The door was opened by Liu Qing.

Looking at the beautiful woman standing outside the door, she recognized it immediately.

This is the woman I found in the store a while ago, who she said was Ping An's second sister.

"Peace, someone is looking for you."

Before Fang Jinglei could speak, she turned around and shouted, then turned back and said to Fang Jinglei:

"Please come in."

After saying that, he got out of the way.

Fang Jinglei said quickly: "No, Auntie, I won't go in.

I found Ping An and had something very important to tell him face to face.

Can you tell him, and we can go out and talk. "

Fang Ping'an walked out of the room wearing a pair of big pants and a crew-neck sweatshirt.

His face immediately darkened when he saw it was her.

"Miss Fang Er, are you trying to force me to move?"

Fang Jinglei looked embarrassed, which made Liu Qing lightly slap Fang Pingan.

"What you said is not polite at all.

Miss Fang, please come in and talk. "

Fang Jinglei blushed and said, "No, no, thank you. I still want to ask Ping An to come out and tell him."

She bowed gratefully to Liu Qing to express her gratitude, and the other party said Ping An: "Ping An, I have no other way to contact you. I don't want to disturb you and your uncle and aunt."

Just as he was talking, Chen Shuhui came out of the room to watch the fun.

She was also wearing big pants, the same T-shirt, and was holding a pen in her hand.

I guess I was doing my homework when I heard the noise outside and ran out.

After seeing Fang Jinglei, the little girl's eyes widened.

What a beautiful sister!

Fang Ping'an looked back at her and scolded: "Go and do your homework."

Chen Shuhui made a face at him and turned back.

Chen Shaohua just stood up from the sofa without saying a word.

Fang Pingan once told him everything he experienced in the Fang family.

Standing at the door of his house was the second daughter of the Fang family.

Fang Ping'an said coldly: "Don't come in.

I'll take my phone and come out. "

He turned back to the house to get his cell phone.

Fang Jinglei smiled apologetically at Liu Qing and Chen Shaohua, took two steps back and stood outside the door.

She couldn't help but smile bitterly in her heart.

Once upon a time, her attitude toward Fang Ping'an was much worse than what she was experiencing now.

She had never even been to Fang Pingan's room.

The Fang family has never allowed Fang Pingan to set foot on the second floor of the Fang family villa.

In the Fang family, he lived with servants, which was even slightly inadequate.

What his father said was that he wanted to temper him and get rid of all the petty bourgeois taste and habits in him...

After hearing what she said, Liu Qing couldn't invite her in anymore, so she could only stand at the door and wait.

Soon, Fang Pingan came out.

After changing a pair of shoes, he turned around and said to Liu Qing and Chen Shaohua: "Dad, Mom, I'll go out for a while and I'll be back soon."

Fang Jinglei listened to him calling "Dad" and "Mom" easily and naturally, and the sourness in her heart almost made her unable to hold back tears.

As expected, they don’t want us anymore.

He found another parent and didn't want us anymore.

He doesn't want any siblings or parents.

That little girl must be his adoptive father's daughter.

Such a cute and playful girl, Ping An must love her very much...

Look at the communication between them, it's so natural...

How enviable!

After Fang Ping'an left the door, he closed the door and walked down the stairs.

Fang Jinglei followed silently.

After leaving the unit door, Fang Pingan turned around and asked: "Miss Fang, this is the last time.

If you come to harass my house again, I will call the police. "

Fang Jinglei held back her tears, lowered her head and said, "I came here to tell you that my mother and eldest sister went to the capital, and now the Zhao family has gone to the Fang family.

Tomorrow, dad will take Fang Hongjun to Zhao's house. "

Fang Ping'an had no expression on his face and didn't say anything after hearing this.

Fang Jinglei felt a little happy when she saw that he didn't get angry because of the title issue, and continued:

"The eldest sister just called me and said that the best outcome is for Fang Hongjun to go abroad with his mother, and the other thing is to give her some compensation."

She also knew that this was probably the result.

Fang Pingan asked calmly: "Does it have anything to do with me?"

"Aren't you going to the capital to go to school?

Mom is not going back to Yuncheng.

She said she would guard you in the capital and take care of your daily life. "

Fang Ping'an sneered and said: "Is that all? If nothing happens, just go back.

I'm not interested at all in the dog-eating-dog thing in your Fang family.

I really don’t know what you think, do you think I will be very happy?

Or do you think I will return to the Fang family because of this?

Do you think I was joking with you all this time? "

Fang Jinglei waved her hands in panic and explained: "No, it's not Ping An.

I don't mean that.

I just want to thank you for telling me Fang Hongjun's life experience.

If it weren't for you, we would have continued to be kept in the dark by him and Dad.

Mom and eldest sister also asked me to thank you..."

Not really.

Neither Zhao Wei nor Fang Qingyan said such words.

Even Fang Jinglei herself had not thought about this sentence a few seconds ago.

The sudden inspiration made her speak out, just think of it as an effort to help ease the relationship between them and Fang Pingan.

But Fang Ping'an's next words made her feel cold all over again.

"No need to thank me.

I just want to see your Fang family’s jokes.

Since you chose him that night, you brought all this on yourself.

I give you two words for your whole family - you deserve it! "

After Fang Pingan finished speaking with a smile, he raised his head and glanced at the lights of his house.

"It's okay, just leave it like that, I'm going home."

He turned around to enter the unit door.

When Fang Jinglei heard those two words, she finally cried.

"Ping An, are you really that cruel?

Mom, like us, has been kept in the dark by Dad and Fang Hongjun for eighteen years.

Is this all our fault?

We are victims too, victims just like you. "

The crying voice was slightly high, and Fang Ping'an stopped and took several steps to the side.

"From a certain perspective, you are also victims, which makes sense.

However, it is your father and Fang Hongjun who are the victims.

The one who suffered me was your whole family, including your mother, your sister, and you.

And I admit it.

I've been victimized. Isn't it okay if I admit it?

Since I can't warm your hearts with all my methods, why don't I just give up?

I just lived a peaceful life, and you came to my house to harass me. What are you planning?

Will you be punished for sharing with me your biological father and his illegitimate child?

I don't see it.

It's more like you came to me to ask for credit. You want to express your gratitude and want me to empathize with you because of Fang Hongjun's incident...

Feel sorry.

I can not do it.

You and I are no longer a family.

I am going home.

Miss Fang, please come back too, and don’t come here again.

Next time, I will call the police directly. "

Ignoring Fang Jinglei's tears and sobs, he turned around and entered the unit door, then turned around and said:

"Fang Hongjun is hospitalized and will not go to the capital.

If you want to visit him, just go to the hospital.

As for which hospital it is, ask your biological father. "

When Fang Pingan went up the stairs, he couldn't help but feel happy.

This news is enough for you to dig out more inside stories.

Unless you are really stupid!


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