"It's just luck, it's not that I'm that good.

If I were really good, I would have at least 40% profit margin after leaving the market, but I didn't catch it."

Chen Ping'an still spoke in a flat tone.

"Where's your elder brother? Did he say anything?"

"My elder brother just praised you a few words, saying that the Chen family should value you more in the future." Huo Shijun was still laughing, and Chen Ping'an didn't know what to be happy about.

𝟨𝟫Book Bar

"Thank you, senior sister, I have an important call here, I will contact you when I have time."

Huo Shijun was obviously not happy, but she didn't have much time to chat. She had to get up and wash, then put on makeup and go to class.

"Chen Ping'an, when will you come back?"

"I can't determine the time to return to Beijing now. I will contact you when I come back."

"Okay then. Remember to call me when you are free."

After Huo Shijun finished speaking, she waited for Chen Ping'an to say goodbye, but heard him say: "Senior, do you still remember that you wanted me to help you make money at the beginning?

If you are brave enough, you can talk to your elder brother and see if you can enter Kuang Jun's fund company to participate in a few operations.

This is where your economics major comes in handy. Finance, especially futures, is more closely related to the economy than the stock market.

Brianna's company is just a side road.

You can learn some experience in managing a company, but if you really want to stand up on your own, you still have to enter the financial industry with the greatest money-making effect.

Go to Kuang Jun as a teacher. I believe your elder brother will not refuse."

Huo Shijun was silent for a while and then said: "Well, I know. I won't talk to you anymore. I should wash my face."

After the two hung up the phone, Chen Ping'an himself felt ridiculous.

I really can't get used to this way of talking, but how can Fang Hongjun be so good at coaxing women?

It's not just about throwing money...

After putting away the smile on his face, he recalled the content of the phone call just now.

Huo Xiuzhu didn't intend to touch him, this was what Huo Shiyun said.

Kuang Jun has a plan, but the purpose is to make a big deal.

In any case, he will not touch the domestic market in the short term.

The most urgent thing is to hide abroad after solving the problem.

Even if Kuang Jun wants to make a layout, it will take several months to complete the initial accumulation when the specific future trend is unknown.

"Master, are you really going to the airport?"

Shaoji suddenly asked.

Chen Pingan shook his head, "You drive away, go now, and go directly to the Magic City.

I will contact Edwards later and ask him to arrange two foreigners to come to help.

I will take the train back to Beijing by myself, and then go to the airport to stay in a hotel."

He wanted to let Bulma and Lind come over. If he wanted to take action against Tang Qian, he had to be quick, preferably before the woman realized that her people were gone.

Shaoji and Ah Qi nodded in agreement, and Chen Pingan asked again: "By the way, how is your English?"

Shaoji said: "Ordinary daily conversations are fine, but it's still a little bit behind when it comes to very professional matters."

Chen Pingan smiled and said, "Okay, take me to the next city."

At noon, Chen Pingan had already checked into the hotel at Beijing International Airport.

This kind of hotel is only for businessmen and gamblers, and the rich will never stay there.

After contacting Edwards, he realized that Bulma and Lind were not suitable.

Especially when he made it clear what he wanted to do, Edwards also communicated with Scorpion and asked them to leave the tour group and go straight to the Magic City to cooperate with Shaoji and Ah Qi.

Not only that, Edwards actually volunteered to go to the Magic City.

He said, "If I go too, it will have a better effect. After all, they are not familiar with the domestic situation and may waste a lot of time."

"Even if Tang Qian finds out, it doesn't matter. I won't let Shaoji and Ah Qi, two Chinese people, show up.

I will even do this in the name of foreign capital.

After all, we are all foreigners. No matter how you look at it, it will greatly reduce your suspicion."

Since he said so and was so positive, Chen Pingan didn't act pretentiously and agreed directly.

Chen Pingan didn't have any specific action plan. He lacked experience in this area.

It is the best way to leave this matter to professionals.

"Then Edwards, I'll leave this matter to you. I'll wait for your news."

Time passed day by day. Chen Pingan waited calmly at first, but when it was more than a week, he had already got his passport, and there was still no good news from Edwards.

Tang Qian never appeared alone.

Every time, either a group of bodyguards followed, or no one was seen.

It can be seen that Tang Qian herself is not so easy to catch.

The power of the Tang family in the Magic City probably made him realize that he had basically no chance against a family alone.

Chen Pingan couldn't wait any longer.

Fortunately, his visa was still valid, so he simply bought a ticket to Europe and left.

Edwards's booked ticket was also invalidated. Not only that, he was also left in the country, and bought twelve houses in the name of a trading company alone.

Including the decoration, Edwards spent nearly 200 million yuan.

After the arrangements were made, Edwards left China with Roast Chicken and Ah Qi.

Let the Scorpions handle the decoration and move-in of the house by themselves, and the money is already in place.


Chen Ping'an and Edwards rented a station wagon with Roasted Chicken and Ah Qi, wandered around the suburbs during the day, and began to study the European financial market at night.

"Since there is no way to attack Tang Qian directly, it is better to find another way."

Edwards greatly appreciated Chen Pingan's suggestion.

"The Tang family's industries mainly include the logistics industry, and the other big one is the pharmaceutical factory.

The logistics industry has little technical content, and there is no threshold for grabbing the market through power. What really brought wealth to the Tang family were the two pharmaceutical factories.

Especially the batch numbers of medicines. As long as the Tang family can produce them, they have already obtained the production batch numbers and even export licenses.

This alone has restricted the products of most pharmaceutical companies. "

Edwards asked Brianna to visit the Tang family's pharmaceutical factory in person and sign a cooperation intention, thus obtaining information on the two factories.

He did not say how he obtained the information, simply because the process was meaningless to Chen Pingan, the key was the result.

“Both pharmaceutical companies are listed companies.

And they also have several raw material planting bases, which are all targets. "

Chen Ping'an stared at the information and said.

Edwards nodded and said, "I also found out that the financial product purchase projects of these two listed drug companies include investments in Tang Qian's fund company products.

What Tang Qian is best at is picking valuable stocks to short, and then making money in other markets.

This kind of method is not available to ordinary people. "

Chen Pingan turned to look at him, waiting for his next words.

Edwards continued: "Tang Qian's style is actually very brutal!"

“She loves working with people.

When someone takes control of a stock and pulls it up, she will negotiate a package price with the person, guarantee the other party's profit, and then directly conduct large over-the-counter transactions to obtain a large number of shares.

After taking over, I started selling non-stop, and the stock price fell crazily after several consecutive price limits.

This operation seems to be losing money, but in the futures market or bond market, she makes a lot of money..."

Edwards couldn't help but express his most direct appreciation for Tang Qian's way of making money.

Those who can make money are those who are capable.

It's so straightforward and has nothing to do with character or morality.

Chen Ping'an asked: "What if we go long on a certain pharmaceutical raw material and then set fire to their planting base?"

Edwards looked at him for a full two or three seconds before sighing and saying:

"Boss, your idea is no different from what capital does. It is even more direct and unethical."

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