Only when he was in the car on the way home did Chen Pingan suddenly realize what his uncle was doing in Europe. His father did not answer this question.

Regarding the leak of his operation, was it Mao Yifeng who reported it first or those people who came to the door first?

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In addition, he had never seen or heard of his uncle Zhao Yuanlong.

At least he had never heard of this name in the four years in the Fang family.

Sheng Yu is the second uncle of the head of the Huo family. It is estimated that he did something with the background of the Sheng family or the Huo family, otherwise his father's face would not be so disdainful.

This Sheng Yu is probably not a good thing.

But what did Huo Xiuzhu say in this?

Did he instigate his second uncle to test himself or what happened?

Questions came one after another, and Chen Pingan now regretted agreeing to the operation of his uncle.

Needless to say, my father was very dissatisfied with his promise to help the foreigner with financial management, but he just didn't say it directly.

Let me develop my own business?

What business do I have?

In addition to making money and protecting my family, there is only the future financial crisis, and there should be nothing else!

He didn't even notice that the car had reached the basement, and was still thinking about his future plans.

Brianna took Delma and two strong bodyguards, Bulma and Lind, to follow the huge tour group to the south.

Edwards is now an idle person.

At the moment, the only ones who can be used are him, Shaoji and Ah Qi, a total of three people.

Brother Dao is a very good person, but he has always followed Uncle Tang...

"Master, we are home." Shaoji turned around and said, and Chen Pingan came back to his senses from his thoughts.

"Brother Ji, don't call me like this in the future, just call me Ping An." He smiled and opened the car door.

"Wait a minute," Ah Qi said, "I saw you thinking about something before, so I didn't tell you."

Chen Ping'an was stunned for a moment, closed the car door and sat firmly, saying: "Is there something?"

Ah Qi hesitated for a moment, but still said: "When we came out of Erye's place before, two cars followed us alternately until the last intersection just now.

I'm not sure if they are coming for us.

Everyone upstairs and downstairs is our own people, it's very safe.

Shaoji and I will drive outside for a walk and test it out in a while."

Chen Ping'an's face suddenly became much uglier.

I just came back, and today is my first day out!

Are you so anxious?

"Take two more people with you. It's best to find their lair and find out who they are.

If they really meet, are you sure?"

He originally wanted to drive one more car and go forward and backward separately, but he was worried that if a conflict really happened, it would be bad if he got hurt.

Shaoji didn't say anything, but took out his mobile phone and started calling.

Ah Qi unfastened the handcuffs in the front row, took out a pair of brass knuckles and put them in his pocket, bent down and took out a spare baton from under the seat and inserted it on his waist.

Soon, the other four bodyguards knocked on the passenger window.

Ah Qi pushed open the car door.

"Let's send Ping An up first, then one of us will get in my car, and the others will follow in a car.

The mission is to confirm whether someone is following my car."

After a brief explanation, Chen Ping An got on the elevator and went home expressionlessly.

Ah Qi and the others drove away.

Chen Ping An returned to his room and turned on his computer to check the information of Sheng Yu.

The powerful would not be so bold as to follow him directly, at least not now.

The things he manipulated are now just rumors, and there is no real evidence.

The first person who leaked the news is gone, and the news is most likely spread by the Huo family, and it is very likely that Huo Xiuzhu himself said it.

What he didn't understand was why?

What's the benefit for the Huo family?

After sitting for a while, he called Huo Shiyun and asked her to have lunch together tomorrow at noon, and the location was chosen to be a hotel near Beijing University.

Since she could tell him what the Huo family said at the dinner table, she could tell him more news.

Huo Shijun agreed very quickly, and almost as soon as he finished speaking, the other party said "OK".

Chen Ping settled in the hotel, and then went out to the living room to talk to his mother Liu Qing.

The phone rang again, and he took a look and answered it.

"Master, we are sure that someone is following, and it is your car that is targeted.

This time they changed the car, and we are still circling around. We called a few more cars and must dig out the other party."

Shaoji drove and called at the same time, and Ah Qi put on brass knuckles and clenched them tightly.

As bodyguards, although they are only bodyguards for wealthy families, they are different from ordinary bodyguards.

These dozens of people used to do black work.

Although they don't have much freedom now, they are undoubtedly very relaxed and safe.

But it seems that there will still be problems now.

He likes Ping An, this little brother, very much, and he is also Ping An's half master.

This time, he must help!

On the streets of Beijing, excluding irrelevant cars, Shaoji has a total of four cars, and the distance between the front and the back is one or two hundred meters.

With each other's positioning, there is no fear of losing.

It was just that the two cars in front moved forward alternately, staring at Chen Ping'an's Volvo in turn, which made the Chen family bodyguards very unhappy.

"Seventh Brother, let's get out of the city. Just catch him, I don't believe we can't get anything out of him."

"Yes, Brother Qi, how long can we continue to play?"

Ah Qi stroked the cold finger and said: "No. The matter cannot be too big, otherwise it will be meaningless.

Even if you keep an eye on them until night, you still have to find their lair.

We will go down to the hotel basement in a moment. You can follow us. "





Chen Pingan took out the watch that Uncle Tang had given him from the drawer. He knew that there was a locator on the watch.

But now he is not wearing it. On his wrist is the Patek Philippe Edwards bought for him.

Not only that, the clothes in his wardrobe have also been replaced by handmade suits, which look very similar to Edwards.

Feeling extremely depressed, he wanted to go out and have a fight with someone to vent his anger, but he could only stay at home.

I once thought that maybe I was overthinking it, but now I am definitely being targeted. This is different.

This shows that what you are worried about is very likely to happen.

He didn't want to be kidnapped again without adequate protection.

"Impulse is the devil, impulse is the devil!"

After reciting it twice, he simply took out a German dictionary from the bookshelf and started memorizing it.

Otherwise, you cannot let go of the complicated thoughts in your mind.

Time passed slowly like this.

He didn't leave his room until meal time.

"Haven't you figured it out yet?" Chen Shaohua asked with a smile when he saw him coming out of the room.

Liu Qing slapped him and said, "Don't bother him!"

Chen Pingan felt Liu Qing's kindness, and a thought suddenly flashed through his mind.

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