If Tang Qian hadn't died, or if the other members of the Tang family knew that it was Chen Pingan who was dealing with the Tang family, they would have killed him anyway.

So this place was just a temporary location, and there was really no need to go abroad.

He could even stay in Beijing, but he came to Shenzhen because he thought he might be more affected in Beijing.

Besides, he could always sneak to any Southeast Asian country through Hong Kong Island to continue trading.

Edwards had no opinion on his idea, as if he positioned himself as Chen Pingan's personal assistant.

"Don't tell me that it's because of me that the Fang family has come to this point."

When Fang Junyi got angry at him again for no reason, Fang Junhong felt that he was reaching the limit of his patience.

The third brother Fang Junhao went to the army in his early years according to his father Fang Zhehan's opinion, and now works in the Beijing public security system.

Moreover, his relationship with his eldest brother is extremely bad.

The Fang family has never enjoyed any benefits brought by Fang Junhao in this regard.

And the fourth sister Fang Ruohan married a soldier according to her father's opinion, and is still staying in some corner of the northwest.

It can be said that Fang Junyi is the only one who dominates the Fang family in Beijing now. Even the second uncle Fang Zheyi is in poor health, and the second branch is almost completely suppressed.

If it weren't for Fang Junyi's eldest son who was quite good, the Fang family would have been finished long ago.

The eldest son Fang Hongwei has a strong character and has been trained since childhood. Now he is regarded as the heir of the Fang family.

The second son Fang Hongbin is only 26 years old and was also thrown into the group to work in real estate.

Fang Junyi only has these two sons.

The Fang family is small, like the setting sun in the west, which makes Fang Junyi very anxious and has never relaxed his suppression of the second branch.

This is why Fang Zhidie did not receive much special care although she was in the cultural media company of her cousin Fang Junzhen.

Fang Junyi gave a lot of support to his nephew's career, but in terms of industry, he never allowed the second branch to develop.

Vision determines the future. Fang Junyi will not admit this, but Fang Junhong sees it clearly.

He was unwilling to marry back then, because even if it was a marriage, he could not be the head of the family.

But in order to start his own business and get resources, he also gave up a lot for the sake of profit.

He looked down on his eldest brother, and his eldest brother looked down on him.

Now thinking about it, he also felt that he was not even as good as his third brother.

He was a real department-level official, with a stable income and no worries about retirement. His wife was also the child of a leader in the army. The couple had a stable relationship, and the child was also doing well and was now serving in the army.

What about Fang Junhong?

He was alone!

None of his wife and children made him worry.

The only one who was trained as an heir died abroad...

He hated it!

Fang Junyi said coldly: "Who else should I blame if not you?"

"Even if you are just an investor and have invested nearly 5 billion, can't you fight for a position as a trader?

If Hongwei or Hongbin can learn something, at least it can bring some benefits to the family."

Fang Junhong's face was also livid, and he shouted angrily, "It's you who don't have the courage to fight for it!

If you just ask, there is a possibility of success.

But you didn't!

So don't always put the responsibility on me."

Fang Junyi said angrily: "What you mean is that you can get it if you fight for it?

I didn't agree with you to go at first, and then asked you to go to ease the relationship with Ping An, what about you?

Did you talk to him?

I even suspect that what you said to me was false, what he ignored you? You didn't go to him at all!"

Fang Junyi became more and more angry.

"I gave you so much support, and you talked to me like this?"

His two sons sat on the side, and their faces were also not good.

It's just that there was no chance for them to speak in this room.

Fang Junhong stood up suddenly, pointed at Fang Junyi and said, "You support me? If I didn't give you so much dividends every year, would you remember who I am?

Don't forget, I am still the controlling shareholder!

I am not afraid to tell you that from this year on, I will not give you any dividends, what can you do to me?"

Seeing that his father and second uncle were arguing more and more fiercely and talking more and more outrageously, Fang Hongwei sighed and said:

"Dad, second uncle, the differences between you two are not big, and it's all in the past, why bother to say it so absolutely?"

Fang Junyi needs a step, at least he can't lose face.

But Fang Junhong has been patient for so long, he really doesn't want to continue to endure.

Fang Hongwei continued, "Although I don't know the whole process of cousin Ping'an, blood is thicker than water, he is our Fang family after all.

If he is really that outstanding, we might as well visit him, even if we can't ease it for a moment, but there is always a chance."

Fang Junhong snorted, waved his hand and sat down.

Fang Junyi was silent for a while before shaking his head and saying, "That kid is now fully grown. He is already excellent in both his scheming and his real skills.

Second brother, he took the initiative to mention you, so I thought he gave you the opportunity.

If what you said is true and he completely ignores you, then I want to withdraw from this matter.

What I am afraid of is that I won't make any money, but I will get a lot of publicity, which may make him even more powerful in the end. If he targets your Fang Group in the future, should I help you or not?"

He looked at his son, "Hongwei, I'm not saying anything harsh, to be honest, I don't think anyone in the next generation of the Fang family has the ability he has.

If we don't ease the conflict with him, no one in the family will be his opponent in the future..."

Fang Junhong said nothing with a gloomy face.

Fang Junyi's second son Fang Hongbin had no expression from beginning to end, even when his eldest brother spoke, he didn't react at all.

At the age of 26, he still hasn't performed very well. In addition to having some talent in real estate, he seems to be very sensitive to finance.

Fang Junyi waved his hand with a tired face, "Forget it, you all go back and do what you should do.

Second brother, you should go back to Yuncheng too.

Chen Ping'an should have left the capital, and there's no point for you to stay here."

Fang Junhong stood up and said, "Okay, I'll leave tomorrow!"


Huo Xiuzhu called Kuang Jun, but he didn't leak any information. He just said that he would look for opportunities in the pharmaceutical industry in the next six months, and then hung up the phone.

Similarly, Shenzhen Stock Exchange boss Mao Huaiyu also received a message from his elder brother, asking him to pay attention to the pharmaceutical industry.

Neither Huo Xiuzhu nor Mao Shaofeng leaked any stocks or business names.

Because they all knew that if the information was leaked, the best result would be to make a fortune, but the greater probability would be to pick up sesame seeds and lose watermelons.

Since Chen Pingan left Beijing, everyone has become nervous.

Not afraid, but looking forward to it!

After confirming the floor of Shengtang Fund, Yuan Feng turned and went into the bathroom. She never came out after she went in.

Until the afternoon after get off work, the people in the building were basically gone, and the cleaning staff began to clean up.

Yuan Feng stayed in the bathroom waiting.

This is a place without surveillance, and it is also the place with the least people.

She wore headphones and kept talking to Net on her mobile phone.

It was not until the cleaning staff came in to clean up that she pushed open the door of the compartment and walked out.

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