Chen Pingan was a little surprised.

The widow of an old teammate has nothing to do with him.


If Scorpion wants to support them, that is Scorpion's business and there is no need to say it in person.

He has no use for those who have died in battle, so there is no need to pay for these people.

What he needs is a group of bodyguards who dare to do anything for him, not charity.

"Mr. Scorpion is very generous, which is a good thing." He nodded with a smile. "I appreciate your candor."

Edwards sat and listened in silence.

Scorpion continued: "Mr. Cooper mentioned our remuneration before. Since you are his boss, I want to confirm it with you."

Chen Pingan looked at Edwards, saw him smiling and said:

"Well, I did, but what I said at the time was 15 million euros per year to provide housing for your family.

These are the exact words I said. "

Aaron asked: "What if we need to purchase weapons and equipment? This cost is a huge expense."

Edwards nodded, "Your existing weapons and equipment do not need to be replaced, and there is no opportunity to use Mucangzhi in China.

Even if there is a crisis, cold weapons are used.

But the boss will choose a manor in Austria to buy, where the equipment will be needed.

In addition, if you need to buy it, the boss will naturally pay for it. You don’t need to buy any weapons and equipment from today on.

Did I make it clear enough? "

Aaron was really shocked.

To be honest, with 15 million euros, it will take the Scorpions team at least 3 years to have that much income, and all expenses must be taken into account.

If expenses are removed, this income is equivalent to their income for several years!

Aaron nodded to Scorpion, "Boss, I have no problem."

Scorpion took out a piece of paper and handed it to Chen Pingan, "This is a list of all our members, excluding family members. Whether you go to China or stay in Europe, we will start working for you after the agreement is signed."

Chen Pingan took it and took a look.

Scorpion, whose real name is Ben Dict, is 35 years old and his nationality is British.

Although the others have nicknames, their real names are also listed above.

Passing the paper to Edwards, Chen Pingan raised his glass and said, "Then I welcome you. I hope we can get along happily in the future."

Edwards put away the paper and also raised his glass: "I will notify you tomorrow to come and sign the agreement. I wish you all the best!"

Soon, Scorpion left with Aaron. Chen Pingan and Edwards took them to the elevator and came back.

"Boss, after signing the agreement tomorrow and waiting for them to apply for visas, they can go to China.

This period will be quite intense, and they will not travel for more than a month.

So we have one month to prepare the house in China. "

Chen Pingan nodded and said he understood.

Edwards asked again: "Actually, I have always wanted to ask, if you stop trading in a short period of time, will there still be risks?

Is it really necessary to spend so much money and make so many preparations? "

Chen Pingan shook his head, "I don't know, many things have changed since I started trading.

I can only spend money to buy peace, or to be more prepared.

No one knows what will happen tomorrow.

I can't afford to gamble and I can't afford to lose.

After signing the agreement tomorrow, let's go to Austria and have a look. Maybe we'll be lucky enough to stumble upon a manor? "

Edwards smiled and shook his head, "It's impossible. There is no need to buy a small house. What you need to buy is a manor with land and farmland, or one that can be renovated and expanded.

These are the land and properties of local farmers.

There are some around Vienna, but now they all have owners, and not many are idle. "

Chen Pingan thought for a while and then gave up his idea.


When the time came to mid-June, Chen Pingan had been staying abroad for more than a month.

Chen Shuhui has called him twice to ask when he will go back.

Not only that, except for a faint red mark on Brianna's face, she has completed the recovery period according to the hospital's requirements, and there is no need to stay in Europe.

After returning to China, Edwards quickly contacted a local travel agency in Beijing to negotiate the price, randomly selected a route package, and asked the foreigners to sign up for the tour and start waiting for the arrival of the Scorpion team and their families.

It is not uncommon for a large group of more than 40 people, especially because the time is long, the route is long, and the profit is scary.

The travel agency owner was happy.

Returning to the flat floor again, Chen Pingan felt that the manor was really good!

It's really better to live in the countryside in China, with green fields, rivers, ponds, and green trees...

After giving the gifts he brought back to his parents and Huihui, he admitted that he was getting jet-lagged and began to fall asleep.

Chen Shaohua had obviously contacted Paris, and there was doubt in his eyes, but since Chen Pingan himself didn't say anything, it was naturally hard for him to ask.

It took four or five days before Chen Ping'an adjusted his emotions and clarified his thoughts before appearing in Chen Shaohua's office again.

"Have you decided what to say?" Chen Shaohua leaned back in his chair and asked with a relaxed expression.

Chen Pingan nodded, "I have many questions to ask, but I don't know if I can find the answers."

Chen Shaohua smiled, "It's okay, you ask, I answer."

"Uncle San's ALS is fake. Did you just find out or have you known about it for a long time?"

"I found out years ago. It was your uncle's idea. Your grandfather supported it. Your uncle had no choice."

"Does anyone else in the Chen family know? Does my mother know?"

Chen Shaohua shook his head, "Only a few people know. Your uncle's whole family knows, but your mother doesn't."

"Why?" Chen Ping'an was really curious, "What exactly did Uncle San want to do in Europe? Uncle Wu didn't say, and I didn't ask more.

Chen Xiaolong pretended to be stupid, and I was too lazy to ask him."

Chen Shaohua pointed to the ceiling, "The history of the Chen family, what you know is what we want you to know.

Our family is different from the Huo family. The Huo family came from the military and has been going on for more than a hundred years.

It's just that not many people know this part of history.

The Chen family has little experience and does not have such a long history. Shi, your uncle is the first person to enter the official career, and the whole family's hope lies in him.

Frankly speaking, the Chen family will lose against the Huo family, and there is no possibility of winning. "

Chen Pingan smiled, "So the purpose of remarrying with the Huo family is to delay the confrontation between the two families?"

Chen Shaohua nodded, "If Xiaolong is not okay, there is no hope.

It is precisely because Huo Zhiqiang refused the marriage in person that your third uncle wants to go to Europe. "

Seeing that Chen Pingan wanted to speak, he hurriedly said: "Don't worry, I won't let you go to the marriage, unless you and the girl of the Huo family are in love, I will not use you and Huihui to marry any family. "

Chen Pingan shook his head and said: "I'm not worried about this. What I want to know is, when the fifth uncle went to Europe, was it grandpa's intention or his own choice?

Or, when you brothers were only in your twenties, why did the fifth uncle go to Europe? "

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