After simulating crimes 100,000 times, I became an ace detective

Chapter 119 The task force does not keep idle people, and Du Yao buys luxury cars and luxury goods?

Timid and cowardly and arrogant and confident.

Two seemingly opposite words are actually character portraits of Poison.

Su Ming's conclusion was undoubtedly somewhat beyond the expectations of several people present, especially Lan Jing and Guo Ping, who frowned in unison.

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As a PhD in Psychology or an Ace Scout.

In fact, both of them had a certain degree of arrogance and believed that their judgments would not be wrong. However, the answer Su Ming gave seemed a bit like a deliberate attempt to make trouble.

Without deliberately pretending to be profound, Su Ming sorted out the thoughts in his mind and explained.

"The discussion you two just had."

"I already heard it in the corridor. The reason why Dr. Lan thinks Poison is timid is from the poisoning case four years ago and the fat cat that was solved two days ago."

"Unlike crazy and bold criminals like Zhou Shirui, Poison doesn't seem to dare to touch or handle corpses, or even kill with his own hands."

"From this perspective, Poison is indeed cowardly."

"But Squad Leader Guo has a different idea. He thinks that since Poison can rely on disguise and counter-reconnaissance, he can find the plainclothes policemen on guard."

"The most important thing is..."

"After discovering the police, Poison did not panic at all. Instead, he went home and disguised himself again. There was even a Shiba Inu coming to try to continue poisoning Shougou's family."

"And I have another piece of news here that you probably don't know yet."

"Tie San, the drug agent before Sha Mao, was threatened by Poison at gunpoint and asked him to help sell ten kilograms of high-purity drugs."

"In order to force Tie San to obey, he even poisoned his elderly mother directly in front of him. The level of arrogance is shocking."

"From these two things, we can judge Poison's confidence and arrogance."

"That's what I said..."

"The reason why Poison is both timid and arrogant can be clearly seen from his behavior."


"You can pay attention to the time period. When did he become timid, and when did he become so arrogant that he dared to threaten to kill someone?"

Hear this.

Lin Tian, ​​who had also seen the ten unsolved cases in the past few days, immediately thought of something and answered.

"I can see it."

"If I guess correctly, the key reason why Poison's personality is so different is actually the influence of external factors."

"The unsolved case four years ago was most likely the first time that Poison committed a murder, so he must have been a little timid and scared for his first murder."

"That's why I chose the wait-and-see method of poisoning and killing. There is no need to dispose of the body and it minimizes the possibility of being discovered. This is different from Zhou Shirui, who was born to be a top criminal."

“Then it’s on to intimidating triathlon.”

"At this time, he had successfully joined the drug trafficking organization for two years, and he must have made a lot of money through drug trafficking."

"After passing the assessment, you can also get a lot of help from drug trafficking organizations and learn a lot of criminal techniques and techniques."

"So when he was sure that even if he was caught offline, he would not dare to reveal even half of the information and clues about him, he naturally became arrogant."

"The unprecedented expansion, coupled with the police's inability to dig out key clues, led to him daring to directly threaten Triathlon with his family, and his personality also changed."

"It lasted until...a few days ago, I stayed with Shougou's family, and he still maintained this state."

"But not for long."

"Through the information channel of the leader of this drug trafficking organization, Poison got the news that Zhou Shirui was exposed and was likely to be caught by the police, and that the dark web was invaded and all the offline agents were known."

"The self-confidence and arrogance that were built up obviously collapsed a lot in an instant, so I chose to use long-range threats to deal with Fat Cat instead of directly pointing a gun at him like he was arrogant like before in Triathlon."

"If nothing else, timidity and cowardice are the nature of poison, while arrogance and confidence are the characteristics that change according to the environment after joining this drug trafficking organization."


"It's like, it's like..."

"A fox pretends to be a tiger, or a nouveau riche mentality." When Lin Tian was looking for words to describe, Lan Jing adjusted her glasses with her left hand, quickly helped him find an adjective, and continued.

"From a psychological perspective."

"Poison can cause such a big change in his original personality due to the external environment, which shows that his mind is extremely unstable."

"Although character cannot determine achievement or future, I can make bold judgments based on past experiences..."

"From the drug dealer's choice to join a drug trafficking organization, as well as his cowardly and timid character, there is a high probability that the economic conditions of the native family are not good."


"After receiving considerable monetary profits from selling high-purity drugs, the drug addicts will most likely engage in retaliatory consumption and purchase a large number of luxury goods."

"Due to the high cost of luxury goods, after the first agent went offline, the drug dealer would directly go to Tie San, threaten his family's life, and at the same time let ten kilograms of drugs be sold from the beginning."

This is an inference.

Su Ming raised his eyebrows with satisfaction. He didn't expect that Lan Jing, who majored in criminal psychology, could deduce so many details just by giving him a heads up.

At the same time, he became increasingly certain that the superiors were absolutely imperative to eliminate the drug trafficking organization this time.


It is absolutely impossible to transfer these four people from various organizational structures to the special task force.

"Luxury goods?" Zheng Hui stroked his chubby chin and told the story seriously.

"In previous cases, I have met several salesgirls and talked with them for a long time."

"Any big customer of luxury goods will basically leave contact information and phone numbers, and we can find a breakthrough from this."

"Although the list of those big customers is confidential to protect privacy."

"But in fact, the information of these salesgirls of luxury goods is shared with each other. Give me about half a day to contact the salesgirls in Suzhou City."

"I am about 90% sure that I can get a list of wealthy people who have bought a large number of luxury goods in Suzhou in the past three years without revealing my official identity."

"At that time, I can try to further determine the identity of the poison."

Relying on interviews to find witnesses and clues is the criminal investigation content that Zheng Hui is best at.

Without using the official public security identity and without attracting the attention of the suspect.

It only takes half a day.

He got a list of wealthy people in Gusu who had purchased luxury goods on a large scale in recent years. This ability to find and talk with them is really extraordinary.

But Su Ming smiled faintly and pressed his hand to indicate.

"No need to go through so much trouble."

"I have already roughly guessed where Du Yao spends the most money."

"According to Shou Gou's story."

"Three days after Tie San received peanuts, his family had a serious car accident on the highway because the vehicle lost control, resulting in no one in the family being spared."

"Although it was finally determined to be an accident, I don't think it was really such a coincidence."

"Besides, it is not particularly difficult to tamper with the vehicle and make it lose control on the highway."

"Of course, the premise must also be that Du Yao must know the vehicle very well, at least not to the extent that he simply has a driver's license and can only drive."

"So I have two guesses..."

"First, Du Yao has been engaged in professional car repair work, so he clearly knows under what circumstances a vehicle can be made to lose control."

"Second, Du Yao likes racing and racing, and spends a lot of money on luxury cars. For safety and better development of vehicle performance, he naturally knows how to make the vehicle completely out of control when driving at high speed."

"Of these two possible directions, I personally prefer the second one."

"That is to say."

"The luxury goods purchased by Du Yao may be numerous high-end sports cars!"

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