Chen Shaojie seemed a little excited.

“I’m very happy that Ping An is what he is now, and even more happy that he doesn’t treat us as outsiders.

Aren't you responsible for helping him avenge the Fang family?

He just said that bringing the Fang family together is also a means of revenge, isn't it?

I think his character is much stronger than Xiaolong now.

Even if you want to be the head of the family, I have no problem with it.

As long as he can stand firm and lead the Chen family to continue to develop, I absolutely support it. "

Chen Ping'an smoked silently, not even letting out a fart, and clamped down very tightly.

"The revenge plan against the Tang family, Xiaolong, do you think you can make it independently?" Chen Shaojie asked.

Chen Xiaolong said weakly, "I, I'm afraid I can't do this..."

Chen Shaojie continued: "If nothing else, when I am not strong enough, I can think of finding resources and utilizing them, and my analysis is in place, and I even have back-ups, one link after another, I think it is very good!"

He glanced at Chen Ping'an, "Especially for someone like Tang Qian, it's good not to be merciless when it's time to kill!

Second brother, let’s not talk about any impact on the eldest brother. There will be no link in Ping An’s execution plan that will affect the eldest brother.

Regarding matters in Europe, Shaoliang is French, how could he affect his eldest brother?

He came out more than 20 years ago. At that time, his eldest brother had just graduated and had not even started to enter the official career.

Even if you get to the bottom of it, it won't affect anything. Otherwise, how can the elder brother know where he is now?

Do you think you really haven’t checked it? "

Oh haha!

Third uncle is furious!

Chen Pingan lowered his head and looked at Chen Xiaolong beside him from the corner of his eye.

Chen Xiaolong frowned slightly, but he was still calm.

Chen Ping'an suddenly understood. He raised his head and glanced at his father, just in time to meet Chen Shaohua's gaze.

Chen Shaohua smiled slightly at him, "Ping An, what do you think?"

Chen Pingan said casually: "I have no interest in inheriting the Chen family. So many properties are too troublesome.

If I want money, I can earn it myself.

You can make money in peacetime, and when there is no market, you can cultivate yourself in the manor, go to the city of Vienna to listen to concerts, go hunting in the mountains, horseback riding, fishing, there are many things you can do.

Easy days, but have you ever lived in those days where you get up early and go to bed late to take care of everything like an emperor?

So tired!

I'm not interested. "

Chen Xiaolong looked at him in surprise, as if he had never known him before.

Then he nodded, "It takes a capable person like you to have such a dream. I can't even imagine such a day."

Chen Shaoliang laughed, "Well, it's okay to think about it. I'm living like this now!"

The conversation ends here.

There's nothing more to say, that's it.

Chen Pingan now knows that the Chen family is indeed full of talents.

I just don’t know if my father’s generation has produced so many talents and the smoke on the ancestral graves has been exhausted, and the following generations will all be trash.

The following time was spent by Chen Shaoliang taking his second brother and his family on a shopping spree.

I bought a lot of things in large and small bags. Anyway, Liu Qing bought them once she saw them, and Chen Shuhui also bought them after she looked at them.

Chen Shaohua didn't stop him and just let him go.

Ten days passed in the blink of an eye, and Chen Pingan didn't want to waste time. Edwards only called twice, but he couldn't stay any longer.

When he proposed to take his parents and sister to see his manor, Chen Xiaolong shamelessly followed and went to see it.

Chen Shuhui invited Chen Yangyang to go with her, and the girl agreed.

So the family got on a plane and flew directly to Vienna, along with several bodyguards.

After leaving the airport, Chen Shaohua and Liu Qing were surprised by Edwards with more than a dozen bodyguards and a series of cars.

It was like this when they arrived in Paris, but they didn't expect it to be like this when they got here.

Chen Pingan smiled and gave a brief introduction, then got in the car and went to the manor.

The manor was not completed at this time, but since it was fully under construction, at least the green plants and gardens had been completed.

Surrounded by mountains and rivers, the environment is beautiful.

The freshly harvested wheat field looks like a flaw, but Chen Shuhui likes it very much.

This is the manor she imagined.

There are mountains and rivers and countryside.

"Do you like it, Huihui? I give this to you. It belongs to your manor, forever!" After everyone got off the car and looked at the scene in front of them, Chen Pingan asked softly.

Chen Shuhui stood there and nodded, "I like it!"

"As long as you like it. Mine is over there." He pointed to the right, "It's about less than a kilometer away from here. You should be able to see the building, the white one over there..."

Chen Xiaolong squeezed Chen Yangyang and whispered: "Do you like it? I can get one for you too?"

Chen Yangyang smiled and said, "She is very beautiful, but you better not say anything like this to me. Let's wait a few years before talking about it."

After Edwards took Chen's father and Chen's mother into the room, Chen Pingan said:

“The conditions here are not that good yet. Just come here and have a look, and then you have to go back to live in the city.

Go to the concert tonight, Edwards should have arranged it. "

It took nearly two hours to walk around the two manors. Liu Qing was shocked, but felt it was nothing.

She knows that her son is very rich now, with billions in cash, which is much richer than some listed companies.

With Ping An's temperament, it was not unusual to buy Huihui anything, but this one was too expensive, which surprised her.

Chen Shaohua was cheerful the whole time and didn't say anything.

After everyone returned to the city and checked into the hotel, Edwards found Chen Pingan.

"It will be finished in about another month, and you can move in in September.

The basement has been completed, but there are guests here today, so it's not convenient to take them to see it, so they don't know."

Edwards explained softly, "I have prepared an interior decoration plan for your sister's manor. You can give it to her later and ask her to choose one. I will arrange people to decorate it according to the plan."

Chen Pingan took the plan and put it aside, "This time I went to Paris, I finally knew what my family meant.

They support the Tang family's affairs, and they will help when they need help.

But things can't start yet. What we need to do now is to raise funds. No matter when, we can't put all our hopes on others. We have to be strong enough."

Edwards shrugged, "Also, I transferred a sum of money to China last week, on the one hand to expand Anna's company, and on the other hand to Scorpion's family.

We need to change our work visas, and then we need to prepare for their children to go to school in China.

It's more complicated, I will handle it."

Chen Pingan nodded and said, "It doesn't matter, I'm good at making money."

The two smiled at each other.

"Boss, wait until your family returns home before you start." Edwards said with a smile, "I mean, the matter of making money."

"Well, the plan needs to be improved, but for the preliminary contact, I need to return home. Will you go with me or stay here?"

"With you, at least my presence can be said to represent your own strength to a certain extent.

Not only am I going, but Scorpion and the others are also going.

This is your personal matter and has nothing to do with the Chen family.

And we are the proof."

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