After simulating crimes 100,000 times, I became an ace detective

Chapter 107 Go and arrest Zhou Shirui, everyone, don't move!!!

After a series of previous inferences. ♜ ♦ ♗♦


All the efforts finally paid off, and Zhou Shirui, who was revealed to have a new identity, finally reached the point where he had no way to escape.

After constantly hearing news about the latest whereabouts of Zhou Shirui.

Lin Tian quickly came behind the technical police officer without hesitation and signaled without any doubt.

"Immediately bring up the scene where Zhou Jack, no, Zhou Shirui appeared for the last time and show it to me."

The words just fell.

The police officer from the technical section immediately called up the Sky Eye video of Zhou Shirui entering the Huaihai Art Museum in the Magic City, and spoke slowly.

"Forest Bureau."

"This is the last time Zhou Shirui appeared in the Sky Eye surveillance."

"I am currently conducting real-time monitoring, and I can already confirm that after entering the Huaihai Art Museum, Zhou Shirui has not come out yet."

"at the same time."

"I just checked again. The Luban Prize Exhibition is being held today at the Huaihai Art Museum. Zhou Shirui's new identity, Zhou Jack, is one of the guests invited to the exhibition."

After listening to what the technical section police officer said.

Lin Tian nodded slightly, holding the back of the seat with one hand, leaning forward and taking a careful look at the surveillance video, pointing to the portrait in the middle.

"Enlarge this figure and take a look."

"The arrest of such a criminal must be foolproof, and he must not be given a second chance to escape."

There was no hesitation.

The police officer from the Technical Section immediately zoomed in on the Sky Eye surveillance.

Lin Tian took a closer look, then clenched his fists heavily and pressed them against the table. He looked at Su Ming beside him and said definitely.

"Xiao Ming."

"It's basically confirmed that Zhou Shirui is indeed in the Huaihai Art Museum."

"Ha... It seems that Zhou Shirui thinks that the golden cicada's escape technique can perfectly deceive us, and he is actually interested in participating in this kind of exhibition."

Xu Changsheng still turned on the real-time video.

After hearing Lin Tian's words, he immediately said excitedly without hesitation.


"I will rush from this studio to the Huaihai Art Museum immediately. I must catch Zhou Shirui before he slips away..."

Before Xu Changsheng could finish speaking.

Su Ming immediately interrupted his follow-up words and spoke in a very thoughtful manner.

"No, Brother Sheng."

"The Huaihai Art Museum is too far away from you. Instead of you rushing all the way there, it would be more convenient for us to start from the brigade."


"Although we currently know that Jack Zhou is actually Zhou Shirui, we still need enough evidence to prove it."

"Because, under Zhou Shirui's many years of design, Zhou Jack now has a complete identity, a high social status, and a quite large relationship chain."

"The most important thing is..."

"Jack Zhou's identity is clean enough and does not have any criminal record. I doubt that even other people in the drug trafficking organization know this identity."

"So even if we can temporarily detain him and control him through a blood test, we must merge the two identities of Zhou Jack and Zhou Shirui as soon as possible."

“Drug use is not a death sentence, but murder and huge drug possession are.”

"That's why."

"In order to prevent Zhou Shirui from killing Zhou Jack's identity, he was unwilling to admit the various criminal facts he had committed."

"Brother Sheng, your current task is very important. You must extract enough DNA or fingerprints in Zhou Shirui's studio."

"Everyone has unique characteristics that cannot be changed through plastic surgery. They are used to silence all the people and the media. These evidences must be brought to court to get delayed justice."

These words.

Lin Tian nodded in agreement and secretly admired Su Ming's confidence.

It was exactly what Su Ming said.

Except for the traces of drug abuse found in the blood, the so-called Jack Zhou's identity is indeed clean and free of any criminal facts.

And taking drugs for inspiration.

In these art industries, it is really not a big deal. Many people actually do this kind of behavior, but they have never been caught out.

That's when.

If Zhou Shirui is still unable to pry open his mouth and get him to give up his identity as Jack Zhou and admit his previous criminal facts, then it will be really difficult.

Taking drugs...there is really no way to get death penalty and get peanuts.


The necessary clues must be collected as soon as possible now. By then, the DNA test or fingerprint comparison results will be presented directly in front of Zhou Shirui, and it is estimated that his psychological defenses will be broken directly.

Without any hesitation, Lin Tian also looked at Xu Changsheng on the video call and signaled slowly.

"A Sheng."

"As Xiao Ming said, you are responsible for searching for various remaining DNA and fingerprints in Zhou Shirui's studio. I will personally lead the team later and start the most important arrest operation recently."

