After severing ties, biological parents and family regretted

Chapter 310: Collaboration in Crashing the Market

"Control your speed. As soon as you hit 3080, hit it. Use small orders and don't exceed 5 hands!"

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Chen Ping'an didn't take his eyes off the big screen when he spoke. He knew exactly what he was doing.

Even if someone tries to persuade me now, it will be useless.

Seeing the index start to fluctuate, it was only a 10-point fluctuation, and the trading volume began to soar crazily.

There is no other reason than that it gives the impression that the decline has stopped, and speculators have begun to go long. There are even 7 orders, and the transactions are very fast.

"Maintain this shock range!" Chen Ping'an was both a request and an explanation, letting everyone understand what he was going to do now.

But although I understand what I want to do, why do I do it?

Is it to create a desire for short-selling by some powerful funds, or is it really meant to further suppress index short-selling in the market outlook?

But why this range?

"Don't move or close the short position in front of you!"

Chen Pingan continued, his eyes still staring at the rolling data of time-sharing transaction details.

At this time, he didn't dare to be distracted at all.

The fluctuation of the index began to change, and the lows were getting lower and lower. The lowest point had reached 3066.92, but the high point was not higher than 3079.98.

Several traders have indeed done a good job. They simply ignore the short and long orders below and continue to sell short as long as the index rises. Often, large orders seal the 3080 position.

Three accounts, with total funds close to 1 billion, were stuck at the 3080 position and frantically placed short orders.

The effect is still very obvious.

The key is that the order is big enough, so that retail investors are frightened and basically follow the short position. When they reach a low position, they backhand to close the position and make a profit and run away.

There are too many orders for 1 hand, 1 hand, 2 hands and 1 hand, so don’t waste it if it’s fast.

Chen Ping'an still stared at the screen expressionlessly, saying nothing.

He didn't say anything, and traders No. 4, 5, and 6 slowly placed orders.

As time passes by, the current situation and the atmosphere in the conference room are a complete torture.

When the time came to 2:29 pm, Chen Pingan continued to remain silent.

At this time, on the time-sharing chart, the index has been oscillating sideways for nearly an hour, suffering!

At 2:40, Chen Ping'an suddenly said: "From No. 3 to No. 6, smash through 3070. Smash down. Don't go too fast. Don't make the order big. Slowly smash down with two or three hands.

Hit it below 3040 before closing! "

Edwards suddenly looked up at him, and Chen Pingping shook his head slightly, indicating that Edwards was okay.

It's not difficult to hit it in 20 minutes, but the prerequisite is that you have enough funds.

Chen Pingan has it!

The sound of four people tapping on the keyboard from No. 3 to No. 6 became more intensive, but in fact not many orders were transacted.

The total number of positions in 4805 has just exceeded 90,000, which is still far from the 100,000 mark.

30 points means 1,500 fluctuation points.

However, when the index fell below the 'support' of 3070 in the shock range, it did not rise in the opposite direction. Instead, it was suppressed by hundreds of sell-one lots, and then the index began to fall.

The number of open spaces starts to increase.

Everyone who trades stocks and futures knows that when the price or point leaves the shock range, there is a high probability that there will be a step back or a rebound, but this time, there was no such thing.

After the index broke through 3070, it quickly fell by nearly 1% at a relatively fast speed to around 3042.

But at this time, hundreds of empty orders that sold one were eaten directly.

The new short orders that appeared immediately were also eaten up by the subsequent long orders.

A large number of short and flat transaction records appeared.

What's happening here? ? ?

Looking at the sudden surge of multiple orders and transaction records, Chen Pingan smiled.

He looked at Edwards with a smile on his face.

"It's them!" Edwards's voice was very pleasant.

"So, this is their opening position? It's not very low!" Chen Ping'an murmured, "You still want to hit me like this? What do you think? Is it because they made money in the stock market or because there are more people and more money? "

After closing the profitable orders, I went short on the backhand. I originally wanted to suppress the bulls, but I didn't expect that the bulls were not strong. Instead, more long draws and multiple changes followed them.

The position has not changed much, but the funds involved are in hundreds of millions.

"Tomorrow is Friday," Edwards reminded in a low voice.

Chen Pingan nodded to express receipt, but he did not say anything to Edwards. Instead, he said with a smile:

"No. 1 and No. 2, use a hundred big orders to hit.

From the 3rd to the 10th, continue small orders and do not follow up with large orders. "

When the time came to 2:48, except for sporadic 1- and 2-hand orders, the entire transaction area was completely covered by large orders.

This is extremely rare.

It can be said that it never happens once a year.

If it is a commodity, this situation is nothing, it is really common.

Tens of billions of funds in the commodity futures market are really not enough.

It's just that there aren't many big funds to do stock index futures, but no fund will put all its eggs in one basket. In addition to diversified investments, it also requires arbitrage, hedging, and even cross-species hedging.

There are a lot of tens of billions of private equity funds in China, but Chen Ping'an has never heard of anyone who really specializes in stock index futures, and even counting his memory of more than ten years, there is no such information.

So what he is sure of is that if the fund can spend 100 million to do stock index futures, it is not a small amount.

Even if it is a joint game, the amount of funds on both sides should be similar.

At least what he is doing now has not reached the level of uniting everyone. Besides, it is all for money, and no one will do anything out of anger.

Except him, Chen Pingan!

I just want to show you my determination.

You play with commodities or stocks, you can play whatever you want, I will not participate.

But in more than two months, I have decided on the stock index. If anyone stops me, I will just fight with you.

At 2:58, the points were still at 3042.

The measuring bar under the time-sharing chart is more than twice as high as in the morning.

It can be said that this is the first real meeting between the long and short parties, but they are already red-eyed.

"Numbers 1 to 10, all hundreds of hands are empty and smashed!"

Seeing that time was running out and he didn't know how much money the other party still had, Chen Pingan suddenly shouted out.

The sound of keyboards suddenly became much denser in the conference room.

100 lots, the upper limit for each order.

Also means 15 million.

Chen Pingan went crazy!

The continuous emergence of long orders was smashed, and in the last minute and a half, the index was hit by money again and fell to the position of 3034.74.

It has to be said that during this afternoon's operation, Chen Pingan was as nervous as the traders.

When the chart stopped changing, there were still 793 unfilled short orders on the sell one at 3034.74.

At the close on Thursday, the index stopped at 3034.72.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, not only because Teacher Chen's request was met, but also because the various forces were really strong enough.

Chen Ping looked at the big screen quietly and said nothing.

There was sudden applause in the conference room.

When Chen Pingan looked up, more than one person was already applauding.

He stood up and smiled at the traders and waved his hands.

The applause gradually stopped, and Chen Pingan thought for a while before saying:

“Originally I wanted to go long, but you also saw it.

The bald positive line received yesterday may have provoked someone.

Today they wanted me, and you all saw the process.

In this case, I cooperate with them to smash the plate, even if he doesn't want to. "

(Additional explanation, if it is February as mentioned in the article, then there are actually only 4 stock index futures that can be traded, 4802, 4803, 4806, and 4809. If it is now May, then only 5 and 4809 can be traded. 6, 9, and 12.

And if it comes to changing months, there are at least 3 options. The current month, the next month, the last month of the current quarter, or the last month of the next quarter. Trading contracts can be changed any month, it all depends on personal choice.

A final reminder: 1. Don’t speculate in stocks, because our stock market was not originally established for retail investment. If you don’t believe it, check out what the boss said back then;

2. Don’t speculate in futures, because the most important thing for retail investors is character.

3. Money is everything, it’s true. But take it wisely. )

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