How romantic...

Fang Qingyan glanced at her with a half-smile, "Romeo and Juliet" is a world-class tragedy classic, don't be too happy too early, I hope you won't cry for a while.

Sure enough, when he talked about Romeo being expelled and becoming a wanderer, and the two lovers being forced to separate, Elizabeth's eyes showed a nervous and anxious look.

When it was mentioned that Juliet was forced by her family to marry another male noble, Her Royal Highness the Princess's eyes lit up with anger...

"When Juliet saw the dead Romeo, she didn't want to live alone. She drew her sword and stabbed herself, and she fell down on Romeo and died."

Elizabeth's mouth tightened, and tears fell from the corners of her eyes. She was so heartbroken that she couldn't breathe.

What a great love is this? Why are two people who love each other unable to be happy, and the final ending is so sad and regrettable?

After Fang Qingyan finished speaking, he stood still with a calm expression and watched her silently sobbing.

There were also many crying sounds from the surrounding crowd, and a sad and depressed mood spread in the hall.

As a world classic tragedy, "Romeo and Juliet" is definitely a monument in the history of literature.

The shock and impact of his first appearance in a different world are unimaginable.

Count Carstein also burst into tears.

Because the story of Romeo and Juliet is very similar to his ups and downs love experience with Camilla!

It resonated strongly in his heart.

But Carstein and Camilla are not as miserable as Romeo and Juliet. At least they have a beautiful daughter.

A full three minutes passed.

Elizabeth just came out of her sadness. Her plump chest rose and fell, and she controlled her emotions slightly. She raised her head and looked at Fang Qingyan with red eyes: "Love is beautiful and should not end in sadness."

Fang Qingyan shook his head: "But princess, perfect love only exists in fictional stories. In reality, most of it is tragedy."

Elizabeth was silent for a moment, savoring his words carefully, and then asked with a somewhat sad expression: "Is love always so bumpy? Or does it happen occasionally?"


Fang Qingyan said lightly, and added in his heart: Just like your biological father in front of you, and your mother who died in love.

Elizabeth nodded and suddenly burst into tears: "Thank you... the story is really wonderful. Although I don't like the ending, I am really touched. Only those who truly understand tragedy can cherish a beautiful life... This It’s the most wonderful love story I’ve ever heard.”

"You are welcome."

Fang Qingyan chuckled and said, "This is the count's story. I'm just relaying it."

Elizabeth was stunned for a moment, then looked at Count Carstein in the wheelchair, and said sincerely: "Thank you for your story, Count Carstein."

When the old count heard the thank you from his biological daughter, he burst into tears and was choked with tears and could not speak.

Elizabeth thought he was crying because of the story just now.

Bang bang bang bang——

Warm applause suddenly sounded.

That was the cheers and praises of the surrounding crowd.

Praise for the love of Romeo and Juliet.

Of course, there were some gentlemen who were jealous when they saw that the story Fang Qingyan told had such high praise from Elizabeth.

Someone said angrily: "Haha, what about Romeo and Juliet? They are just two disrespectful little kids who stole forbidden fruits. Born in a noble family, one should put the interests of the family first. As a noble, they did something like this. Such a shameful thing, you really deserve to die!"

However, as soon as this man finished speaking, everyone stared at him angrily.

"Shut up, you know nothing about love!"

"Although the ending of the story is too tragic and real, I have to say that I really yearn for the love between Romeo and Juliet!"

"You have no right to laugh at two people who truly love each other."

The man suddenly turned red and was speechless.

"I just asked, 'I have wine, do you have a story?' In fact, I didn't have wine, but I lied about a wonderful love story."

Elizabeth suddenly showed a sly smile, "But this princess is not a robber who takes things by force."

She stood up gracefully, then leaned forward slightly with her graceful body, stretched her slender arms forward, and handed her delicate little hand to Fang Qingyan, with a smile that captivated all living beings:

"Sir, may I ask you to dance? As payment for this story."


For a moment, everyone present was petrified, and then there was an uproar.

Everyone reached out and took out their ears in disbelief, suspecting that their ears were broken and they were hearing hallucinations.

Elizabeth had never accepted an invitation to a ball from any man!

This is the consensus of all the nobles of the Nikala Kingdom.

But just now, Her Royal Highness the Princess actually invited a strange man to dance with her?

For a moment, gazes containing infinite murderous intent enveloped Fang Qingyan.

On the high platform in the distance.


Earl Jason crushed a goblet. His face was as gloomy as water, veins popped out on his forehead, two fangs protruded, and he stared at Fang Qingyan with violent and ferocious eyes.

"This damn stinky woman! She rejected me without any dignity, but took the initiative to throw herself into the arms of another man! Damn it! Bitch! Damn it!"



ps: please support. Xiaopujie asks for support! Kneel down and beg! .