"Okay, that's it."

"Remember when looking for clues and traces, you must be careful and serious, and you must not let go of any clues!"

When they saw Su Ming and Lin Tian, ​​they both told themselves not to come here specifically to arrest them.

Xu Changsheng also nodded and saluted in the video, saying extremely firmly.


"Make sure to complete the mission without missing any clues or traces!"

After saying that.

This crucial video call also ended when Xu Changsheng disconnected it.

Su Ming took this opportunity to carefully check the internal topography of the Huaihai Art Museum and the specific steps of the Luban Award Exhibition.

He pointed to the address of the Huaihai Art Museum on the computer screen and looked at Lin Tian beside him and spoke.

"Director Lin."

"I just checked the internal topography of the Huaihai Art Museum in advance and found that the entire art museum has three floors. The first and second floors are all various works of art, such as paintings, sculptures, and paper-cuts."

"The third floor is a very large lecture hall, which was used to hold various reports and competitions in the past."

"Each Luban Award ceremony, various art awards, etc. are held on the third floor."

"Then it can be confirmed..."

"This so-called Luban Award exhibition is likely to be held on the third floor."

"If nothing unexpected happens, this third floor will now gather many Dragon Country sculptures and other art masters, as well as media specializing in filming."

"That is to say."

"Based on Zhou Shirui's madness and extremeness, these people are likely to become his hostages."

"And the Huaihai Art Museum is the tallest building in the surrounding area, and snipers cannot provide support. The difficulty of the arrest operation will be very high at that time."

Wang Hu, who was sitting next to him, immediately proposed a solution after hearing this.

"Brother Ming."

"According to what you said, it may not be the best time to arrest him when the exhibition is in progress."

"How about that."

"Wait until the exhibition is over and Zhou Shirui is separated from these people, then arrest him..."

Before he finished speaking.

Lin Tian had already shaken his head, interrupted Wang Hu's words, and frowned.


"With the scale of their meetings, I'm afraid they will have to eat and train after the main exhibition, and even exchange inspiration, experience, etc."

"In this case."

"At least two days have passed. Now that we have finally dug up Zhou Shirui, we have to wait two days to arrest him."

"The leader of the drug trafficking organization that invaded our Sky Eye surveillance before must take action."

"We must arrest Zhou Shirui as soon as possible so that we can carry out follow-up work better and more conveniently."

Su Ming also nodded. Now that Zhou Shirui has been found, it is definitely not a good way to delay the arrest.

He then gently stroked his fingers and continued seriously.

"Director Lin."

"Considering that we need to arrest Zhou Shirui as soon as possible, I think there is a time point that we can use."

"This so-called Luban Prize Exhibition is actually organized by the Longguo Sculpture Association. All the works of the Luban Prize, which have been held every three years and a total of eleven sessions, are carefully exhibited."

"Then eleven young sculptors will each choose a Luban Prize work, come on stage to comment on the excellence of this work, what is worth learning, and talk about the latest sculpture concepts."

"In other words."

"This is a sharing session of technology and experience."

"And Zhou Shirui's new identity Zhou Jack is exactly the eleven young sculptors who will come on stage. One of the sculptors mentioned in the story, and the work he shared was..."

"The [Girl Wrapped in Bandages] carved by Zhou Shirui, which won the Luban Award."

"Brother Sheng couldn't find this work in the studio before because it was borrowed by the Sculpture Association for this sharing session."

"So we now have an extremely important time node, and it is possible to arrest Zhou Shirui."

"That is..."

"When Zhou Shirui went on stage alone to introduce and share his work!"

"At that time node, there was no one around Zhou Shirui, and he was the only one standing on the stage, so there was no hostage problem."

Hearing this.

Lin Tian was stunned for a moment, and then secretly took a breath of cold air, completely unable to understand...

How did Su Ming develop such an amazing criminal investigation concept and such a sharp mind.

Just when he was worried about the complexity of the arrest operation, Su Ming gave a very suitable solution.

Without any hesitation, Lin Tian immediately made the decision without question.

"The technical department continues to provide remote support. Keep a close eye on the Huaihai Art Museum. If Zhou Shirui leaves or makes any other unusual movements, inform me immediately."

"Then Xiaoming, you and I will lead the team to the Huaihai Art Museum. This time, we must arrest Zhou Shirui!"

Speaking of this.

Lin Tian suddenly thought of something, and then looked at Su Ming with a hint of meaning.

"By the way, Xiaoming."

