After simulating crimes 100,000 times, I became an ace detective

Chapter 138 Undertaker? The best profession for making human skin masks

Inside the Yuhua Criminal Investigation Team in Liangxi City.

Taiwan Novel Network →𝒕𝒘𝒌𝒂𝒏.𝒄𝒐𝒎

In the specially vacated meeting room, the important information Gao Chao just mentioned has instantly made everyone present think.

Because the deceased likes flowers, plants and trees, he chose horticulture as his university major.

And this is a major that requires understanding the characteristics of many plants, as well as special agricultural techniques such as grafting and planting.

According to the previous reasoning.

The murderer of this rose flower shop face-revealing case can basically be confirmed to know the situation of the deceased, and is most likely a friend or girlfriend of the deceased, but is very jealous of the deceased in his heart.

In addition.

The murderer must also know the various characteristics of the mandragora flower clearly, so as to achieve the best intoxicating effect, and use a large number of lilies to cover it up.

This is enough to show that the murderer must have a certain understanding of plants.

Superimpose a lot of information and requirements.

It seems that the scope of the murderer has been narrowed down to the point where he can be found.


At this moment.

Lin Tian, ​​who has rich experience in handling cases, has already made a direct suggestion without hesitation.

"Director Gao."

"I think the murderer codenamed Qiangwei is very likely a college classmate of the deceased in the same major, or even a roommate who lives together."

"Because according to the current inference results, the possibility of an acquaintance committing the crime is almost 100%."

"And it happened that Qiangwei took advantage of the opportunity of the organizational assessment five years ago to choose the victim of this face-revealing case as the target of the murder. On the one hand, it was because it was easier to start with the profile of the deceased, and on the other hand, it was for revenge or to satisfy the jealousy that had lasted for a long time in her heart."

"As for why there was no breakthrough in the previous search for the deceased's friends, childhood friends, or besties living in Liangxi City, there is now a reasonable explanation."

"College classmates They originally came from all over the country, and after graduation they went their separate ways. In addition, Rose is good at hiding with human skin masks. "

"So there is a possibility..."

"Rose was most likely not from Liangxi City at the beginning, and she came from other cities to Liangxi City to kill the deceased."

"After passing the assessment of the drug trafficking organization, she took root in Liangxi City and began to operate and maintain a high-purity drug sales network."

"In other words, Rose's activities and records in Liangxi City may have started after the death of the deceased. The current problem is..."

"How to identify Rose, who is likely to be hiding among the many university classmates of the same major as the deceased."

Su Ming, who was sitting next to him.

After listening to Lin Tian's words, he immediately sorted out his thoughts and continued.

"Director Lin, Director Gao."

"I already have a rough idea of ​​how to find her."

"First of all, we can be sure that Qiangwei has outstanding human skin mask making technology, and she can even join such a drug trafficking organization."

"The biggest reason is that the leader of the drug trafficking organization is interested in her human skin mask making technology."


"I don't think that a person who needs the help of the organization leader to pass the assessment will be absorbed into the organization because of his outstanding criminal IQ."

"Then, combined with the inference clues just now, Qiangwei and the deceased's university majors are both horticulture. It is well known that this major basically cannot find a corresponding job."

"Just like the deceased became a human resources person in a company in order to make a living."

"And the murderer...if nothing unexpected happens, he should be engaged in work related to human skin masks, and his technical level should be quite good, so that he will be noticed by the leader of the drug trafficking organization."

The search direction proposed by Su Ming undoubtedly made everyone present brighten their eyes.

Because this is indeed one of the best ways to find the murderer.

It is not easy to find a job with horticulture.

Therefore, for the sake of life and future, most graduates will change their careers and find another way to make a living.

And the murderer was noticed by the leader of the drug trafficking organization, so the job she chose after graduation was naturally very likely to be related to the human skin mask.

Lan Jing, who has rich study experience, adjusted her black-framed glasses and said meaningfully.

"It is indeed possible to start from the job after graduation to find Qiangwei."

"Then through the inference and discussion just now, I may have also judged..."

"One of the reasons why Qiangwei chose to kill the deceased."

"When we were studying, no matter from what angle, horticulture had the lowest score, and it was also the major that most people were transferred to."

"When the deceased applied for the volunteer, he was able to ignore the employment issue and directly applied for horticulture based on his so-called love."

"In addition."

"Previously, Director Gao mentioned that the deceased's parents looked down on and opposed the deceased's boyfriend, And the deceased was able to escape from the second-floor balcony with the household registration book."

"Does this prove that the deceased's family originally had good economic conditions and lived in a single-family villa, so they looked down on the deceased's boyfriend? And it can make the deceased boldly pursue her dreams. As long as she is interested in gardening, she can directly apply for the exam without having to consider subsequent employment issues?"

"The deceased's excellent family situation is most likely to be a factor that makes Qiangwei jealous from a criminal psychology perspective."

"If... Qiangwei's family economic conditions are not good, and she was transferred to a major such as gardening that is extremely difficult to find a job, she is already in a painful state."

"As a result, I found out..."

"The deceased, who lived with my roommate, used his scores to apply for popular majors such as economics and computer science, but for the sake of his so-called hobbies, he applied for horticulture, which he hated at the time. How exciting would this be?"

"And in the subsequent understanding, I saw that the deceased's economic conditions were much better than mine, and this more or less accumulated jealousy."

"In fact, it can completely become a reason for murder, because jealousy can really turn a person into a devil."

Lan Jing's in-depth criminal psychology inference.

It is enough to make Qiangwei's suspect portrait clearer and more real.

Xu Changsheng stroked his chin, thought carefully in his mind for a few seconds, and said slowly.

"Start looking from the jobs you graduate from, what about jobs related to human skin masks?"

"I feel that the overall screening is not difficult. I think it might be related jobs such as makeup artists and beauticians?"

"This kind of job that deals with the face for a long time should be more likely, right?"

"After all, in a sense, I have never seen anyone who can make a human skin mask that is as lifelike as Rose."

At this moment.

Su Ming suddenly flashed a special job in his mind. He looked around at everyone in the room, raised his eyebrows and said meaningfully.


"I just noticed one thing. Rose can peel off the dead person's face so completely. This is probably not something that makeup artists and beauticians can do."

"And for normal people, the impact of peeling off the face is several times higher than that of simply killing people. How strong is the psychological quality?"

"At the same time, if Rose's family conditions are not good, will she choose to do some special jobs with higher income in order to make money as soon as possible?"

"Of course, I mean, is it possible that Rose will be..."


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