After simulating crimes 100,000 times, I became an ace detective

Chapter 123 Check the medical insurance information of the deceased to confirm the key clues of the

The victim attended a party that he couldn't refuse before his death?

This conjecture and inference.

It made everyone present's eyes light up, and some were even more amazed and sighed.


This was a result inferred entirely by conjecture and common sense, not by any evidence or information source from Sky Eye surveillance.


After only roughly determining the method of the crime, Su Ming used the victim's occupation and family economic conditions to complete many details.

For example, when Liu Yang, as an eyewitness, just repeated the outline of the case.

It was inferred from the needle marks on the victim's buttocks, but no syringe was found, and the victim had no chance to ask for help or shout...

The method of the crime was probably not to inject potassium cyanide, but to take capsule medicine.

Then the capsule medicine was taken as the final result.

The details were further improved in combination with the deceased's occupation and family economy.


According to the deceased's family economic situation recorded in the file, clues such as poor students and student loans were applied.

Based on this, we can continue to make a bold inference...

The deceased was frugal and would not throw away medicines at will, so he would take the medicines he had bought when he was sick, which provided the murderer with an opportunity to replace the capsule medicines.


Based on the deceased's occupation as a programmer and his frugality of not wanting to spend money, it is judged that the reason why the deceased took medicines was most likely because of stomach pain.

The most important thing is...

Stomach pain is different from diseases such as colds and fevers, which basically require taking medicines for several days or a course of treatment.

Office workers with frugal habits like the deceased.

Basically, when they have stomach pains, they will definitely just take one pill to relieve it, and will not take medicine every day.

This also leads to.

When the deceased was autopsied, naturally no metabolic drug residues were detected in the body.


The only pill the deceased took at that time was not the so-called stomach medicine, but potassium cyanide, which was replaced by the murderer, a truly deadly poison.

In this way.

The gelatin shell of the capsule was melted by gastric juice, and there was no drug residue in the deceased's blood, and there was no record of seeing a doctor in the hospital in recent weeks.

Even if a comprehensive autopsy was conducted, it would naturally be difficult to link it to the capsule poison.

The pinhole wound on the buttocks of the deceased.

It must have become the focus of the Xiangcheng Criminal Investigation Brigade at that time, but it was destined that there would be no results or discoveries.

And this is not over yet.

Continue to combine the actual situation and interpersonal communication to make inferences.

Since the deceased always has stomach medicine ready, it means that he has had stomach pain many times, and he must pay special attention to various diets to avoid pain.

Because people who have experienced stomach pain will definitely try to avoid or prevent it as much as possible, rather than taking medicine to relieve it when it hurts.

Eat regularly in the morning and eat as little as possible at night.

Doing these two seemingly simple points can well relieve the burden on the stomach, and stomach pain basically occurs in the morning or late at night.

So here is a question...

What happened on that day that made the deceased need to take stomach medicine to relieve pain or prevent possible stomach pain.

For a otaku programmer.

It seems that only company dinners or department dinners can make him unable to refuse, and he must go to participate otherwise he will be unsociable.

After all, it's not sociable in a software company.

That means more work, unsatisfactory performance at the end of the year, and a greatly increased probability of being laid off.

Company or department dinner.

Basically, they will notify in advance so that employees can arrange their time, which undoubtedly provides the murderer with an excellent opportunity and means to commit the crime.


At this moment.

The experienced Lin Tian, ​​after going through the many pieces of information that Su Ming had said before, narrated with a sharp look in his eyes.

"Xiao Ming."

"According to your inference just now."

"Doesn't that mean that the murderer codenamed Poison is actually most likely an employee of the same company as the deceased."

"Only in this way can the deceased's medicine be exchanged and the specific dinner time be accurately grasped."

"And most importantly..."

"Leaving a pinhole wound on the deceased's buttocks, it must be someone who is closely related to him who has the opportunity to do this."

"I think the easiest way to determine whether the inference just now is biased is..."

"Check the victim's medical insurance consumption!"

"Directly determine whether there is a record of buying stomach medicine."

"For a frugal person like the deceased, even if he goes to a pharmacy to buy medicine, he will most likely use the medical insurance paid by the company to consume."

"I just don't know."

"Now that so many years have passed, the medical insurance consumption record is still not kept?"

As soon as the voice fell.

An Quan, who had a laptop in front of him, adjusted his glasses and answered affirmatively.

"Director Lin."

"It is likely that we can find the consumption records."

"The retention period of medical insurance consumption records in various provinces and cities in our Dragon Country is different. Medical insurance consumption in Guangdong Province is retained for three years, while medical insurance consumption in Su Province, where Gusu City is located, is retained for five years."

Speaking of this.

An Quan directly opened the file of the poisoning case, copied the ID number of the deceased, and logged into the internal medical insurance interface of Su Province.

While typing on the keyboard to query, he explained slowly.

"Although the medical insurance consumption records are kept for five years."

"But the case has been almost five years, and there are about four or five months before the incident that can be checked, so I am not sure whether it can be found."

"But as long as the deceased has a record of using medical insurance to buy medicines in the months before being poisoned, it should be easy to find."


"In order to facilitate the family members to reimburse the medical expenses of the deceased, the medical insurance units in various provinces and cities in our Longguo are very humane."

"Even if the household registration is cancelled, the medical insurance consumption records can be checked..."

He has not finished speaking.

An Quan, who logged into the internal platform of Su Province Medical Insurance, immediately saw the medical insurance consumption records of the victim four months before he was poisoned.

Without any hesitation or hesitation, An Quan quickly raised his head and said in surprise.

"Found it!"

"I found in the victim's medical insurance consumption records that four months before he was poisoned, he bought a box of special gastric medicine at Guoda Pharmacy on the central street of Xiangcheng District..."

"Omeprazole capsules!"

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