After severing ties, biological parents and family regretted

Chapter 308 89 moves! 89 moves! 89 moves!

"No. 3 continues to maintain the current position. Don't worry if it goes up. If it goes down, open a long position to hold on.

Say something when the money in the account is almost used up."

No. 3 wiped the sweat from his head with his left hand and stared at his computer screen without blinking.

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Fear of missing the opportunity.

Everyone has already understood that Teacher Chen does not want to fight against the short-selling funds.

Maybe it's also a test?

But what they don't understand is why No. 3 insists on this position, which is quite strange.

In fact, Chen Ping'an doesn't think there is anything strange about this position, just because it can guarantee that the long orders made before will have profits, that's all.

As long as you show that you have a little bit of strength to support the index, the long orders opened at the position of 3129 before will only become your help.

Of course, this is a relatively large probability, not absolute.

3129 to 3132 is 150 fluctuation units, and the profit of one lot is about 300, which means that the profit of one lot has reached 45,000 yuan.

At least 200 of the long orders just now were not placed by No. 3.

These are just large orders, and there are countless small orders from retail investors that are also helping the long side.

Of course, there are more people who take profits, but there are not many orders because there are many people.

Under normal circumstances, it is normal for the futures index to have a trading volume of no more than 100 orders per minute, and it is a large amount when there are four or five hundred orders.

After all, this thing is really expensive.

What surprised Chen Pingan was that the short-selling funds suddenly stopped moving after the opening.

He thought about it and said to Edwards sideways: "Why is there no movement?"

Edwards pointed to the screen, "There is no movement for the time being, and I can't see anything. It may be just a test, or a small order has been closed."

Chen Pingan frowned slightly.

If someone really wants to target him, it is impossible to give up so easily.

Even if the opponent closes a large number of long orders from old positions, it will also consume the funds of the long side.

But that was only after the opening.

When the time came to 10:30, No. 3 reported that there was still 110 million in the account.

Chen Pingan nodded and said nothing.

This made No. 4 anxious.

On the huge screen on the wall, there was no difference between the time-sharing white line and the 1-minute K-line chart, except that one was a line and the other was a K-line.

During the upward movement of the index, there were more than ten or twenty large orders for both long and short positions, and the frequency of their appearance gradually increased.

Chen Pingan stared at the details.

Besides himself, who else was going long?

Although the funds used were not large, and he only had 300 or 200 million, the funds that had been used to go long and resist the decline a minute earlier than him had at least 500 or 600 million.

This was just the large order, not to mention the small orders that followed the trend.

Chen Pingan was a little undecided.

But the fractional trend structure on the chart was taking shape.

When the index reached 3143.68, Chen Pingan took a special look at the time, 10:47.

Just as he was about to speak, he saw a huge green volume column appear on the time-sharing chart.

89 lots!

89 lots!

89 lots!

Three consecutive short orders of 89 lots were suddenly smashed, and then a series of short orders of 20-50 lots began to emerge.

Half of them were long and short and long-close.

The buy one point only lasted for less than a second before it began to change rapidly.

Retail investors began to follow suit frantically.

The number of long-for-long-close long and short and short opening began to increase.

The sound of inhalation came one after another in the conference room.

In the eyes of everyone, Chen Pingan seemed to be stunned for a moment, and then regained his calm.

So, you are waiting for me here!

The previous test is over, right?

Before he turned his head, he heard Edwards quickly say: "There are institutions that have been long before. It should be a trap just now, but it is not certain now.

The orders come from 6 institutions.

But several others are buying..."

He didn't say anything more when he said this, staring at his screen without raising his head.

Chen Pingan had no expression, and a smile slowly emerged in his eyes.

"Haha," he said, "You want to play, right? Okay!"

"No. 1 and No. 2, close the old positions. No. 3 closes the position."

"No. 4 to No. 10, open short positions and take over!"

The sound of keyboards rang out in the conference room, and the sound was dense and intensive.

A large number of long swaps suddenly appeared on the transaction details.

That is to say, the long positions were closed, and the same number of short positions were opened, and the actual increase in positions was zero.

But this is just a conceptual thing.

The time-sharing white line began to fall wildly.

Chen Ping'an watched with a smile, without any extra movements.

But all the traders had one idea in their minds, that Teacher Chen was just messing around now!

From yesterday to just now, the long positions of several accounts had made a lot of profits.

No. 1 and No. 2 began to close their positions, but the points were also falling.

The trading volume began to increase with the increase in closings, and the points continued to fall.

The positions closed by these two accounts were already close to 2,700 lots, not counting the long position of No. 3.

Seeing that the time-sharing line fell at an angle of nearly 80°, the market was in a panic.

This thing doesn't require collecting chips in advance, all you need is money.

More and more people closed their long orders and started to short, and countless people followed suit and shorted the futures.

Chen Pingan watched with a smile on his face, and did not issue any new orders.

By the close of the morning, the trading volume in just 13 minutes had exceeded the total trading volume before this morning.

When there was no movement on the big screen and the index stopped at 3119.88, the conference room also fell into a dead silence.

No one spoke and no one moved.

Almost everyone looked at Chen Pingan.

After a long time, Chen Pingan stood up, "No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, how much is the book profit?"

As soon as he finished speaking, someone had already finished the mental calculation.

Simply put, from yesterday's opening of 3107 to today's highest point of 3143, the profit space for long positions is close to 35 points, but in fact it will not be so much.

The average estimate is about 20 points or more.

The space of 1 point is 50 fluctuation values, which means 50*300=15,000 yuan profit (excluding handling fees).

The cost of one hand is about more than 150,000 yuan.

The amount of money in everyone's account is about the same, about 300 million.

A simple calculation also shows that 100 million can do more than 6,500 lots. No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 have used at least more than 500 million and 600 million in funds...

This is just the profit before closing the position and shorting.

No. 1 swallowed his saliva, stood up and said excitedly: "Teacher Chen, No. 1 account used 200 million yuan when going long, and now the total amount on the account is 701 million, with a floating profit of 400 million."

Chen Pingan nodded, "Well, you have eaten up all the profit space. So much profit is understandable. What about No. 2?"

"Teacher Chen, the total amount on the account of No. 2 is 643 million, and the floating profit is 340 million."

No. 2 did not show much excitement, but in fact, he just wanted to shout it out, and the shouting in his heart was in full swing.

Chen Pingan thought for a while and nodded, "No. 3?"

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