After severing ties, biological parents and family regretted

Chapter 375 Only your mother can handle this matter

Ding Shenglong and Ding Junzhe rushed to the old house of the Ma family. It was almost 10:30 in the evening.

There were bright lights and roadside barbecue stalls everywhere along the way.

The old house of the Ma family was brightly lit, but most of the servants were busy. The owner was naturally waiting in the study.

Ding Shenglong held the box of cigars and knocked on the door of the study with a smile on his face.

It was Ma Chengyun who opened the door.

"Second brother..." Ding Shenglong greeted with a smile.

Ding Junzhe even shouted "Good evening, second uncle."

As a government department-level cadre, Ma Chengyun usually had little expression on his face, but he smiled when he saw Ding Junzhe.

"Xiaozhe is here, come in. Shenglong, what are you holding?"

Ding Shenglong pushed him aside, and Ding Junzhe followed him into the study room, "That's the cigar my dad brought to honor my grandfather! Top-grade cigars, very expensive, and hard to buy."

Ma Chengan smiled and said, "You're thoughtful!"

Ma Huiyan said nothing. She knew at a glance that it was brought by Chen Pingan. It wasn't embarrassing that her husband sent it over.

Ma Yongsheng nodded and said, "Okay, leave it there, come sit down and talk."

No one said to let Ding Junzhe go out. The reason was very simple. Chen Pingan was Ding Junzhe's classmate and lived in the same dormitory. If it weren't for Ding Junzhe, Chen Pingan probably wouldn't have come to the Ma family.

"Shenglong, you don't know what's going on, Huiyan, tell me."

The old man spoke, and Ma Huiyan repeated Chen Pingan's ideas in the simplest words.

The specific plan didn't actually say much, because Chen Pingan didn't tell Ma Huiyan many details directly, but just talked about the general plan and what was going to happen at each stage.

As for how to do it, he said a few simple words.

"That's probably the situation.

The problem now is that Dad just decided to meet Ping An tomorrow.

But the second brother has a different opinion."

She finished speaking, and Ding Shenglong was still in shock.

What the hell can a child come up with?

He Ding Shenglong couldn't think of such a vicious plan!

"This, this, this is all the child's own idea?"

He looked unconvinced and stuttered a little.

The old man said: "Although many details are not mentioned, I think it is very feasible after listening to it.

More importantly, the Tang family is in the Magic City, which is similar to the situation of our Ma family in the Northeast.

From this point of view, whether you participate or not, you must know the details.

In the future, you can avoid the same thing happening to the Ma family.

This is not a serious injury, this is a catastrophe!"

Ma Chengan nodded, "Dad is right, I agree.

We don't have to participate. After all, competing with others for jobs will definitely be disliked, and the Ma family's goals are big enough now. I want to divide some of them to go somewhere else.

It just happens that this is an opportunity Yes.

Weaken the influence of the Ma family in the Northeast to avoid being feared by the higher-ups, and on the other hand, it can also have an extra leg to walk.

Even in the government, it gives the Ma family an extra way, and they can't always be in the Northeast.

People outside say that the Northeast belongs to the Ma family, and this has been said for more than a year or two.

If that kid's plan can really be achieved, then it is not impossible to use our position to exchange some of the positions in the Magic City with others.

What I see in this matter is an opportunity.

As for risks, what is risk-free?

Second brother, you always think it's not okay, then you also talk about it, let your brother-in-law listen, and also give some opinions from a businessman's perspective. "

Ding Junzhe was numb, his mind was in a mess.

Chen Ping'an, how dare he?

He wants to fuck the sky!

The Tang family is such a behemoth, he is looking for death...

His mind was completely in a mess.

Ma Chengyun pondered and said, "Dad, big brother, I understand what you said, and I have been cautious enough.

I am not denying the feasibility of this plan.

If we do not participate in some of the links, there will be no trouble. After all, the incident did not happen in the Northeast and has nothing to do with us.

