickly, when they were one step away from the abandoned freighter.

The two of them even tightened their arm muscles at the same time, and jumped up with their strength.

At this moment.


The second shot of the heavy sniper rifle came.

But this bullet with terrifying destructive power was dodged by Zeus who jumped up, and hit the steel plate of the abandoned freighter directly, splashing a dazzling spark.

I don’t know whether they both felt the sniper bullet passing through their feet, or they didn’t want to continue to put their lives in the hands of others, or both.

Zeus grabbed the outer edge of the abandoned freighter and immediately exerted his outstanding core strength. He fell on his back directly to the deck of the abandoned freighter, curled up and rolled to reduce the impact.

He immediately climbed to the deck of the abandoned freighter.

He turned his head slightly and saw that Pluto had successfully climbed to the deck of the freighter next door. After lying down to avoid being sniped, Zeus couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

There was deep fear in the eyes of him and Pluto, as well as the relief of surviving the disaster.

I have to admit.

They were both lucky.

Just when they were about to climb to the abandoned freighter, K realized that they didn’t have much time and opportunity to shoot.

In addition, K's sniping ability was not outstanding, and it was already very difficult to fire two shots.

If K had discovered them from the beginning, they would definitely be shot dead by K one by one at a distance when they were climbing on the iron chain and had no ability to resist.


Looking up at the sky.

Zeus was panting heavily, and he had no time to feel the sadness of losing a teammate. He immediately pressed the micro headset and reported the current situation.


"Pluto and I have climbed onto the abandoned freighter."

"But Poseidon was not so lucky. He was killed on the spot by that damn thing K. He fell into the sea and had no chance."

"Sir, what should we do now?"

There was not much sadness in Zeus' words, nor was there the joy of one less person sharing the money, only visible tension.

Now they are still in the New York Harbor. Those retired mercenaries are rushing in this direction. It is not certain whether they can survive.

And after Poseidon was killed.

There were only two people left in their team. If they really had to confront the enemy head-on, even with the terrain advantage of the abandoned freighter, it would be very dangerous.

In this critical situation, the only thing Zeus could think of was... to seek Su Ming's help.

After waiting for two seconds.

Su Ming's calm words, which seemed to be without any emotion, came along.

"No need to act."

"Now they just need to hide on the abandoned freighter and defend themselves to avoid being killed by those retired mercenaries."

"Of course, in my opinion... the other party probably doesn't have much idea of ​​continuing to deal with you."

"Because, since K was able to aim and kill the Sea King just now, he must have seen the appearance of the two of you. You are not the king's target."

"Moreover, abandoned freighters are easy to defend and difficult to attack. You just need to shrink on the deck. They don't have many ways at all."

"But don't show your head easily. Although they probably don't have a good appetite to eat you, it's still okay to arrange one or two people to squat nearby and find flaws to solve you."

"The most important thing is... it is currently impossible to determine whether K is still aiming at you. Easily showing your head will only cause unnecessary risks of being killed, and it will not bring much help to this operation."

"Just squat on the abandoned freighter for a while and wait for my next order."

Speaking of this.

Su Ming paused for two seconds, and then continued with great seriousness.


"If the king gives up the action against the God Squad, you will definitely become the new target."

"Although they have temporarily given up the area of ​​​​Exit 1, if nothing unexpected happens... they will slowly advance towards Exit 1 in the future."

"In other words, your team will be involved in the most brutal and traditional street fighting with the king and those retired mercenaries."

"The four of you will gather first, and then advance step by step according to my rhythm. The next step is the most critical mission node..."

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