Since the day he was reborn, Chen Pingan has not considered himself a good person.

It's just that he really didn't have much ability at that time, and he recognized that he was timid.

The benefit of what he has seen and heard in the past fifteen years is that he must not be soft-hearted when he should be cruel.

Regarding Tang Qian, even though he knew he was impulsive at the time, he didn't regret it.

What's more, after hanging up the phone with the police that day, he figured out the benefit of this matter, that is, Tang Qian's death would allow him to better target Shengtang Fund in the future until one day he would completely destroy it.

Everything can only be blamed on Tang Qian's narrow-mindedness, which by extension means that the Tang family is arrogant and pampers the younger generations and regards human life as child's play.

You deserve this calamity!

"Time is getting tighter and I have a hunch that Tang Qian will die this week.

Once she's dead, the action must speed up.

So when it comes to collecting chips, you and I should do the same. "

Chen Pingan said as he placed an order to buy long soda ash and corn starch at the nightclub.

Edwards also has quick hands, "It takes a lot of time to collect chips in the stock market, otherwise prices will soar a lot and costs will increase."

"It doesn't matter, let's start concentrated trading tomorrow, let them suppress and close at the same time, and increase the turnover rate and trading volume.

Then make a big splash and let retail investors spit out their chips. "

Edwards smiled slightly, "Aren't you afraid of being supervised?"

Chen Ping'an sneered and said: "It has nothing to do with me, it's all Scorpion's account.

The market has been open to this extent, and every check has been manipulated.

For regulators, it’s just two more. They won't care. "

"Okay, how about we get a few more accounts together?"

"I have no one available now. The trader leaked the news last time. Otherwise, how could Tang Qian find me?" Chen Pingan sighed helplessly.

Edwards thought for a while and said: "How about collecting as many chips as possible first and putting the time to smash the market later?

It is the slowest to collect chips on the smash board. "

Chen Ping'an took out a cigar and handed him one, nodded and said: "My original plan was to spend half a month collecting chips. In this era, it is quite serious and it is impossible without sufficient financial strength.

But our money is mainly placed in the futures market. The money that can be used here will not exceed 20 billion, but if we continue to smash the odds, we will have more and more chips, and the further we go, the less effort we will have...

Even after the futures side closes, it is not impossible to make large transactions or make a big wave shipment in the stock market. "

Edwards laughed out loud, "Boss, you are planning to take advantage of both sides!"

Chen Pingan nodded and said: "Since we spend so much energy on things and don't make more money, how can we support so many people in the future!

There are still too few people around me, and I need more multi-faceted talents to follow me to create a future that is not short of money. "

Edwards thought of his family and sighed: "It's best not to engage in any industry. It takes too much energy."

"Haha, I never thought about getting into industry. Look at the powerful people hidden behind giant companies. Which one is involved in industry?

Aren’t they all about finance and trust?

Money comes quickly!

As for social responsibility and the like, does anyone care about it?

I'm not a good person for ten generations, so just live your life well!

My only goal is to make a lot of money! The more the merrier!

This time, the Tang family is not even considered to be blocking the road! "

The night session didn't last long, but I had to wait until almost three o'clock to go to bed.

After the domestic night trading ended, he and Edwards stared at the European futures market and studied it, but neither of them did anything. They just exchanged their thoughts on the market.

The next day.

Breakfast was eaten downstairs, a large private room was also reserved, and lunch was arranged.

He didn't want everyone to eat in his room, so the restaurant manager was more than happy to provide a variety of meal combinations.

After everyone ordered their meals, they returned to Chen Pingan's large living room and started face-to-face teaching-style trading.

Target: Tang's Pharmaceutical and Laojiumen stocks.

According to what was said last night, Edwards focused on increasing his long positions in soda ash and corn starch at low levels.

Throughout the room, Ma Changwei and Huo Xiuwen sat quietly, either quietly lighting cigarettes and watching, or listening carefully to Chen Pingan's explanation.

The two of them truly treated themselves as mute, wearing only ears but no mouth.

Tang San was the son of his second aunt's cousin in Tangxi City. He had been idle, fighting and making trouble since he was a child. After graduating from junior high school, he started to play with little girls because his family was in a small business and his parents loved him.

When he was 16 years old, he contracted Hualiu. Fortunately, he was discovered early and after he was cured, his father tried every means to get him into Tangxi City.

The picture shows that with the big tree of the Chen family at his back, he can learn something. Even if he learns fighting, opening a boxing gym in the future will be a business to support himself, right?

Unexpectedly, this guy discovered a new world after entering the training camp, and it was the kind he had dreamed of.

When Ah Dao left him in the basement yesterday, he left four bottles of water and a few pieces of beef jerky for him. In addition, he also had a three-edged thorn and a wire saw in his hand.

He was chosen because he was small in stature and very flexible both in mind and body.

He felt like an agent, more like an unparalleled killer.

Just two words - exciting!

The target is a middle-aged woman, driving a red Ferrari, and he only needs to wait for another morning.

As long as the woman gets in the car after get off work, he only needs to kill her in the car.

After that, he can change his clothes and leave from the first floor.

This was the plan Tang Xicheng made yesterday afternoon after he found that there was no chance of using a gun.

In fact, everyone knows that if a gun is used in this magic city, the consequence is that the person who fired the gun may stay here.

If it can be avoided, it is naturally not used as much as possible. This is also Tang Xicheng's usual style, try to use cold weapons.

Tang San rinsed his mouth, then swallowed it, took out the beef jerky and put it in his mouth and started grinding his teeth.

Time passed too slowly.

It was so painful!

At 8:30, Tang Qian drove her car down the basement.

Her time is very regular. No matter how late she slept the day before, she would rush to the company around 8:30.

The morning meeting started at 9 o'clock to determine today's work goals, and the market opened at 9:30.

Life is very regular and boring, but she likes this regularity.

Her parking space is fixed, on the B1 floor.

Ordinary employees can only park their cars in B2 or B3, and all bosses or real executives can park in B1.

What she wore today is not much different from usual, a very professional suit.

After parking the car, she got out and went to the elevator.

There is no sense of danger at all.

The Tang family is a behemoth in the Magic City, of course ordinary people have no idea about it.

Tang San pushed open the door of the utility room, looked at the car and license plate imprinted in his mind through the crack of the door, and grinned.

"Fuck, my mother is finally here!"

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