When Chen Pingan, Shaoji and Ah Qi entered the barbecue restaurant, they were already used to the always hot barbecue business, and they began to look for Ding Junzhe as soon as they entered the door.

69 Book Bar β†’ 69𝒔𝒉𝒖𝒙.𝒏𝒆𝒕

Fortunately, Ding Junzhe had been staring at the door, and stood up when he saw him.

After the two made eye contact, Chen Pingan walked over with a smile.

Dong Wanwan also stood up and looked at him with a smile.

Somehow, she suddenly felt her heart beating faster.

This feeling was the first time.

Chen Pingan didn't care too much about whether she was beautiful, whether she was wearing makeup, or even sprayed perfume. He had never paid attention to this matter.

He smiled and greeted her.

"Hello, senior sister."

He walked directly to Ding Junzhe and began to take off his coat.

After Shaoji and Ah Qi came in, they found a table and shared a table with two students to start ordering food.

As for Pingan's affairs, they had no right to care, they just accompanied her.

"What do you want to talk to me about? You sound very anxious." Chen Pingan asked with a smile.

Ding Junzhe glanced at Dong Wanwan and saw that she lowered her head and did not look up at him at all. He sighed and said, "Well... let's eat first, and then we can talk slowly after eating?"

"Haha, okay. Let's eat first. By the way, I haven't come to this place to eat barbecue for a long time. I miss it a little bit."

Dong Wanwan raised her head and looked at him and asked, "Would you like some wine?"

Chen Pingan looked at Ding Junzhe, "Would you like to drink?"

Ding Junzhe: "Yes!"

Dong Wanwan immediately picked up her phone and started ordering.

After the wine was delivered, Chen Pingan realized that she actually ordered beer.

But think about it, barbecue is naturally served with beer.

Ding Junzhe didn't know what was wrong, he was eating hard.

Chen Pingan finally realized that the atmosphere was a little wrong.

Dong Wanwan looked at him with a strange look.

"Senior?" He tried to ask softly, "What's wrong?"

Dong Wanwan laughed and raised her glass and said, "It's been a long time since we last met. Let's have a drink!"

Chen Pingan glanced at the indifferent Ding Junzhe, raised his glass and clinked it with Dong Wanwan with a smile.

"Senior has a good alcohol tolerance!"

He didn't know what to say.

Ding Junzhe waited until they finished drinking before asking, "Have you made money again recently?"

Chen Pingan was stunned for a moment before nodding, "Yeah, I've been lucky recently and made a little money."

Originally, he thought about letting Ding Junzhe follow him, but he felt it was unrealistic.

After all, his family runs a cable factory, they are not short of money or people, and they will not let him be inferior to others easily.

Besides, he also knows Ding Junzhe's character quite well.

He asked back without planning to say anything more: "By the way, are you going to have the final exam soon, and then go home for the New Year holiday?"

"Yes, the exam is next Tuesday, and then Friday afternoon is considered a holiday.

I booked a flight back to Northeast China on Saturday."

Chen Pingan smiled and turned to Dong Wanwan, "Senior sister will also go back for the New Year."

"I don't really want to go back, but it's not fun to be alone in Beijing. If you are willing to spend time with me, I will definitely stay."

Her charming smile and watery eyes made Ding Junzhe, who was drinking, turn his face to the side, lower his head, and spray on his legs.

Chen Pingan looked at Ding Junzhe in surprise.

At this moment, he finally understood.

"Senior, you don't want me to spend the New Year with you, do you?

That may not work. Besides, uncle and aunt haven't seen you for a semester, so they definitely want you to go back and spend the New Year with them.

If you ask me, senior, you should also book a ticket. If that doesn't work, Ding Junzhe can also take you back!

Isn't that right, boss!"

Ding Junzhe coughed, took out a piece of paper and began to wipe it on his body and the partition wall next to him...

Dong Wanwan looked at Chen Ping'an and said with a smile: "My parents don't mind me staying in Beijing for the New Year, as long as I tell them.

What's wrong? Ping'an, don't you want to spend the New Year with senior?

Or do you already have someone you like and want to spend the New Year with someone else?"

Chen Ping'an wanted to scratch the wall in embarrassment.

He has never been in love in his two lives, but he has heard countless love words.

But no matter what, senior, if you want to flirt with me, it's not like this!

"No, senior, I don't have a girlfriend, nor do I have anyone I particularly like.

And I don't have time to fall in love now, I'm very busy every day."

After saying that, he looked at Ding Junzhe, "Didn't you say you had something urgent? What's the matter? I came all the way here..."

Ding Junzhe was about to eat, but he put down his chopsticks and said, "What urgent matter can I have!

It's just that we're going home for the holiday soon, so I asked you out for a barbecue.

Originally, I wanted to make a date with you alone, but I happened to run into my sister, so we just had a meal together.

What's wrong? Do you have any objections to my sister, such a beautiful woman, having dinner with you?"

"No, no," Chen Pingan quickly waved his hand to deny.

"It's just that you suddenly asked me to come over, it's... quite sudden."

Soon, he turned to Dong Wanwan and asked, "By the way, senior, aren't you and senior Huo Shiyun together every day?

I once asked her to help find some interns to help me after the New Year. I wonder if you know about this?"

Dong Wanwan shook her head, "I haven't heard her say it, and I haven't seen her contact any seniors.

Why do you need help?

Why don't you call her and ask her directly? "

Chen Pingan smiled and said, "Forget it, she was probably too busy and forgot about it."

Dong Wanwan thought to herself, Shiyun really never told me about this, but when she asked about Chen Pingan last time, Shiyun's expression was obviously wrong. She didn't know if she really liked Chen Pingan.

"Peace," she asked calmly while eating, "Shiyun said last time that you had left all of us behind.

You learned quickly from Professor Huo.

She said last time that she couldn't even understand the book you read.

You are so awesome! "

Chen Pingan also quickly shook his head, "It's nothing. I just read a few more books with Professor Huo, and I left you behind.

How can I be so capable!

After all, I am just a freshman like Azhe. Besides, I am just taking a year off. I will still be a freshman next year.

And you are the sophomores and juniors. "

"Ping An, are you planning to open a company after the Chinese New Year? Leave me an internship position then." Ding Junzhe swallowed the meat in his mouth, "This counts as telling you in advance, don't say no then. If appropriate."

Dong Wanwan raised her eyebrows, "This is a good idea. What kind of company do you open, Ping An?"

Chen Pingan only felt that it was awkward for her to call him "Ping An", but it was difficult to say it out loud, so he explained:

β€œI plan to open a fund company.

After the New Year, you must take a certificate and then be eligible to open a company, and as required, you must have a certain number of employees with the same certificate.

This is just an idea, I don’t know if it can be done yet. "

"You are so good, you can definitely do it." Dong Wanwan said firmly.

Ding Junzhe nodded, "Well, I will give you all my pocket money then, and I will wait for you to take me to fly together."

Dong Wanwan blinked her beautiful eyes and stared at Chen Pingan and said: "There is also me, I can also invest.

Maybe if you follow me, you will become rich overnight! "

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