After simulating crimes 100,000 times, I became an ace detective

Chapter 35 The severity of the case increases, Xu Changsheng is shocked by Su Ming's reasoning!

Opioid drugs.

They are powerful sedatives and analgesics commonly used in clinical practice, and they are addictive to a certain extent.

The most famous ones are: morphine, pethidine, fentanyl, etc.

But no matter which one it is.

They are all strictly controlled drugs by the state, and pharmacies are not allowed to sell them at all.

Only patients with advanced cancer can buy them at large public hospitals with a doctor's prescription.



Since the residual traces of drugs and opioids have been detected in the blood of the deceased.

It is undoubtedly further confirmed Su Ming's inference.

Opioid drugs have sedative and analgesic effects after taking them, and the side effects are that people will be extremely drowsy, confused and addictive.

This also explains.

Why in the past ten days, Zhang Wan, who had never slept in class before, became extremely sleepy for no reason, and even brought a pillow.


The increasingly withdrawn and quiet personality is actually related to the sedative effect of the drug! ! !

And junior high school students can never buy such drugs.

No doctor would dare to prescribe controlled drugs such as morphine and pethidine to middle school students.

Therefore, in this case of falling from a building.

There is definitely a suspect hidden behind the scenes, who is always controlling and guiding this case! ! !

If we make a further bold inference...

Opioids have a strong analgesic effect, so it is very likely that the deceased was self-harming his arm.

Due to the effect of the drug, the body's self-protection ability is invalid, so he did not feel obvious pain and discomfort.

In this case.

The suspect took advantage of the situation and further controlled his consciousness with drugs.

Gradually instilled in the deceased that suicide would not hurt, and that he would become a blue whale and gain freedom after death, etc.

Words with obvious hints of death! ! !

As for what drugs the suspect used, although it needs to be found out as soon as possible.

But the most important thing at present is...

Find the second key person in this case as soon as possible-Huang Yan.

Judging from Huang Yan's action of wiping away the footprints.

She should not have planned to commit suicide immediately, and there is still a chance to save her!


After sorting out her thoughts.

Su Ming walked towards Xu Changsheng who was communicating with the technical department without hesitation.


Xu Changsheng had just put down the phone, and when he saw Su Ming coming, he frowned and complained.

"Damn it!"

"This lame criminal suspect is a little hard to find. I just asked the criminal investigation technology department to remotely access the cameras of Shude Middle School."

"I checked the surveillance inside Shude Middle School and several entrances and exits as soon as possible, but I didn't find any lame suspicious people at all!!!"


"I also asked the security guard to confirm that no one entered or left the campus in the middle of the night last night."

"It shouldn't be like this!"

"With a lame and inconvenient movement, where else can he go if not through the school entrance? It's impossible to climb over the wall..."

Before Xu Changsheng finished speaking.

Su Ming interrupted him and explained with some emotion.

"Brother Sheng."

"It's normal that we haven't found him!"

"I just talked to the deceased's two-year class teacher and the vice principal, and I can roughly confirm the identity of the suspect!"

"The suspect who walked with the deceased on the rooftop for the last period of time and cut the deceased's radial artery should be the deceased's only friend of the same age, named Huang Yan!"

"In the first and second years of junior high school, Huang Yan and the deceased were in the same class and established a deep friendship."

"But at the end of the second semester of junior high school."

"Huang Yan accidentally encountered a car accident, resulting in a comminuted fracture of her left leg. After all-out treatment, she was still disabled and has been lame ever since."

"At the same time."

"Since Shude Middle School adopts a military management model of boarding school, the lame Huang Yan is not suitable to continue Studying here, I was persuaded to drop out during the summer vacation of the second year of junior high school."

"From being healthy to being crippled, Huang Yan does have the soil for suicidal thoughts."

"Since she has studied here for two years, she must be very clear about the situation in the school."

"So it is natural that the surveillance cameras did not find Huang Yan."

"If I am not mistaken..."

"Although Shude Middle School adopts military training management, there are definitely places where the railings or walls are damaged, allowing those students to sneak in and out of the campus."

"And Huang Yan entered and exited Shude Middle School through this gap."


"As long as we find this path that only students know about, and then retrieve the surveillance of nearby roads, we should be able to find Huang Yan's whereabouts."

Hearing this.

Xu Changsheng immediately patted his thigh and praised with surprise.

"Sure, Xiao Ming."

"The clue you dug out is very important. As long as the identity of the suspect who witnessed the case is confirmed, the difficulty of finding and arresting him will be greatly reduced."

"I will ask Principal Qu to catch a gangster in the school and ask him."

"Asking these gangsters in the school about this kind of secret way to escape from school is probably the most clear."

Su Ming nodded in agreement at first.

Then his expression became solemn again, and he continued seriously.

"Brother Sheng."

"In addition to this information, I have another extremely important inference..."

"This case is probably not a gang suicide, depression suicide, etc., but a premeditated murder!!!"

"Huang Yan is not the murderer, nor is she an accomplice. Instead, she is also the target of the real murderer!"

"In this case, there is a third person, the real murderer, who is always hiding in the dark to control and induce everything!!!"

this conclusion.

Xu Changsheng was stunned for a moment, and then his expression became solemn, and he raised his head to signal.

"Go on, Xiao Ming."

"Tell me where you deduced that there was a hidden murderer."

Su Ming didn't need to organize his thoughts at all and immediately explained aloud.

"First point."

"When I just asked the deceased's class teacher, I unexpectedly learned that in the past fifteen days, the deceased had been particularly fond of and paid attention to blue whales."

"In the letter from the deceased, he also mentioned that he wanted to become a blue whale after death."

"as well as."

"The first suspect in this case, Huang Yan, also mentioned it to her former class teacher a month ago..."

"Can a person turn into a blue whale after death?"

"I seriously doubt that the so-called freedom represented by the blue whale is completely a concept that was forcibly instilled in a short period of time."

"Second point."

"The earliest self-inflicted wounds on the deceased's arms have not yet turned into complete scars."

"This shows that the deceased's extreme behavior from self-mutilation to falling from a building to commit suicide took a rough estimate of less than fifteen days."

"This is too short a period of time for depression to progress so quickly."

"The third point."

"Also the most important point."

"Forensic doctor Shen Lin has detected residual drugs and drugs in the blood of the deceased."

"Although the type of drug has not yet been determined, the drug has been identified as a sedative and analgesic opioid!"

"These two things are controlled items that junior high school students have no access to at all!!!"

"The above evidence gives me reason to believe it."

"There is definitely a hidden mastermind!!!"

As Su Ming finished speaking his inference.

Xu Changsheng's face was full of shock and confusion. How talented is it to be able to peel away the cocoons from such details and come up with a...

Such a shocking conclusion! ! !

Xu Changsheng was very sure that if he had just gone to the deceased's class teacher to inquire about the case.

There is a high probability that he would not be able to draw such hidden and deep clues like Su Ming.

But Xu Changsheng had to admit...

Su Ming was not reasoning randomly. Instead, he grasped all the details and evidence to the extreme and guessed the key results.

Take a deep breath.

Xu Changsheng suppressed the shock in his heart, nodded vigorously and replied.

"Xiao Ming, your inference is very important."

"We must take this falling case seriously."

"Follow-up reasoning must also consider this criminal suspect who does not know where he is hiding."


"The most critical phased goal now is..."

"Find Huang Yan!!!"

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