That day, he was going to cross the street to bring food to Chen Shuhui at the KFC diagonally across the street, and by the way, he was going to buy milk tea at the milk tea shop next to KFC.

Chen Shuhui had just started school a few days ago, and she couldn't take it back.

Fang Pingan saw that she was not in a high mood, so he agreed to treat her to KFC at noon and treat her to KFC in the evening.

In the afternoon, seeing that Chen Shuhui was about to finish school, he strolled to buy food.

He was walking on a zebra crossing, but he didn't expect that a shabby Wuling Shenqi suddenly accelerated from his left side and hit him.

He had only taken two steps on the zebra crossing when he bumped into him.

Fang Pingan heard the screams of pedestrians when he was flying out.

He then hit a tree on the side of the road and slid down.


When his vision went dark, Fang Ping'an didn't know anything at all.

He passed out without feeling any pain or anything like that.

In the eyes of passers-by, the car should have stopped for a red light.

Maybe he stepped on the accelerator as a brake and hit the person.

The car suddenly stopped, then suddenly started and sped away from the scene.

To put it simply, he was hit by a car and ended up in the hospital.

After waking up, Fang Pingan felt pain all over his body, everywhere.

In front of him were his godfather, who looked extremely ugly, and his godmother, whose eyes were red and swollen.

Seeing that he was awake, Liu Qing pulled Chen Shaohua's clothes excitedly.

"Wake up, wake up...Shaohua, wake up safely."

As she spoke, tears began to fall down her face.

Chen Pingan is taking oxygen and cannot speak.

As soon as the anesthetic wore off, he felt pain all over his body, but he could feel the painful parts.

Chen Shaohua looked at his opened eyes and was a little excited.

"Peace, you're awake!"

Fang Ping'an was still a little confused, but he finally woke up.

He could only blink to show he heard.

Chen Shaohua said to Liu Qing: "Just watch, I'll go find the doctor."

After saying that, he stood up and strode away.

Liu Qing squeezed out a smile with tears in her eyes.

"Peace, you finally woke up. You scared me to death..."

Fang Pingan heard clearly, but couldn't respond.

His head felt confused again, and he closed his eyes and planned to sleep for a while.

Seeing that he closed his eyes and fell asleep again, Liu Qing thought he had fainted again, and suddenly became a little nervous.

But she was at a loss and couldn't do anything. She could only call Chen Shaohua anxiously.

Not long after, the door to the ward was pushed open.

The first person to walk in was the doctor who operated on Fang Ping'an, followed by two young nurses and Chen Shaohua.

"Doctor," Liu Qing said anxiously, "my son woke up just now, but now he has fainted again..."

"Don't be nervous, let me take a look."

While comforting, the doctor came over and opened Fang Ping'an's eyes to take a look.

This time, he woke up again.

"It's okay, he's just sleepy."

The doctor turned around and explained to Chen Shaohua and Liu Qing, and then said safely: "Your injury is not particularly serious.

The internal organs are all fine.

Don't worry, take good care of it and it will recover after a while. "

Fang Pingan blinked to show that he understood.

Liu Qing asked: "Doctor, how long will it take to recover?"

The doctor picked up the medical record and wrote something on it, then casually replied: "Your son has a relatively minor rib fracture.

Moreover, the displacement of the broken end is not obvious, the alignment is also good, and the fracture end is relatively stable.

So far, no complications have been seen, and it will take another week to observe.

If everything goes well, you will basically feel no pain after a month, and then you can live like a normal person.

Full recovery, however, takes six to eight weeks.

He is still young and may recover faster. "

The two nurses checked the equipment and then followed the doctor.

Chen Shaohua sat on the edge of the bed and looked at him with a smile in his eyes.

“A broken leg and two ribs.

It can be regarded as a tenth-level disability.

This is assuming you are recovering well. "

Fang Ping'an indicated with his eyes that his mouth and nose were covered by the oxygen mask and he couldn't speak.

Chen Shaohua understood and continued: "When you can be transferred to the hospital in a few days, I will take you to the capital for rehabilitation."

Liu Qing patted him and said, "Say less.

Ping An has just woken up, you let him have a good rest.