But the key lies in what big brother said, the exchange of interests.

The positions of the younger generations in the family are now more important. For me, there is no position that is dispensable. They are all very important.

This is the key to ensure that the will of the Ma family can be passed on.

If these positions are exchanged with others and go to the unfamiliar Magic City, not to mention how many positions can be taken, just talking about this adaptation stage, whether you can adapt is a problem."

Ding Shenglong said nothing and continued to listen.

Ma Chengan waved his hand, "Chengyun, you are an official, I am a businessman.

Let's not talk about retreating at the peak of your career, just talking about climbing a mountain, it is right to stop and go, so that you can go further.

You should know better than me how many eyes are staring at the Ma family, afraid of missing every mistake we make.

Besides, our family is different from other families.

Although grandpa has given instructions long ago, who is not trying to climb up now?

Didn't you make mistakes in the process?

It's just that no one dared to report because the Ma family is so powerful.

Similarly, the Tang family is the same in the Magic City.

It only takes a lit straw to burn everything.

The Ma family, the same."

Ma Chengyun wanted to say something, but the old man raised his hand and said, "Shenglong, you say it."

Ma Chengyun shut up.

Ding Shenglong said carefully, "I listen to my wife."

Ding Junzhe almost laughed.

Then he heard his father say: "If you ask me, my eldest brother has a good idea of ​​being prepared for danger in times of peace. This is absolutely true.

I just don’t understand the method of exchange. The second brother is an official and should know better.

Besides, no matter how bad it is, there are other elders in the family who are all in different positions and have rich experience. I am blind to this matter and don’t understand anything.

I know that in this matter, even if you focus directly on making money, if you do it in the stock market, futures or even the bond market, you will definitely make money.

It’s impossible to lose money!

Of course, the premise is that the boy really made Tang Qian lose money.

Only on the basis of this fact is everything possible. "

Ma Huiyan looked at her husband with a smile.

Not only was this man handsome when he was young, he became even more handsome as he got older, and he was also extremely smart...

The couple exchanged a look, and they both understood that making money was the last priority, and the rest really didn't matter.

Ma Chengyun sighed: "Shenglong, if you were given a factory with an annual output value of four to five billion, would you be willing to open a factory in a strange place?"

Ding Shenglong immediately shook his head, "I won't go. At this scale, I'm afraid that just one director can bankrupt me.

If it weren't for the protection of my wife and in-laws, my cable factory would probably be gone long ago. "

Ma Chengyun nodded, "Yes, that's the truth.

But it's useless what I say.

How about we talk about it after seeing that boy tomorrow?

At least we need to know the detailed plans and who else is involved.

If you want to succeed, you must have enough funds, otherwise you won't be able to make much in the financial market, and you may even lose everything.

In addition, there must be people in the political circles, otherwise if the Tang family survives and retains most of its key positions, it will not take many years for them to make a comeback.

Finally, the pharmaceutical industry must join.

Two listed companies and three hospitals, these two alone are not enough for us.

Not to mention that the Tang family has so many other industries that cannot be afforded by just one or two families. Don’t be overwhelmed by the time the time comes! "

Before Ding Shenglong opened his mouth, Ma Huiyan said with a smile: "I said from the beginning that I will not participate in the rest, but in the capital market, I plan to raise 2 billion to participate.

If it’s not enough, Lao Ding will take out a mortgage! "

Ding Shenglong nodded immediately, "No problem, it's almost the same."

Ding Junzhe: What is this? 2000000000! Mom and Dad, are you really crazy?

The old man nodded, "Huiyan, help me make an appointment with Chen Pingan tomorrow and bring him over tomorrow afternoon.

How many people did he come with? "

Ding Junzhe said: "There are four people, including a foreigner. Grandpa, how about I call and make an appointment now, and I will drive over to pick them up tomorrow?"

The old man shook his head and said: "You? The weight is not enough. Only your mother can take part in this matter."

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