After simulating crimes 100,000 times, I became an ace detective

Chapter 149 A large amount of high-purity drugs and potassium cyanide were found, and the crime of p

In the high-end villa area of ​​Shuiyuan Longting.

Many security guards who have always been arrogant to the outside world and stopped the takeaways and couriers from entering dared only to stand by and watch from a distance.

In their sight.

In front of the villa numbered 23, there were already several police cars parked crookedly.

These police cars didn't even know whether they were intentional or unintentional. They were parked without any rules and directly blocked the main road of the community.

Then the most shocking thing was...

Without asking whether the owner of the 23rd building was at home, the special police broke into the house directly, and entered with submachine guns.

Such a tough method undoubtedly made these security guards know one thing.

The owner of the 23rd building, the second-generation rich owner in the Australian area, was definitely not something they, as small security guards, were qualified to ask about.

Of course, such a big commotion did not only attract the security guards to watch.

Many celebrities or wealthy people living in the Shuiyuan Longting villa area also paid attention to what happened here.

On the one hand, while being curious, on the other hand, he was also using his own resources and connections to inquire about the situation, fearing that the fire would burn him.


And in this villa.

The fully armed special police had already opened every room, but just as previously speculated, no trace of Du was found inside.

It is likely that the leader of the drug trafficking organization, who is good at peeping and cautious, informed Du in advance that Du had left.

Although Du was not caught in the act.

But a lot of clues and items were still obtained. Among them, the high-purity drugs stored in the villa, heroin alone, amounted to a full 30 kilograms.

If the weight of grams is calculated based on the death penalty, it is estimated that Du was shot a hundred times.

The most critical thing is not the high-purity drugs, but the chemical workbench used to extract potassium cyanide in the basement of this villa purchased in the name of the rich second generation of the Australian area, Zhong Weicheng.

In other words.

The potassium cyanide used to kill Fat Cat and others before was extracted in the basement of this villa.

With the privacy of Shuiyuan Longting and the strict security of the high-end villa area, Du Yao can safely make those highly toxic chemicals here.

At this moment.

In the basement of the villa.

Liu Yang looked at Shen Lin, who was proficient in the properties of these highly toxic chemicals, and was carefully sorting and collecting all the poisons. Then he looked at Bai Yu and Zheng Hui beside him helplessly.

"Detective Bai, Officer Zheng."

"It seems that the goddess of luck did not take care of us. It's a pity that we couldn't catch Du Yao here."

"If we can arrest him directly, it will save a lot of trouble later."

In response to Liu Yang's slightly helpless words.

Zheng Hui, with a kind face and only a slit in his eyes, shook his head and comforted him.

"Director Liu."

"This situation is already within our guess, so there is no need to be too disappointed."

"And I feel that we were able to find such a large amount of high-purity drugs and dig out this underground chemical poison production site."

"This can actually be said to be a great harvest, proving that the previous inferences of Brother Ming and us were not wrong."

"At the same time, based on the things we have found now, as long as the poisoner is caught, no matter how he quibbles and denies it, it will be useless, and the result will inevitably be a peanut."

"So the next thing to do is..."

"Carefully judge and dig out where the poison is now hidden!"

Although Zheng Hui is not good at inference.

But that kind of harmless face and gentle tone can indeed alleviate the slightly lost atmosphere.

Bai Yu, dressed as Sherlock Holmes, stared at the intact test tubes on the table of the production room, and the laptop that was smashed and the hard drive memory was pulled out.

Then he took off the pipe in his mouth and tried his best to sort out his thoughts and infer.

"I think..."

"Du Yao has definitely not left Gusu City yet."

"Because when being targeted by our police, he rashly left the familiar Gusu City and went to other cities to hide."

"Most criminals cannot escape as safely as they think. Instead, they will expose their whereabouts faster and be completely locked down with nowhere to escape."

"In addition."

"With the assistance of the drug trafficking organization leader, there are many special information channels that can give Du Yao early warning, so staying in Gusu City will be safer."

"Of course, the leader is unwilling to let Du Yao leave Gusu City. I think there is another very important reason..."

"If he stays in Gusu City, it will also be easier for another hidden member of the organization to be executed."

Speaking of this.

Bai Yu paused for a moment and pursed his lips at the smashed laptop.

"At the same time, we can confirm one thing."

"From the time Du Yao received the intelligence and left the villa to the time we came here, the time interval should not be very long, and it can even be said that it was very urgent."


"Du Yao would not only destroy the important notebook, but also leave the highly toxic and difficult-to-handle chemicals such as potassium cyanide here."

"As for those high-purity drugs, there is naturally no time to deal with them, and it is even more impossible to take them away, so they are left here."

"After all, the police are arresting quickly now, and the wind is so tight."

"With Du Yao's cowardly character, he would not dare to carry these high-purity drugs that are like time bombs."

"So I think that with such a short time, Du Yao should be hiding nearby, a place that he is very familiar with and few people know about, so he can hide more safely."

Liu Yang nodded in agreement, as if he had found the talent when he first became a criminal policeman, and said meaningfully.

"Du Yao has lived in this villa area for so long."

"I guess, even if the security force of this high-end villa area is excellent and there are many cameras, it is estimated that there is a high probability that Du Yao will not be able to take pictures of his whereabouts."

"But this is actually a good thing for us."

"Because the entrances and exits of such high-end villa areas are the places with the most cameras, in order to conceal his whereabouts as much as possible, Du Yao must not dare to drive."

"So it is not far from us at the moment, it should be very likely."

At this moment.

Liu Yang clenched his fists tightly, took a deep breath, and showed a firm look that he had not seen for several years, and then said without question.

"Although we are the one on the surface, our main focus is to capture Qiangwei hiding in Liangxi City, but now we have finally made such a big breakthrough."

"We must do our best to track it down."

"Find it!"

"Keep looking, we must find the poison!"

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