After severing ties, biological parents and family regretted

Chapter 531 The Mao Family's Attitude

"How did you know that my second uncle would use Shiyun to win over you?" Huo Xiuwen was silent for a long time before asking a question.

Chen Pingan smiled and replied: "Because she told me last year that she didn't want to be married to the Gao family and wanted me to help her.

Otherwise, why would she go to Tianhai to be an intern? And why do you want to work in a small trading company without any salary?

Not to mention I named her to be the trader.

All you have to do is stop her from being used and make her your ally.

Don’t forget, I paid 25 million yuan in hard work for each trader! "

Huo Xiuwen snorted, "You are so generous! I don't even have that much money!"

Chen Ping'an blinked and smiled: "There are many benefits to being an ally with me, and becoming rich is just the most insignificant benefit."

Huo Xiuwen stood up and said: "Within a week, I will send my dad to Northern Europe for recuperation. My wife will resign and take the children with her to take care of my dad. You pay for it!"

"no problem!"

The next day, Chen Pingan took Ah Qi and Roast Chicken to the Shenzhen market, this time to complete the share transfer agreement with Dacheng Investment.

Mao Shaofeng asked his daughter Mao Peiyao to take charge of this matter. What is missing now is the autograph of the transferor.

Mao Peiyao knew very well what her father meant, which was just to let her see if she could fall in love with Chen Pingan. If she could marry Chen Pingan, there was no doubt that the Mao family as a whole would get more opportunities and resources.

However, she didn't feel very good about Chen Ping'an.

From the first meeting to now, no matter what clothes she wore or how exquisitely she dressed, Chen Pingan's eyes were very clear, and he never even looked at any part below her neck.

Her proud breasts, waist and standard peach butt didn't seem to attract Chen Pingan at all.

This made her feel a little frustrated.

Some even began to wonder if Chen Pingan was gay.

It is true that there are so many beauties in Shenzhen City.

Due to the climate, there are beauties wearing extremely cool clothes everywhere on the streets and in office buildings.

Roasted Chicken and Ah Qi were quite satisfied, but they were very restrained and did not take random glances.

Mao Peiyao was wearing a tight-fitting skirt and a small suit, with long legs and black stockings. Her plump figure standing on the table exuded charming charm, but it was completely useless to Chen Ping'an.

"Miss Mao, within a week, someone will send you all the signed contracts, and the other one will be left in their hands.

If you need to go to the exchange to handle the procedures, a lawyer will be arranged to represent you here.

Do you think there is anything else we need to pay attention to? "

Mao Peiyao cursed in her heart and said with a smile on her face: "Mr. Chen, I didn't have the chance to be alone with you when I was in the capital a few days ago. Now that I finally have such an opportunity, can you talk about the investment company you planned?

My father is very concerned about this matter, but unfortunately he was out of town attending a government meeting and couldn't make it back..."

The corners of Chen Ping'an's mouth raised slightly, and then he began to look Mao Peiyao up and down.

Appearance, 9 points, cannot be lower.

The figure, at least the figure I saw before, was at least a 9.

To be honest, the lines of Mao Peiyao's waist and hips are very beautiful, even from a purely appreciation point of view.

As for LSP, I guess they might be tempted to reach out.

Wearing a professional suit is so attractive, I wonder what it will be like in a casual state, but Chen Ping'an doesn't have much time to stay in Shenzhen City.

"Ms. Mao, the investment company hasn't been decided yet. I've been busy with other things these days. Can I wait until I go abroad to discuss it with a few other people before I get back to you?"

My flight was a direct flight to UAE. I originally wanted to meet Mr. Mao, but since I didn't make it, forget it. "

Mao Peiyao pursed her lips and said, "Mr. Chen, don't you have an assistant or secretary by your side? Do you need to do all these things yourself?"

Chen Pingan smiled, "I don't need an assistant, I need a partner rather than a subordinate.

At least that's the case for now. "

As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the small conference room was pushed open, and Mao Huaiyu walked in with a smile and said: "Oh, Mr. Chen, I'm sorry, I just heard that you were coming, so I hurriedly hurriedly for fear that you would leave."

Chen Pingan stood up in shock and shook hands with him.

"Mr. Mao, what are you..."

Mao Huaiyu continued to smile and said: "I am Mao Shaofeng's younger brother, and the beauty in front of you is my eldest niece!"

Chen Ping'an said speechlessly: "I know. Mr. Mao came here to see me for something?"

Mao Huaiyu nodded and said, "Yes. Didn't Yaoyao tell you? About your investment company?"

Chen Ping'an: "Oh, I said it, but I really don't have any specific ideas now.

Moreover, I also need to discuss it with other people before making the final decision. "

Mao Huaiyu sat down and said, "Why, Mr. Chen still has partners abroad?"

Chen Pingan smiled and said nothing. He raised his hand and looked at the time.

This means that if you have something to say, speak quickly, I don’t want to talk nonsense.

Mao Huaiyu thought about it for a moment and said to Chen Ping'an: "Mr. Chen, my eldest brother has wanted Peiyao to follow you before. What do you think?

I can guarantee that while she is working for you, she will not disclose any information about you or the investment company to any third party, including the Mao family. "

Chen Pingan glanced at Mao Peiyao.

Oh, this is what you meant when you said it just now...

"Pei Yao graduated from Harvard Business School, and there is no problem with her professional quality..." Mao Huaiyu continued.

Chen Pingan waved his hand and interrupted him, "Miss Mao asked me just now why I don't have an assistant around me.

I don't need it now, but I can consider it if necessary.

I'm not being polite or trying to push back, but it's just a fact. If I think I really need help with an investment company, I will of course give priority to people I know.

After all, he has dealt with me before and has some understanding of me, so there will be no barriers to communication.

I came here this time just to resolve the share transfer matter, and my flight is less than four hours away.

It takes at least an hour to get to the airport from here, so I don't think it's a good idea to talk about it right now. "

Mao Huaiyu smiled awkwardly.

Mao Peiyao smiled openly and said: "Well, it doesn't matter. I also hope to study with Mr. Chen for a while.

Since you are pressed for time and have an international flight next, why not have a quick lunch together and then we take you to the airport? "

"Okay. That's it!" Chen Ping'an was not pretentious. He had to eat, and there were still more than ten hours of flights to take.

After packing up their things, they went downstairs to find a Western restaurant in the CBD to have something to eat. Mao Peiyao drove, accompanied by Mao Huaiyu, and really sent them to the airport.

Until they parted, Mao Huaiyu handed him a check.

Chen Pingan took it and took a look, "Mr. Mao, what does this mean?"

Mao Huaiyu explained: "The deposit, the deposit means that we won't be able to pay for Peiyao's food and clothing when she follows you in the future, so we have to trouble you to take care of her."

Chen Pingan took a deep look at the innocent-looking Mao Peiyao, nodded, accepted the check and turned around to enter the airport.

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