If you have nothing to do, just go home. Huihui has to eat after school in the evening. "

Chen Shaohua comforted him: "It's okay. You can go back. I'll stay with him."

After Liu Qing returned home, Chen Shaohua sat beside the bed to accompany him, watching him fall asleep again after he became exhausted.

In the evening, Chen Shuhui had no intention of eating at home, so she followed Liu Qing to the ward with lunch boxes of various sizes.

"Brother..." The girl had cried before, but now that he was awake, she cried again in front of him.

"Brother, do you feel pain?"

Fang Pingan smiled at her and shook his head.

He looks a little funny now.

The traces left by the oxygen mask on the face are still very obvious.

"Brother, have you caught the bastard who drove the car?"

Liu Qing and Chen Shaohua were busy opening lunch boxes and thermos buckets, which contained chicken soup made by Liu Qing.

Millet porridge and light pickles, plus chicken soup, was his dinner.

Chen Shaohua said: "Caught.

The guy mistook the accelerator for the brake.

But he hit someone and ran away. This was a hit and run, and he was caught.

I'll probably bring it over tomorrow to apologize to your brother. "

Liu Qing did not interrupt.

Chen Shuhui pouted, looking unhappy.

“I want that guy to pay for it!

My brother was hurt so badly, what's the use of just apologizing.

Must lose money.

The compensation will cost him everything, so it's best to break that guy's legs..."

Fang Pingan smiled helplessly and shook his head.

He did not know the specific circumstances of the driver.

At the moment, he can only look at the results of treatment, and the other one is the results of the police.

As for the rest, he hasn't thought that much yet.

Liu Qing scolded softly: "Huihui, don't talk nonsense.

The police handle cases in accordance with legal provisions.

That's not what you said.

Don't talk nonsense anymore. "

Chen Shuhui was very dissatisfied, but did not dare to resist. She could only wink at Fang Pingan.

Seeing the girl holding two bags of tears and squeezing his eyes, the tears immediately flowed down. Fang Ping'an could only smile weakly at her.

"It's okay. I'll be able to get down on crutches in a while."

Chen Shaohua was a little worried, "But you are about to start school. What should you do if you can't register by then?"

"Can't you explain the situation to the school?" Liu Qing became a little anxious when she heard that it might affect Fang Ping'an's admission to college.

"It's not that Ping An doesn't want to go, isn't it that he can't move?"

Chen Shaohua quickly explained: "No, no.

The school wouldn't be so unreasonable.

What's more, military training begins soon after registration.

I will contact the teacher in the school's admissions office tomorrow to see if I can wait until the military training is over before reporting.

Besides, didn't the doctor say that in a week at most, he would be able to walk safely on crutches?

The only thing you need to worry about is the rib injury. Will using crutches affect the recovery of the ribs..."

Fang Ping'an shook his head and said: "Dad, Mom, don't worry.

I'm fine.

When the doctor says I can go to the ground, I will go directly to school.

If it doesn't work, get a wheelchair and it will definitely work. "

Liu Qing filled the soup and brought it to him to feed.

Feed him while cooling him off.

Fang Pingan felt very embarrassed.

“Mom, I can eat by myself, and it’s not like my hand is broken.

Just rock the bed for me. "

Liu Qing chuckled lightly, "This child, I didn't feed you when you were a child, so why should you be embarrassed..."

Chen Shuhui was immediately eager to try, "Brother, I'll do it, I'll do it.

where is it? "

She immediately started looking for something to rock the bed.

Chen Shaohua pushed her away, went to the bedside and pulled out the rocker, and looked up at him.

"I'm worried that you will feel uncomfortable if you shake it..."

Fang Pingan just didn't want Liu Qing to feed him, so he quickly shook his head.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, even if it hurts, it won’t be too painful.

I can do it.

Dad, don't worry so much, just shake it.

Otherwise, I would feel very embarrassed..."

Chen Shaohua smiled, glanced at Liu Qing who was holding the bowl, and slowly shook the handle.

Chen Shuhui looked at the angle of the bed seriously, with a cautious look on her face.

"Brother, if you feel uncomfortable, just tell me and I'll ask dad to shake it slowly."

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