Chapter 32

Earl Jason was so angry that he had the urge to vomit blood.

He is the heir of the Reifno clan, the famous His Highness Jason Reifno!

He is the only one among the younger generation of the Reifno clan who has been summoned by the Duke's ancestor. The ancestor once said personally that when he reaches the peak of the Count, he will personally give him blood and blood to help him advance to the rank of Marquis!

In the aristocratic circle, how many women dreamed of sleeping in his bed, Count Jason!

But now, he was outclassed by a young butler who appeared out of nowhere...


This is absolutely a great shame for Jason Revenor!

And Elizabeth Capet, an ignorant woman...


Earl Jason breathed heavily and stared at Fang Qingyan's face.

Fang Qingyan felt that if looks could kill, he would have been cut into pieces.

He calmly looked at the peerless beauty in front of him.

Silver-white hair, beautiful face, aqua blue eyes, perfect figure... not only has an outstanding appearance, but also has a refined and refined temperament.

There should be no male creature that can refuse the invitation of such a beauty, right?

Looking down at the beautiful little hands in front of him, Fang Qingyan sighed in his heart.

He shook his head and smiled: "I'm sorry, Princess, I can't dance."

As soon as these words came out, the air froze instantly, and the surroundings fell into deathly silence.

Everyone's eyes dropped to the floor.

He...he he actually rejected Her Highness the Princess?

Isn't this a fool? !

In the distance, Earl Jason exhaled a long breath, his tense heartstrings gradually relaxed, and his clenched fists loosened.

He sneered: "If you really dare to touch her, I will let you die quietly!"

Although he couldn't get it, Earl Jason vowed to conquer this woman.

If Fang Qingyan really accepted the invitation, then he had really angered Jason Revenor.

"Although I often use this reason to reject other people's interruptions...but rejecting a girl's invitation is not the behavior a gentleman should do."

Elizabeth blinked her beautiful eyes and said mischievously, "I'll give you another chance."

Fang Qingyan shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly: "Your Highness, I have no excuse. I really have never learned to dance."

If he was asked to take a bath together, Fang Qingyan probably wouldn't refuse.

But he really can't dance, so he doesn't want to show his shame...after all, he spends all his time practicing.

Count Carstein looked at Elizabeth and then at Fang Qingyan, giving the latter a look of hatred. If he could stand up from the wheelchair, he would like to dance with his daughter instead of Fang Qingyan.

"It doesn't matter if you don't know how to dance. I can teach you. It's easy to learn!"

"Forget it. I'm really not interested in dancing. I can't accept the kindness of noble people. I'm sorry, Your Highness."

"Hmm~ Okay then!"

A trace of regret flashed in Elizabeth's eyes, but she was not angry.

If an ordinary aristocratic lady took the initiative to invite a man to dance and was rejected, she would probably become angry and leave in a hurry.

But Elizabeth is a girl who has escaped from low-level tastes. She has noble pursuits and does not care about worldly opinions.

"Well~ we should leave, Your Highness Princess, see you again when we are destined."

Fang Qingyan sensed that there was malicious intent targeting him, so he smiled and said goodbye to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth was a little surprised: "Are you about to leave? The dance is not over yet."

"Come here for the fun, come back with the fun, why wait until the dance is over?"

"It's so fun to talk to you, you're different from everyone else... you're a very interesting person."

"Thank you for the compliment, Your Royal Highness, the Earl and I will leave first."

Fang Qingyan turned around, waved his hand, and said with a smile, "I still owe you a dance. I will pay you back when I learn how to dance."

When Elizabeth heard this, she was inexplicably happy, but her face pretended to be angry. She put her little hands on her hips and seriously corrected: "I owe you a dance! I told you it was the reward for the story~"

"No matter who owes whom, sooner or later the day will come when they will pay it off." Fang Qingyan showed a gentle smile, "Goodbye."


Seeing Fang Qingyan's figure pushing the wheelchair disappear from sight, Elizabeth felt a little disappointed for some reason.

In everyone's life, there will always be some surprising and unexpected passers-by, but the passers-by are in a hurry and never linger.

I wonder if I will have another chance to listen to his story again...

Elizabeth waved to the maid a little lonely: "I'm a little uncomfortable, please take me home."

"Yes, princess."

The maids also felt that the princess seemed to have something on her mind, so they did not force her to stay at the ball.

The moonlit night was bleak and the breeze was blowing.

Fang Qingyan pushed the wheelchair out of the castle and walked slowly on the deserted street.

"Your Majesty, we are going home."

No response.

Fang Qingyan was stunned for a moment, then realized something. He stopped and fell into a brief silence.

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