"You have been converted to a regular employee and can be equipped with a gun. Hurry up and go to the warehouse to get a Type 92 pistol."

"This time, facing the brutal and crazy Zhou Shirui, we must go with guns!!!"


This arrest operation is extremely important.

There are five police cars, plus five special police bulletproof cars, strung together in a long dragon, honking their horns and driving on the road, heading to the Huaihai Art Museum at full speed.

The reason why it is so important.

Not only because Zhou Shirui has been on the run for twenty years, the final murderer of the 5.13 dismemberment case at Magic City University.

But also because.

As a veteran of that huge drug trafficking organization, Zhou Shirui must have access to a lot of key information.

As long as Zhou Shirui is successfully arrested and his mouth is pried open with all efforts, the huge drug trafficking organization will surely be soon uncovered and liquidated.

In the leading police car, there are only Lin Tian and Su Ming.

Lin Tian drove there, while Su Ming sat in the co-pilot seat to get familiar with the newly received Type 92 police pistol.

This was naturally Lin Tian's arrangement.

In his opinion...

Generally, police officers who have just received their guns are extremely excited and excited, and they can't wait to sleep with their guns.

In this case.

It is not suitable to drive, it is better to let Su Ming get familiar with the gun in the co-pilot seat.


When Lin Tian turned his head to look at the co-pilot seat, he found that his careful arrangement seemed to be a bit too redundant.


At this moment, Su Ming was actually very skilled in disassembling the Type 92 pistol, repeatedly disassembling the magazine, and then installing the magazine.

And what is quite experienced is...

He did not fill the entire magazine, but deliberately loaded three fewer bullets.

Just when Lin Tian was a little curious about why Su Ming was so skilled in using guns, and was about to ask.

As if sensing Lin Tian's surprised look.

Su Ming put the 92-type pistol on his waist, a faint smile appeared on his face, and then he explained first.

"The 92-type pistol is good in everything, but it is easy to jam after it is fully loaded."

"Emptying three bullets in the magazine can greatly improve this situation. At the same time, only three bullets are taken out, which has little impact on most emergency situations."

"After all."

"Our Dragon Country is not the United States, but there are not many opportunities to empty the magazine."

"By the way, this is what the teacher specifically told me when I took the criminal investigation equipment class, and now it is used."

Criminal investigation equipment class?

Although I can't remember whether I had this course more than 20 years ago.

But Lin Tian didn't continue to ask.

Of course.

If Wang Hu sat in the back row, he would definitely show a blank look immediately.


Did I turn the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division on the blackboard into calculus because I bent down to pick up the pen?


Under a series of sirens.

The vehicles on the road gave way one after another, which significantly reduced the time spent on the journey.

When they were about to arrive at the Huaihai Art Museum.

Under Lin Tian's order, all the police cars stopped siren tacitly.


Many criminal police and special police entered the art museum directly without any hesitation, and went straight to the lecture hall on the third floor with light steps but no slow speed.

Some special police temporarily blocked the exit of the art museum and installed signal blockers to make everyone in the art museum lose their mobile phone signals.

This is to prevent someone from tipping off or posting rumors on the Internet platform because of the special arrival of a large number of police.

Although Lin Tian did not dare to block Fantawild Happy World, it was still easy to temporarily block an art museum.

Everyone came to the door of the lecture hall on the third floor and saw that the door was slightly closed, and the sound in the lecture hall could be faintly heard.

Lin Tian immediately raised his left hand, signaling everyone to stop, keep quiet, and not to rush in.

Waiting for the only opportunity Su Ming mentioned, the important time point that can prevent Zhou Shirui from capturing hostages.

The host's voice came, and time passed by one minute and one second.

Five minutes.

Ten minutes.

Fifteen minutes.


Outside the lecture hall.

There were only the slightly heavy breathing sounds of many police officers, and the nerves that were tense and ready to break in at any time.

After waiting for twenty minutes.

Everyone finally heard the voice from the lecture hall, the critical time point they had been waiting for for a long time.

"Now we invite our Chinese sculptor from the United States, Mr. Zhou Jieke, to tell and share with us..."

"What is his opinion and understanding of Master Zhou Shirui's Lu Ban Award work [Girl Wrapped in Bandages]?"

"Applause for Mr. Zhou Jieke."

At this moment.

The breathing sounds of all the police officers outside the door were obviously a little heavier, but they did not break in immediately.

Instead, they waited until the applause ended.

Wait until... Zhou Shirui's voice finally reached the door.

Lin Tian waved his hand decisively, then immediately kicked the door open, stepped in and yelled.

"Everyone, don't move!!!"

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