After simulating crimes 100,000 times, I became an ace detective

Chapter 132: Highly poisonous mandragora, a new plant-based killing method!

As soon as these words came out. ♦♦  ♦♦

Gao Chao immediately stopped the mouse from clicking and switching to the next picture, and looked at Su Ming with astonishment and surprise.


He had already looked at the scene pictures of this face-revealing case and the contents related to the case countless times, but he could not find any clues.

As a result, now...

Su Ming just took a few simple glances, and he had already found possible problems and clues?

Although there was a reason for not being able to judge the virtual number and fake order before.

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But Su Ming was able to find the follow-up clues so quickly, which really made Gao Chao speechless.

He also looked forward to it more and more.

Within three days, he could solve this unsolved case and give a real explanation to the family of the deceased.


Of course.

It wasn't just Gao Chao, the others at the scene also looked at Su Ming curiously, wanting to hear what happened in the few photos taken just now.

What was the problem that allowed Su Ming to find the hidden clues.

Feeling the gazes of the crowd, Su Ming did not waste time pretending to be mysterious. He stared at the photo on the screen in front of him and spoke slowly.

"You can take a closer look at this photo in front of you."

"This is an overall photo of the deceased's flower shop. You can clearly see some scattered flowers and branches on the ground. It is obvious that most of them fell to the ground when the deceased was packaging the bouquets."

"At that time, there were so many orders that the deceased couldn't handle it alone. Besides, it was late at night and the whole person was in a state of fatigue. It was normal that he didn't have time to clean up."


"In addition to the common roses, lilies, roses, sunflowers and baby's breath, I found a kind of flower that is highly toxic in this photo taken on the scene."

"That is... the lily-shaped mandala!"


The name of this flower sounds familiar at first. This flower has appeared or been described in many movies, TV shows and novels.

But in reality.

Not many people recognize this flower. It is easy to confuse it with lilies, poinciana trees, and even morning glories.

Guo Ping, who has rich experience in special reconnaissance, immediately explained with the knowledge he learned in the army.

"Datura flowers are highly toxic. Whether it is petals, leaves, stamens or fragrance, they all contain various toxins."

"Especially the seeds of datura flowers. If an adult accidentally takes a few seeds, it can cause death. The fragrance of the flower has the probability of anesthesia and coma. The important ingredient of the Ma Fei San developed by Hua Tuo at the beginning was datura flowers."

"Although datura flowers also have medicinal value, we usually avoid touching datura flowers as much as possible when we conduct field reconnaissance."

"It stands to reason..."

"Normal flower shops can't buy datura flowers on purpose, nor can they sell them."

After listening to Guo Ping's words,

Lin Tian's eyes immediately flashed with a gleam of light, and he continued with a meaningful tone.

"I know, Xiao Ming."

"If I'm not mistaken, what you want to express is..."

"The reason why there was no sign of fighting at the scene and the reason why the deceased did not resist was because he was stunned by the fragrance of the mandragora flowers, so even if he was fatally injured, he did not react at all."

"Using the fragrance of flowers to stun the selected prey, this method and technique of committing crimes is really very rare."

"But it feels..."

"It also corresponds to her code name - Rose."

Su Ming nodded in agreement, and then continued to add to the story.

"Both Director Lin and Squad Leader Guo are right."

"It is impossible for a flower shop to buy datura flowers, but what if someone mixed them with lilies?"

"You can recall carefully the order in the e-commerce backend just now, and you can clearly see..."

"In the countdown series of pre-orders, the demand for lilies is much greater than the most commonly used roses on Valentine's Day."

"This is not normal. On Valentine's Day, lilies can never be more popular than roses."

"And there is another important point. Since all these orders are placed at the last minute, it means that the deceased will handle these orders at the end."

"With such a busy day, I think the deceased definitely didn't have time to check the flowers delivered. He would only take flowers according to the order requirements, and naturally he would not know that a pile of lilies was mixed with highly toxic 's Datura flowers. "

"Therefore, the deceased smelled the poisonous fragrance of Datura flowers throughout the day, but since the door must have been open during the day, the concentration of the fragrance was not high and she did not fall into a coma. "

"But at night. "

"The temperature in Liangxi City in February was generally below zero at night. Whether for safety or warmth, the deceased would close the store door. "

"Now the fragrance of Datura flowers could not dissipate, and it became stronger and stronger in the store. In addition, the flower shop was already filled with various flower scents, and the deceased must not be able to distinguish the smell of Datura. "

"So even if the concentration of Datura flowers to cause coma is very high, the difficulty of implementation is not ordinary. "

"But in this case of the Rose Flower Shop revealing the face, you only need to follow the result and infer the process, everything becomes extremely reasonable. It is very difficult, but it can be done. "

"Although the murderer took away all the Datura flowers after the murder to prevent us from finding any relevant clues."

"But the Datura flower that accidentally fell in the corner of the cash register gave us the biggest breakthrough."

Hearing this.

Everyone present looked at the corner of the cash register in the photo.

In the sight.

There is an inconspicuous white flower.

Without hesitation.

Gao Chao immediately took a screenshot of the flower and enlarged it, and opened the computer browser, searched for popular science pictures of Datura flowers, and put them on the same screen for comparison.

Although the overall size and details are different, from the almost identical petal shape and wavy dividing line.

It can be clearly judged that the flower in the corner of the cash register is the highly poisonous Datura flower.

At this moment.

Gao Chao, who always had a paralyzed face, clenched his fists rarely, and his eyes revealed a touch of excitement.

Finally found...

Finally found the specific means of committing the crime.

Su Ming sorted out his thoughts, looked around at everyone present, and said seriously.

"Through this mandala flower, I can now roughly determine an important portrait of the murderer."

"The murderer is likely to have a good relationship with the deceased. At least he can understand her current situation, and he can..."

"At the late night time near the end of the year, get the consent of the deceased to enter the flower shop!"

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